Bicycle backpack: how to choose? Characteristics

A bicycle backpack is an indispensable item for cycling enthusiasts. It does not matter whether the owner of the two-wheeled iron horse is going on a serious trip or on a picnic, a practical, convenient and high-quality shoulder strap will make the trip more enjoyable. Let's figure out how to choose a bicycle backpack.


bicycle backpack
The widest variety of bicycle backpacks on the market for sports equipment comes down to several main varieties:

  1. Easel backpacks - contain a rigid plastic or metal frame connected to the suspension elements (lumbar and back supports, webbing, belt). Such models have not been in great demand recently, mainly due to the difficulty of choosing a convenient and reliable frame, as well as the high cost of products in this category.
  2. Soft backpacks - here the pendant is sewn to the bag. Typically, such shoulders contain a cargo belt, back supports and shaped straps. The advantage of such models is the affordable price, compactness and low weight. Among the disadvantages it is worth noting: reduced comfort, deformation under the weight of the cargo, the need for careful stacking of luggage.
  3. Frame backpacks - practically do not differ from soft models. However, they contain a whole mass of metal and plastic elements, which are responsible for the formation of transverse and vertical rigidity of the structure. Products with mesh and elastic back supports are also classified in this category. It’s worth noting the Deuter framed bicycle backpack. Products of this brand have a balanced center of gravity, do not deform during transportation, and can easily remove the back supports when necessary.


cyclotech cyc 18 bicycle backpack
Most manufacturers of sports equipment produce backpacks for cyclists with a volume of not more than 20 liters. Products with such a capacity are designed to transport things weighing up to 5-7 kg. Although the products of reputable brands, for example, a Cyclotech Cyc 18 bicycle backpack, open the possibility for transporting luggage of significantly greater weight with the same volume.

In fact, it is not recommended to overload the backpack too much, because excess weight not only restricts the athlete’s movement, but also hinders the convenient management of two-wheeled vehicles. Loaded to failure, a bicycle backpack oscillates to the side during riding, which affects the balancing of the vehicle. Everything else is added excessive pressure on the seat. All this causes considerable discomfort.

If the cyclist needs to transport significant volumes of cargo, in this case it is reasonable to give preference to a roomy bicycle bag, which is fixed on the trunk of the bike. A good option here is a 35-40 liter frame shoulder bag. Such products are specifically designed for organizing multi-day trips.

The form

bicycle backpack
When choosing a Cyclotech bicycle backpack or products of any other well-known brand, you should pay attention to the shape of the shoulder pad. The most common option are backpacks in the form of a drop, which have a wide base and taper up. Such a structure helps to reduce air resistance during movement. Such a bicycle backpack allows the owner of the bike to spend less effort in overcoming impressive distances.

Backpacks of the above form are an ideal solution for lovers of off-road driving. To avoid a collision with bushes and tree branches, riders often have to lean forward. A drop-shaped bicycle backpack makes it possible to reduce the chance of accidental snagging on obstacles.


how to choose a bicycle backpack
When choosing a bicycle backpack, it is necessary to tailor it to individual needs. During the fitting of a product, it is worth evaluating its general convenience, to understand whether the shoulder strap does not constrain movement.

It is extremely important that the backpack does not hold your breath during movement. Squeezing the abdomen and chest will seriously affect the reduction of ride comfort.


cyclotech bicycle backpack
Cycling is invariably accompanied by profuse sweating. In order for the back to “breathe”, as well as body-free parts of the body, bicycle backpacks are equipped with special mesh lining. The latter not only provide additional comfort during movement, but also increase cushioning.

The outer layers of sanitary pads under the back are made of special synthetic materials that are designed to absorb moisture and create a ventilation effect. To increase these properties between the individual layers of the lining create channels containing air.

Useful Tips

Let's look at a few recommendations, following which will make it easier to choose a good bike backpack:

  1. Expensive products of famous brands do not always turn out to be practical. First of all, the future owner should like the backpack, correspond to the anatomical features of the body, fit according to the purpose.
  2. It is advisable to dwell on products made of a dense, but rather lightweight material. Moisture protection is welcome.
  3. Zippers and fasteners must be particularly reliable. For this reason, you should refuse to purchase a backpack with plastic elements.
  4. You should choose only the backpack, which is guaranteed to fit all the things that are difficult to refuse in the course of sorties over long distances.
  5. Preference should be given to backpacks that contain comfortable covers that can save products from dirt and precipitation during skiing in bad weather.


Having decided on a bicycle backpack, it is worth paying attention to a few simple operating rules. So, it is better to place heavy luggage at the bottom of the product. In this case, the weight of the sides of the backpack should be approximately equal. Otherwise, landing on a bike can hardly be called balanced. In order to feel complete comfort during movement, it is advisable not to put bulging, hard objects in your backpack that will not only press in the back, but can also cause serious injury in an emergency.

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