Knife "Antiterror" - special forces weapons

Since ancient times, as soon as a person learned to melt metal, knives appeared. They were used for hunting, life and killing their own kind. How household knives changed, we can all see, they become lighter, softer, made of soft metals, plastic, and ceramics. No guards, the handle is thin and plastic, the blade is made with teeth, so as not to cut, but to tear. Hunting knives have a large mass, a wider blade, so that you can chop small branches and flush animal carcasses. And how were combat knives created, what are their requirements, what alloys and technologies are used to create them? I was always interested in whether combat knives really chop wire and never go stupid. The knife "Antiterror" and "Punisher" are capable of such and even more.

combat knife anti-terror

What is a combat knife

A combat knife is a weapon officially adopted by the army or special forces. Its main goal is to defeat the enemyโ€™s manpower. They come in different shapes, weights and sharpening. If the knife is sharpened on one side, it means that it is designed mainly for stabbing.

The basic requirements for combat knives can fit in a few points. There is such a joke that a man feels when a real weapon has fallen into his hands, because he wants to kill right away!

combat knives of the world

The combat knife must have a limiter or guards, so that when you hit the hand does not slip on the blade. The blade itself is sharpened on both sides so that the knife does not have to be deployed in battle, the blade is also made leaf-shaped and not already 30 mm - this increases the cutting properties. The cross-section of the handle is made oval or ovoid, so that the knife fits better in the hand. The scabbard is made without fastenings holding the knife so that it can be pulled out in one motion. The center of gravity is shifted to the handle to better feel and guide the blade.

There are average standards that all combat knives of the world adhere to. The total length varies from 220 to 300 mm, the hardness is not less than RC 50-55, and the mass is about 0.2-0.3 kg.

History of the Russian combat knife

We all saw a combat knife more than once. In museums, on television, and who served in the army, he held in his hands. After all, the most common modification of a combat knife is a bayonet-knife. It is used in hand-to-hand and bayonet combat, can cut wire and perform some functions in the life of soldiers. This is a universal weapon, but inferior in combat effectiveness to its specialized counterparts, such as the Anti-Terror knife.

special forces combat knife

At the time of World War I, the bayonets were very long so that you could beat the enemy while in the trench. With this it is convenient to go on a bayonet attack, but in battles one on one maneuverability is lame. Cossacks used daggers for close combat.

Since 1891, the Russian army began to use a four-sided bayonet, which, due to the peculiarities of sharpening, caused deep puncture wounds, damaged organs, the skin collapsed at the site of the wound and, if the enemy did not die from the wound, he was expected to suffer blood poisoning. This bayonet was in service for half a century, participated in the revolution and civil war, and even in World War II.

The four-sided bayonet was replaced by an army knife or a reconnaissance knife of the NA-40, it was adopted in 1940. Scouts without exception armed with such. The NA-40 had a wooden handle and a thin flat blade, which in melee easily penetrated between the ribs of the enemy. In fact, this is the first Soviet special forces combat knife.

In the regular army, a bayonet was still used, albeit modified. No army in the world has refused a bayonet knife so far, but since there have been fewer bayonet attacks, the length of the bayonet is shorter and it looks more like a regular knife.

Knife "Antiterror"

Upon joining the Alpha group, each new employee receives a special combat knife called the Anti-Terror. It was developed specifically for the special forces of the FSB of Russia. The knife has a petal shape, which increases the cutting ability, together with high penetration. It has a comfortable guard, the handle is made of thermoplastic elastomer and typesetting leather.

Knife "Antiterror", the photo of which is presented below, was created by the type of "Punisher". Changed the geometry to increase penetration and convenience in household tasks. Changed and the shape of the handle, it has recesses for the fingers.

anti-terror knife

Many military knives of the world, like the Anti-Terror, have a thermoplastic elastomer handle, it is good for oil and gasoline resistance, that is, it does not slip in the hand and has excellent thermal insulation, which is convenient when working in extreme temperatures. Although some prefer handles made from typesetting leather or leather and brass.

The predecessor "The Punisher"

The combat knife of the Punisher special forces was also created for the FSB security forces. It has two modifications characterized by sharpening, type of handle and blade processing. This is a knife with a wide blade, which you can dig, it is convenient to use as an additional support on loose ground, designed to survive and destroy the enemy in close combat.

antiterror knife photo

This is a real miracle knife. โ€œPunisherโ€ withstands falling onto concrete, can be used as a sling cutter, can withstand a fracture load in the guard area of โ€‹โ€‹up to 120 kg, maintains its working capacity at high temperature and humidity, at low temperature up to -40 and after staying in fresh water.

Civil version. Differences

The combat knife "Antiterror" and "Punisher" are very good, and it is impossible to acquire one without being an FSB officer, but there are civilian versions. They have the same geometry and are made of the same materials. Of the differences, the lack of a guard and chopping sharpening on the butt can be noted. The groove for breaking the wire is also missing. Otherwise, these are beautiful knives, some of the best that can be purchased in civilian life.

The knife is a murder weapon

When buying a knife, do not forget that this is a weapon. Even a kitchen option can easily kill a person. Previously, a criminal penalty was provided for wearing, now it is administrative. Nevertheless, in judicial practice, self-defense with a knife, as self-defense is not regarded, most likely, a person with a knife is recognized as a murderer. Therefore, if you do not know how to use it, then better take a club.

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