If you have recently begun to periodically hear that you are “probably very tired” and do not quite understand what leads others to this conclusion, look in the mirror. It is very likely that you have dark circles under your eyes. They give the impression of overwork and the effect of sunken eyes, which is what the people close to you began to pay attention to. The reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes are different.
Dark circles under the eyes are a fairly common aesthetic problem . The appearance of circles indicates the appearance of health problems or leading an improper lifestyle.
The causes of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes
- anatomical features of the body;
- chronic diseases (heart failure, kidney disease, etc.);
- hereditary predisposition;
- no rash;
- increased skin pigmentation;
- sudden weight loss ;
- general overwork;
- long exposure to the sun (the appearance of pronounced pigmentation);
- regular smoking and drinking;
- allergy to substances in the air or food, cosmetics;
- insufficient blood circulation, lack of oxygen in the blood;
- insufficient moisture in the tissues of the body;
- hours of work at the computer.
To understand the causes of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, you need to turn to the basics of anatomy. The skin around the eyes is four times thinner than the skin on other parts of the face, and it is also very delicate. Dark circles represent blood stained in the capillaries that is visible through the skin. This blood is not saturated with oxygen, so it has a rather dark, even bluish color.
There is a thin membrane between the skin of the eyes and subcutaneous tissue. If the membrane becomes thinner, fatty tissue begins to come out under the skin. The next stage in the appearance of dark circles can be swelling of the eyes (the so-called bags). The process of thinning the membrane is accelerated by stress, lack of skin care, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise.
Particularly strongly on the occurrence of a negative phenomenon in the form of dark circles are stressful conditions. They degrade the nutrition of your skin and lead to the fact that toxins begin to be eliminated from the body very slowly. Therefore, it is very important to try to get rid of the source of stress. Since the success of all further measures to eliminate circles under the eyes is determined by this very main factor.
In general, from a medical point of view, circles under the eyes are not direct evidence of any disease. This is an external feature characteristic of a particular person. However, very few consider this feature to be possible to preserve and demonstrate. As a rule, in a hundred cases out of a hundred people try to get rid of this feature or at least hide it.
Eye protection
In this case, the best way is to prevent the appearance of dark circles. It may not be possible to get rid of them once and for all, but to make them appear as rarely as possible is a perfectly feasible task. The reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes suggest ways to deal with them.
1. The correct mode of the day
If the circles under the eyes are not hereditary, then you can very effectively deal with them by subjecting the daily regimen to the correct schedule. It is important to ensure a full sleep. An adult needs 7-8 hours of sound sleep so that the body can fully recover.
2. Healthy lifestyle
It implies proper nutrition, which requires the consumption of the amount of calories that the body needs during the day, as well as its saturation with vitamins and minerals. Hard diets are not acceptable.
Try to be more often in the air to help the body replenish oxygen reserves.
Move a little more, make sure that your whole day does not pass at the computer.
3. Refuse bad habits or at least reduce them to reasonable limits.
Cigarettes are able to “work miracles”, most surprisingly painting our eyes in bluish tones. Cigarette smoke does not allow cells to be filled with oxygen, which leads to thinning of the skin and its faster aging.
4. Pay special attention to vitamin C. It is found in large quantities in citrus fruits. It is not only useful, but also very tasty. Vitamin C well strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
5. Protect your skin from the weather. If it’s hot, use sunscreen. Moreover, the degree of protection should be taken at least 15 to protect sensitive skin around the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, as well as the drying effect of the sun.
How to get rid of circles under the eyes?
1. Cold compress
Place a flannel cloth soaked in cold water on eyes closed for 5 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a day. Such a compress helps to narrow the vessels and get rid of swelling and bruising under the eyes.
Tea bags and slices of fresh cucumber are well suited for such a compress.
2. Concealer cream
This will not eradicate circles, but will make your face more aesthetically pleasing in moments of particularly pronounced circles. To do this, use a special matting eye cream. By color, it should be not a few tones lighter than the tonal for the face.
3. Take time to massage your face and neck. It improves lymph and blood flow, relieves swelling, swelling of the veins that are visible under the skin of the eyelids.
4. Eye exercises are also useful, the essence of which is reduced to repetitions of horizontal, vertical and circular movements of the eyes under closed eyelids.