X-ray machines are devices used in medicine for diagnosis and therapy, in various fields of industry - to identify the quality of raw materials or the final product, in other areas of human activity - for certain purposes in accordance with the needs of society.
Great invention
The year 1895 became significant in the life of William Roentgen. He was discovered radiation, which in the future was called x-ray. To conduct experiments, a German scientist invented a special tube with which he studied a little-known radiation. To make it possible to use these rays, various devices were invented. So the x-ray machine appeared.
It began to be used in surgery. Later, photographing the human body, where soft tissues transmit rays and bones are delayed, they began to call fluoroscopy. The first x-ray in the history of mankind was a shot of the hand of the inventor's wife with a wedding ring on her finger. It was a truly great invention.
After some time, X-ray tubes began to be used not only for medical purposes. They have become necessary in many areas of industry. The scientist was approached with numerous offers to sell the rights to use the invention, but he refused, because he did not consider it profitable. At the beginning of the twentieth century, X-ray tubes became widespread and used throughout the world. Today, scientists from different countries have made numerous discoveries not only in medicine, but also in space and other fields.
X-ray apparatus consists of:
- Of one or more tubes called emitters.
- A power device designed to provide electricity and regulate radiation parameters.
- X-ray apparatus includes tripods that can be used to control it.
- A device that converts x-rays into a visible image that becomes available for observation.
And now a little more detail. The device is protected by a thick lead case. The atoms of this metal absorb X-rays well, which ensures the safety of personnel and accurately directs the rays to the object of study through the hole made in the housing. Such devices successfully operate at airports. With their help, baggage is quickly checked for metal objects.
Depending on the operating conditions and design, x-ray machines are:
- Stationary: they are equipped with special x-ray rooms.
- Mobile: they are designed to work in operating rooms and trauma departments, wards, at home.
- Transported to their destination by special machines.
- Portable, dental, impulse.
Depending on the purpose, x-ray machines are divided:
- On specialized, which according to the conditions and research methods are fluorographic and tomographic.
- General purpose devices.
Depending on the application, the devices are distinguished:
- Dental.
- For urological research.
- Neuro-X-ray diagnostics.
- Angiography.
How to get a picture?
X-rays, passing through the body, are projected on the film. But they are absorbed by tissues in different ways, it depends on their chemical composition. Most of all, it absorbs X-rays of calcium, which is part of the bones. Therefore, they will be bright, white in the picture.
Muscles, connective tissues, fluid and fat do not absorb rays so intensely, so they will have shades of gray in the picture. Least absorbs X-rays air. Therefore, the cavities containing it will be the darkest in the picture. So the image turns out.
What is diagnosed with an x-ray?
- Fractures and cracks in the bones.
- Malignant tumors of soft and bone tissues.
- Abnormal development of various human organs.
- Bodies of foreign origin.
- Numerous diseases of bones and other organs.
- The state of the lungs is monitored.
"Arina". X-ray machine
This equipment is widely used in the oil and gas industry not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries. Pulse portable x-ray apparatus "Arina" is unpretentious in work. It is successfully operated both at low temperatures (-40), and at high (50 degrees above zero). This is a small-sized device, so its weight is small. It is easy to maintain.
A wide angle of radiation allows for directional and panoramic scanning. If you use a special power source, the Arina apparatus becomes completely autonomous. It includes an X-ray unit and a portable control panel. They are interconnected by a twenty-five meter cable. The digital x-ray apparatus "Arina" has several varieties. They differ from each other in design:
- "Arina-1" has built-in rechargeable batteries, which greatly facilitates work in the field, and low power. This allows you to work with the device without applying special protection measures.
- The X-ray apparatus "Arina-3" is equipped with external batteries, which facilitates its weight. The advantages include the possibility of transmission of steel up to 40 mm thick, and the disadvantages are the lack of protection against overheating.
- Arina-7 is the most popular pulse machine in our country. It is able to shine through steel up to 80 mm thick and has an increased operating voltage of up to 250 kV.
Dental X-ray machine
A high-quality diagnosis for any disease allows you to detect the very cause of the disease and quickly cure it. Dental X-ray apparatus can be found today in any dental clinic. With its help, a problem is instantly determined and a correct diagnosis is made. This device is safe due to the low level of radiation, so it can be located directly in the dental office, which will save the working space and time of the doctor and patient.
Dental X-ray machine "Pardus-02" is the most popular for dental diagnostics. With it, you can get aiming and panoramic shots. The transition from one shoot to another takes one minute. Using a panoramic image, the doctor assesses the general condition of the patientβs teeth, and sighting allows you to control the treatment process.
Digital ward x-ray machine
This device performs the functions of the C-arc and tomograph. With its help, you can quickly get digital projection images of any parts of the human body. The digital X-ray machine is designed to work both in specialized rooms and departments, and in the wards of hospitals, which allows the patient to be examined before, during and after the operation without moving the patient. This device is of particular importance for conducting tomography of the skull in order to detect malignant tumors.
The ward x-ray apparatus has:
- A vertical tripod with a movable carriage and an X-ray monoblock attached to it.
- Movable base with brake pedals mounted on it.
- On two wheels wheels in front and behind.
X-ray portable device LORAD LPX
Commercial and military aerospace programs are developed taking into account the reliability of all components that provide high-tech processes. Since the cost of manufacturing parts is very high, you need to constantly monitor their quality. For this, a portable X-ray apparatus of the LORAD LPX series is used.
These devices are available in different models: liquid and air cooled. But all of them are designed for continuous operation, which is very profitable. Devices of this series are used in various climatic conditions, but liquid-cooled devices are considered the most common, since they are not a source of ignition. This is especially important when fuel cells are inspected and flammable substances enter the air. Air-cooled devices are used in cases where it is possible to supply air for cooling or when the requirements for fire and explosion safety are not very high.
Mobile x-ray machine
These devices are the most demanded in medical institutions. They have small dimensions, so they are very convenient to use. For examination of the patient, they can be used directly in the ward. A mobile X-ray machine is easy to place in any room. There are no age restrictions for taking pictures, and there is no need to move the patient. This is especially important for bedridden patients.
Mobile devices show accurate results, so they are widely used everywhere. They are equipped with wheels, thanks to which they have good maneuverability, and this is important during transportation. Mobile x-ray machines are used in instrumental interventions to control the treatment of many diseases in the field of traumatology, orthopedics, urology, endoscopy, vascular surgery and others.
Mobile devices include devices designed to work in the field. They are installed and transported by special transport with a separate room, autonomous food and personal photo laboratory. Such devices are installed in railway cars, on ships.
It is important to know
X-rays in modern devices are very low. The radiation dose is comparable to that received by passengers during a flight on an airliner. This puts the diagnostic benefits of x-ray above the damage that manages to cause radiation during the examination.
Important! Unacceptable x-ray examination of young children and pregnant women. It is carried out only in case of vital necessity.