The labor market in Russia and the situation prevailing in it is one of the most complex and confusing problems of the modern production market. The main role in this is, of course, played by the human factor, which is poorly predictable. But, in addition to this, the process of turbulence is growing on the labor market and the number of unemployed is increasing, and the number of working population is decreasing every year.
The labor market in Russia also experiences a number of problems, their main ones:
- A decrease in the quantity and quality of the working-age population, which entails a change in the basic characteristics of the workforce in social = demographic terms.
- The labor market and employment problems, which are inextricably linked with each other.
The economically active population of Russia is represented by a population of 16 years old and up to 55 for women, and up to 60 years for men; these are self-employed people for a certain payment, individual entrepreneurs and other self-employed people, etc. In Russia, students and military personnel are traditionally ranked among the economically active population.
Working citizens may be employed full and part-time. Most of the population of Russia are hired workers: about 90% of the total labor force. The remainder are persons of free professions (journalists, lawyers) and individual entrepreneurs.
The service sector has become the prevailing sphere of social labor: it has the highest percentage of employees. In agriculture, on the contrary, there is a strong outflow of labor.
Russia feels the need for young and promising personnel. According to statistics, the main group of the working population are people from 40 to 49 years old. But the lowest indicators of the employed population are in the age group from 30 to 39 years. The able-bodied population is not only aging, according to the same statistics, it is clear that the health of labor resources is deteriorating, periods of disability are increasing, the quality characteristics of labor and the ability to work intensively and for a long time are decreasing.
A paradoxical situation can be traced on the Russian labor market: on the one hand, it is labor-deficient in structure, and on the other hand, it is excessive in volume. Some enterprises accumulate an excessive number of employees, but their qualifications are often not high enough.
The labor market is one of the constituent parts of the market system, it is a definite balance of interests between workers, the state and private entrepreneurs. When setting the price for the work performed, the interests of the employee and the employer intersect. The labor market is also characterized by relative competitiveness, since not all market segments have a need for the functional quality of labor and its uniqueness.
Often the labor market is divided into external and internal markets. Foreign market is the movement of personnel between enterprises and organizations. The domestic market is the rotation of personnel within a particular enterprise / organization. The domestic market assumes the presence of a certain “core”, consisting of constantly working high-class specialists, and the “periphery” (all other employees). Sometimes, based on the presence of this separation (“core-periphery”), the primary labor market and the secondary are distinguished. In the primary market, highly paid jobs, good working conditions, fair administration, promotion, stable employment are offered. In the secondary market “available” low-paid, unstable work, poor working conditions and low wages. In Russia, the primary is still slowly developing, but the secondary labor market still prevails.