The origin of the word "hockey" in the etymological dictionary

Today in our article we will talk about the origin of the words “hockey” and “match”. And briefly go over the history of this amazing game.

What is she like?

This is a team game on ice or grass, according to the rules of which two opposing teams with sticks try to score a puck or small ball into the opponent’s goal.

hockey word origin

The origin of the word hockey

The word "hockey" takes its roots from the old French hoquet, which means "shepherd’s staff with a hook." It is borrowed, first appeared in speech in 1527 in Ireland, although it has similarities with the French. In the UK, it is associated with the harvest festival. It was then that games were played on the field, which were called "hoki". It was necessary to throw the ball to the side of the opponent with the help of curved sticks. So, we examined the origin of the word “hockey” in the etymological dictionary.

And what does the word match mean?

A hockey match is an hour of playing time, which is divided into three periods of twenty minutes. According to the etymological dictionary, a match is a confrontation between playing teams.

Since the second half of the XIX century, the name “match” was sporting events, which began to be held regularly. For example, cricket games between countries. The term was widely used in the middle of the 20th century, while sporting meetings of runners, chess players, skaters began to be held systematically.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, individual sports competitions of athletes began to be called a match, but already for the title of world champion in chess, boxing, and then competitions in hockey, football and other sports.

From English match, the word translates as "match, bet." It was borrowed from English at the beginning of the 20th century, meaning "sports in the game."

the origin of the word hockey

When did hockey begin?

If we talk about the origin of the word "hockey", then historians suggest that it was invented in the second millennium BC in ancient Egypt. The game in the modern concept with the current rules originated in America. From some sources it became known that the Indians also played hockey on the frozen ponds of North America. But the Canadian city of Montreal is considered to be its homeland.

Let's talk about the homeland of hockey

We learned about the origin of the word "hockey", now we will take an interest in which country is its homeland. The existence of the game has been known since ancient times. The prototype of modern hockey was mentioned in Egypt 4 thousand years ago. Of course, there was no question of any ice. It was a specially plotted area on which the Egyptians played with sticks instead of clubs. The role of the puck was performed by a small object.

Later, the game began to spread to other countries - Rome, Greece. In Latin America, the ancient Indians played hockey. Evidence of this are the frescoes of the Anthropological Museum in Mexico City. They portrayed players who played with curved sticks with a round object. All this happened before the penetration of Europeans into their lands.

According to one version, modern hockey was born in the XVIII century in the UK. Subsequent centuries, he was modified and modernized. In 1908, hockey was included in the Olympic Games.

But Canadians claim that the word “hockey” has a different origin. It is rooted in the Mohawks, where "hokiy" has the meaning of "pain." There is an explanation for this, the losing team was punished by painful torture.

But still there is no exact date for the origin of the game, because a similar one existed in Ancient China 4,500 years ago.

the origin of the words hockey and match

Hockey is a harsh game!

For real and strong-willed men. Hockey players skate at tremendous speeds, and you still have to think to throw the puck into the opponent’s goal. In addition, hockey players can get serious injuries. This is truly hard work.

Rules of the game

Hockey is a team game in which two teams enter the ice arena, each of which has six people - a goalkeeper and five field players. Goalkeeper defends the goal. Hockey players wear special equipment that protects against bruises when falling and hitting the puck in the player. But as mentioned above, injuries happen quite often, because hockey is a tough sport.

For violation of the rules, players are punished with a penalty time that they are serving on the penalty box. At this time, the team plays in the minority.

The game consists of three periods of twenty minutes, between which a break is provided.

origin of the word hockey etymological dictionary

Let's talk a bit about field hockey

This type of hockey belongs to the Summer Olympic Games. Outside of Russia, this game is called hockey, but in our country it is called “field hockey” to distinguish it from playing on ice.

The game uses the ball instead of the puck. This type of hockey is very common among Australians, Indians, Pakistanis. He did not win such popularity among the Russians.

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