Comprehensive rehabilitation of drug addicts. Center for rehabilitation of drug addicts in Moscow

Addiction is one of the most socially dangerous phenomena of modern society. The harm caused by her is enormous! The increase in the number of drug addicts affects the interests of not only individual countries, but of the whole of humanity. Therefore, effective programs that help people get rid of a deadly habit and return to a full life are so important today. Comprehensive rehabilitation of drug addicts is the main topic of our article.

comprehensive rehabilitation of drug addicts

What is drug addiction?

A person's dependence on drugs is not a disease in the usual sense of the word. But it can not be ranked as ordinary domestic vices. In the presence of drug addiction, a total personality lesion is observed, accompanied by destructive processes in physical health.

Why should drug addiction be comprehensive? Because getting into drug captivity is formed under the influence of a number of factors:

1. Psychological. The desire of a person to resort to the help of narcotic drugs in solving any life problems, which gradually takes root and turns into a stable habit.

2. Physical. Narcotic substances are able to dissolve and accumulate in the body’s adipose tissue, followed by periodic release and into the bloodstream, which, in turn, gives the person the sensations he experienced directly while taking the drug (only many times weaker). This can lead to breakdowns even of people who abandoned addiction, many years ago.

3. Hereditary (biological). A person whose parents suffered from drug addiction or alcoholism has a predisposition to repeat their path inside, like a bomb with a delayed action.

4. Social factors.

5. Spiritual hunger.

help for drug addicts

Comprehensive rehabilitation of drug addicts: goals

  • Displacement of a drug from a common value system.
  • Developing skills for an independent and independent life.
  • Search and development of existing abilities and setting personal goals.
  • Formation of persistent rejection of both drugs and alcohol.
  • Assisting in the formation of personal potential and the formation of individuality.
  • Restoring a person's moral and ethical standards.
  • Return to understanding family values.
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle).

comprehensive rehabilitation and resocialization of drug addicts

Step-by-step comprehensive rehabilitation and resocialization of drug addicts

In a hospital, physical dependence is usually removed in five to six days. Further, experts focus on eliminating the emotional consequences and restoring the patient’s health. Psychologists test to determine the extent of mental and biological dependence. The efforts of physicians are also aimed at reprogramming a person to a healthy lifestyle.

rehabilitation center for drug addicts

Psychologists, working with psychotherapists, work with patients to consolidate new attitudes. A person estimates the losses caused by his past behavior. Next is the determination of the degree of his readiness for rehabilitation and resocialization. After identifying the key problem points, experts lead the patient step by step to the stability of the psychological state. At this stage, the following techniques are applied:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • psychological synthesis;
  • Erickson hypnosis;
  • self-regulation and relaxation techniques;
  • psychodrama;
  • gestalt therapy.

Important aspects in drug treatment and rehabilitation programs

1. One universal type of rehabilitation cannot be suitable for everyone. Different approaches and methods should be applied corresponding to different types of people.

2. Comprehensive rehabilitation of drug addicts should affect all areas of the patient's life (social, biological, spiritual, psychological).

3. During the rehabilitation program, an addict needs to develop adaptive reflexes to various life circumstances.

4. In the process of treatment, possible occurrence of mental disorders, it is necessary to consider this in order to adjust drug therapy in time.

5. Comprehensive rehabilitation of drug addicts is a multifaceted and multifaceted process, always starting with measures aimed at blocking withdrawal symptoms and detoxifying the body.

6. The ultimate goal of the rehabilitation process is to return a recovering person to society, restore his normal system of values ​​and his full adaptation in society.

drug addiction rehabilitation program

What programs are most often used in rehabilitation centers

12 steps

This program was created in the USA in the 30s of the 20th century and then spread throughout the world. In Russia, it has been successfully used for more than 20 years. Successful rehabilitation of drug addicts in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in most other large cities is carried out in many clinics using this program. This is the path that begins with the patient recognizing that he has a problem and inability to cope with it on his own. Then comes the acceptance of help and a conscious change in one's own life.

Therapeutic Communities

Comprehensive care for drug addicts is very effective when patients are in specialized communities. Patients live a kind of commune and together learn to do without drugs. This is a peculiar model of society in which patients can recover and gain lost skills.

Minnesota model

The key link in the program is the augmented and rethought ideology of "12 steps." It involves the active participation of relatives and friends of the patient, as well as specialists in the fight against drug addiction. In the Minnesota model chem. dependence is considered incurable, but with the ability to transform.

free rehabilitation for drug addicts

Choosing a rehabilitation center: how not to make a mistake?

These recommendations help to avoid mistakes when choosing an institution that provides assistance to drug addicts:

  • If you promise to provide quick assistance in getting rid of drug addiction with the help of coding, electroshock, hypnosis or brain surgery, then you should not believe and put out the money. Such techniques are ineffective, moreover, they can cause great harm to health.
  • Free rehabilitation of drug addicts is provided to people in many cities. Help centers for drug addicts and alcoholics often organize Orthodox parishes or public organizations. But there are destructive religious sects who also offer their free services. You need to be careful and make inquiries before making a decision.
  • If a drug rehabilitation center offers methods based on the long-term use of potent drugs used in psychiatry, this can negatively affect mental abilities and lead to the change of one addiction to another.

rehabilitation of drug addicts in Moscow

Outpatient rehabilitation opportunities

A full rehabilitation program for drug addicts must be carried out in a specialized center or hospital, this is the first part of the path to recovery. However, after the patient returns home and begins an important period of adaptation to a new life, we can talk about the beginning of the second recovery phase, which is no less important than the first. It is important that a person, living at home, still periodically visited a group of psychological assistance. This can be considered an outpatient treatment. At this stage, the careful attitude of relatives, a change in social circle, and a job are very important.

Final word

Successful disposal of drug addiction requires both an understanding of the situation by the patient himself and his relatives and close people. It is necessary to realize that the path to liberation will not be easy and not without the help of specialists. It is important to find a good rehabilitation center for drug addicts, where highly qualified professionals work - narcologists and psychotherapists who have real experience in helping people to get rid of addictions, and where work with patients is carried out using comprehensive measures.

Disappointing statistics say that about 80% of patients after several years again return to drug use. The main reason for this phenomenon is just neglect of the stage of social rehabilitation. If you or your loved ones are faced with the problem of drug use, do not be careless and be attentive to all the recommendations of specialists, the only way to defeat a terrible disease. We wish you and your loved ones health and happiness!

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