Mesopotamian lowland: characteristic

The Mesopotamian Lowland is the main landform in West Asia. The traditional ancient name is Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia translated from Persian means "land between two rivers." After all, the lowland is located between the valleys of the main rivers of the western part of Asia - the Tigris and Euphrates.

Mesopotamian lowland

Brief Description of the Lowlands

The total area of ​​the Mesopotamian lowland is almost 400 thousand square meters. km, stretched to the north-west for 900 km, width - not more than 300 km.

Lowland vegetation is poor in diversity. Basically, it is a subtropical desert, only along the rivers the so-called gallery forests are widespread, represented by willows, Euphrates poplars, reed beds. The main occupation of the local population is cattle breeding. On the lowland territory there are such large settlements: Abadan, Baghdad and Basra.

Where is the Mesopotamian Lowland and the features of its structure

The plain is located on the territory of such states: for the most part in Iraq, as well as in Kuwait, Iran and Syria.

The lowland is an advanced (marginal) deflection in the zone of connection of the Precambrian Arabian platform and the young mountain range of Zagros and Taurus (Alpine-Himalayan folding). The tectonic deflection in which this landform was formed is very deep and is represented by sediments of the Meso-Cenozoic and Paleozoic. The total thickness of reservoir sediments reaches 15 km. It is here that the largest mineral deposits in Asia are concentrated: oil, natural gas, sulfur, rock salt. Oil and gas deposits of the Mesopotamian lowland belong to the Persian oil and gas basin.

where is the Mesopotamian lowland

Characteristic of the Mesopotamian Lowland

Mesopotamian lowland is a flat plain alluvial terrain. Everywhere in its territory there are lakes and swamps. The lowland soils are fertile, it depends on the fact that the bottom sands from river valleys have settled on the banks for many years and evened out and formed a layer of soil very favorable for agriculture. The height above sea level does not exceed 100 m, only the edges of the lowlands rise to a height of 200 m. In the north, the plain reaches the mountain remnant massif. Its average altitudes are 500 m, the maximum point is Sinjar city (1,460 m). In the south-west, the lowland reaches the Syrian-Arabian plateau, which is composed of layers and has heights of up to 900 m. And in the north-east it abuts against the Iranian highlands. Here is the highest mountain range in Iraq. The city of Cheekha Dar (3,611 m) is located right there - the highest point in Iraq.

where is the Mesopotamian lowland

Climatic conditions

Mesopotamian lowland is located in an area where the climate prevails subtropical, continental. The southern part belongs to the desert tropical climate. In summer, sandstorms are common in the southern region. Average temperatures in winter range + 7 ... + 12 Β° , in summer +34 Β° . On some days, the maximum can reach + 48 Β° C.

The Mesopotamian lowland is deprived of sediments. Their annual amount that falls on this territory is only 150 mm. Therefore, the main water sources and arteries are rivers.

Lakes and rivers of the Mesopotamian lowlands

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers, each 2,000 km long, cross the entire Mesopotamian lowland from the northwest to the southeast. And in the lower reaches they merge into a common stream and carry their waters to the Persian Gulf. These two rivers are crucial for almost the entire region of West Asia. Euphrates waters are used for irrigation of the region. And the Tigris River, which is rich in tributaries, serves as a source of hydropower in the region. A cascade of hydroelectric power plants has been built on the watercourse.

The Mesopotamian lowland is located at the place of accumulation of a huge number of lakes. They are located in depressions. The largest of them are: Mileh Tartar, El Milh, Es Saadia, El Hammar. A common occurrence of the Mesopotamian lowlands is the Wadi. Wadi are dry riverbeds that can fill with water, forming water courses in the rainy season.

Mesopotamian lowlands are located in

Historical facts

However, the Mesopotamian lowlands are popular not geographically, but historically. The fact is that it was in Mesopotamia, in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, that one of the first civilizations of the Ancient World - Sumerian - was born. This place has become the main cultural center for all of Asia. The first mention that the first settlements and cities arose in the river valleys dates back to the 8th millennium BC.

It Sumerian is considered the first written civilization in our history. The written language of the Sumerians was called a pictogram. Also, thanks to them, irrigation farming and cattle breeding appeared as a craft. The Sumerians lived in a tribal system. Where the Mesopotamian lowland is located, it was easier to engage in agriculture, cattle breeding and handicraft. Civilization brought many discoveries to later life. It was the Sumerians who invented: a wheel, an irrigation system, a potter's wheel, writing, primitive tools for agriculture (pickaxe, hoe, shovel), brewing, bronze, stained glass. They were the first to compile an annual calendar, were able to calculate the area of ​​geometric shapes and came up with arithmetic. Civilization was developed in terms of architecture. The monumental buildings - ziggurats (like mausoleums) were very popular.

rivers of the Mesopotamian lowland

Tourists constantly visit this place, as it is filled with stunning picturesque landscapes that embody all the beauty of nature. Very often people come here to swim in the lakes and just have a good rest.

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