How does a person use the properties of water? Water in human life

Water is the main element of life support for our entire planet. All living things began their development precisely with her. Few people know that there are a huge number of types of water. They differ in their chemical and physical properties. People today successfully use the properties of solid water. This vital substance is in demand not only in everyday life, but also in cosmetology and production.

Structured water

The human body is 80% water. This indicator may vary slightly depending on age and general health. Without food, many living things can exist for a long time. But few people manage to live without water. Although much also depends on its quality. Scientists have long been interested in the question of why mountain residents have a good life expectancy. The answer was in the water, which has a special composition.

how a person uses the properties of water
In mountain springs, water appears in places where snow begins to melt. This is due to its properties. Molecules are combined into macromolecules and ordered. As a result of numerous studies, it was found that the properties of water in the solid state are similar to the properties of the fluid that fills the human body. It has been found that structured melt water has tremendous health benefits. It penetrates much easier through cell membranes, carrying nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is no coincidence that structured water is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It is only necessary to wash her daily, and her face will shine with health and youth.

Living and dead water

People have known about the healing properties of water since ancient times. Natural pure water, which is located in mountain springs and rivers, can help in the treatment of a serious illness, prolong life. It is commonly called living. There is also dead water in nature . It is located in abandoned lakes and wells. Stagnant water, on the contrary, carries a danger to human health.

solid state properties
Science does not stand still. Today, clean living water is not uncommon. In order to take advantage of its unique properties, it is not necessary to go to a mountain river. A quality product can be obtained by electrolysis. Special devices are used - activators. Under the influence of current in water, negative and positive ions are formed. The liquid acquires alkaline properties, and its composition becomes identical with water in mountain rivers. Living water promotes the digestibility of food, improves blood circulation. In cosmetology, the product is also used.

Drinking water

In ancient times, there was no question of where to get water for daily use. After all, the environmental situation was not as serious as it is now. A huge number of factories and automobiles, global warming and population growth have done their job. At the beginning of this century, a shortage of drinking water affected 40% of the world's inhabitants. According to scientists, this figure will increase significantly in a few decades. After all, water in a river without preliminary treatment cannot be used in everyday life.

pure water
In our country, drinking water comes to people through a central water supply. It is taken from underground sources. But before the use of water becomes possible by people, it is subjected to numerous purifications. In many sources, it may not be suitable for drinking. It is demineralized and begins to be used in industry and production. The properties of water in the solid state allow it to be used for cooling various devices.

Fresh water

Fresh water is considered to be low in salt. In some sources, this figure reaches only 0.1%. Water is not necessarily in the form of a liquid. It can also be in the form of gas or ice. It is worth noting that the reserves of fresh water on the planet are negligible and occupy only 2.5%. However, only 1% is available to people for use in everyday life. How does a person use the properties of water? It all depends on the ultimate goal. Fresh water can be used for cooking, for cosmetic purposes, for cooling devices in production, etc. In most cases, salt water will not work.

types of water
Every day, fresh water reserves are becoming less. Environmental pollution, a significant population growth, and the greenhouse effect lead to this. Very soon, other types of water will have to be used for domestic purposes. In the meantime, scientists are doing everything to learn how to extract fresh water artificially. People create ponds and learn to save.

The main sources of fresh water

First of all, water from surface sources is used. These are rivers and lakes. In everyday life, previously purified underground water can also be used. Part of the freshwater is obtained from rainfall. A huge supply of fluid is in the glaciers (more than 80%). Global warming can cause glaciers to melt, and the amount of fresh water will decrease. And the properties of solid water can be successfully used to preserve such a product necessary for life.

water properties surrounding world
Today, the main reserves of fresh water are concentrated in Brazil. The second place is occupied by the CIS countries. Only in one lake Baikal is 20% of world reserves. Its volume is more than 20 thousand cubic kilometers. The composition and properties of water in the lake are distinguished by their uniqueness. Baikal allows you to improve your health, as well as tidy up your psychological state.

Tap water

Water flows into apartments and houses through a special system - water supply. The liquid goes through several stages of cleaning. If you install an additional filter at home, you can drink water directly from the tap. The support system is formed using metal pipes. The gaseous property of water directly depends on the quality of communications. The liquid with additional impurities quickly evaporates under the influence of high temperatures. It is undesirable to eat such water.

Before water gets to people, it is conducted through a treatment plant. Here it is defended, filtered through special gratings, primary and secondary chlorination are carried out. Such procedures can remove harmful impurities, relieve water from pathogens. If the operation of the treatment plant is set up correctly, tap water can be consumed as food.

Hard water

Stiff is considered one in which the salts of magnesium and potassium are concentrated to a large extent. There are various types of water with additional impurities. This is general rigidity, temporary and permanent. The total hardness is determined by the concentration of all salts in the water in the initial state. The constant can only be determined after boiling water. The amount of chlorides and sulfates is determined. These salts do not degrade under the influence of high temperature, and also do not precipitate.

gaseous property of water
Temporary stiffness can be changed. This also happens in the process of boiling. At temperatures above 80 degrees, hydrocarbonates are destroyed. The result is a carbon dioxide precipitate. That is why, after boiling, the water becomes much softer. How does a person use the properties of water in a mild state? Such a liquid would be more acceptable for human consumption. For cosmetic purposes, hard water is also undesirable.

How to determine the hardness of water?

There are several signs that can help determine if the amount of salt in the water exceeds the norm. Look at things after washing. If they become more rigid, and the white color acquires a yellowish tint, it is worth paying attention to the composition of the water. Detergents can react with salts. This can be seen even while washing dishes. Less foam will form on the washcloth, white flakes may appear.

Scale is the first sign of water hardness. If the kettle quickly overgrows with precipitation after boiling, it is worth considering the purchase of an additional cleaning device. After washing with hard water, a feeling of tightness and dryness appears. The liquid simply rinses off the skin's natural protective layer. Soft water allows you to keep your face moisturized.

Deionized water

This is water that has gone through several serious stages of purification. As a result, ions of salts and impurities are removed from the liquid, and the resistance level increases. Such water does not exist in nature. You can get it only thanks to the multi-level cleaning system. First of all, water is passed through the filter. The following is a procedure using ion exchange resins.

composition and properties of water
Deionized water is the purest liquid that people use. How does a person use the properties of this type of water? First of all, in cosmetology. Various masks and creams, prepared on the basis of deionized water, have excellent properties. The skin becomes hydrated, wrinkles and blackheads are reduced. Deionized water can also be used in medicine. Based on the liquid, various drugs are prepared.

Distilled water

Industrial water is purified by distillation. Thus, a liquid is obtained without harmful impurities and pathogens. At the same time, one does not have to remember about the beneficial properties of water. The surrounding world does not have a liquid with a similar composition. The problem is that during the cleaning process it also gets rid of beneficial microorganisms. Such water is also called "dead." Such a liquid has special physical properties. It has low electrical conductivity and also boils at a higher temperature. Distilled water is used in heating systems, while cooling various elements of devices.

Bidistilled water

Double distillation is another way to purify water from impurities and microorganisms. The result is a completely clean liquid. Such water has an electrical conductivity of less than 1 ฮผS / cm. How does a person use the properties of this kind of water? First of all, purified liquid is used in medicine. For injections you need high quality water. Such a liquid is also used in various laboratory tests.

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