How to become a Youtube partner. How to make a partnership application

It is unlikely that any of the users of the World Wide Web at least from time to time does not look at such a popular resource as Youtube in search of interesting video or the necessary information - there really is almost everything here. But far from everyone knows that using this site you can get good income. Nevertheless, today more and more often you can hear questions about how to become a YouTube partner. How complicated is such a procedure? What requirements does the resource make to its partners?

Why become a partner?

how to become a youtube partner
It's no secret that you can upload various videos on Youtube. All you need is registration, which requires very little time. And you can watch the video without it at all. So why become a partner?

In fact, partnership with this resource provides a lot of additional opportunities. To get started, you can upload longer and better videos. But this is far from the main advantage.

Partnership with this site makes it possible to earn more. Where does the money come from? YouTube gives your channel the ability to place and monetize ads. In fact, such a practice has long flourished, say, in the USA and European countries: with the help of such cooperation people get a good additional income (for some especially active users this site has long been a source of main income). At our place, people are just starting to wonder how to become a YouTube partner. And although obtaining consent from the resource is not so simple, the efforts are worth it.

How much Youtube partners get?

Of course, the question of the amount of income from videos is of most interest to users of the resource. So how much do Youtube partners earn?

how much youtube partners get
In fact, there is no single answer to this question, since monthly earnings depend on many factors. If you become a partner of this resource, you can earn on contextual advertising. This means that revenue depends on how many viewers click on the sponsored link when watching your video. Accordingly, the more subscribers and regular “fans” you have, the more money you can earn.

On the other hand, profit also depends on advertising. There are ads for conversions that pay 0.05 cents, and there are those that cost $ 1.

Of course, you are not getting the full amount. Youtube gives its partners from 50 to 65% of the profits. It is almost impossible to determine the exact amount in advance, since there is a behavioral factor: today, 200-300 viewers can go through an advertising link, and tomorrow - 20-30.

How to become a Youtube partner?

A few years ago, becoming a partner of this resource was quite difficult. To begin with, it was necessary to correctly compose the application and send it, after which it remained to wait for the letter with the cherished words "partner, confirmed by Youtube".

Fortunately, in 2012, the rules began to change. Today, becoming a partner is much easier. And if you couldn’t come to an agreement directly with the staff of the resource, then you can try to work with Youtube partners, as they have the right to provide your channel with the necessary status. Both of these methods are convenient and will be discussed below.

Do I need to write a statement?

how much youtube partners earn
As already mentioned, at one time those who wished to become partners had to draw up a statement. Today there is no such need, since in most countries this law is repealed. By the way, residents of some states cannot claim partnerships with this site, so check out the list to get started.

If partner registration is allowed in your country, then try to do everything yourself. It should be understood that you must have your own channel on YouTube with a sufficient number of popular videos and subscribers who constantly watch you.

In your profile, you just have to enable channel monetization. After that, the resource offers you to fill out a questionnaire (here all the questions are simple and understandable). Sometimes you still need to wait for the decision of the resource’s employees, as they check the accuracy of the data you submitted, as well as the compliance of your channel with their requirements.

What are the requirements of the resource?

partner verified by youtube
If you are interested in becoming a Youtube partner, you should know that just having your own channel and a small number of regular viewers is not enough. Resource requirements for partners are quite high, as, in fact, are potential earnings.

First, it’s worth noting that your channel must have at least a thousand subscribers. In addition, each video you upload must be viewed at least 10 thousand times. You also agree to upload new videos frequently and regularly (at least 1–2 new per week). Your channel must have at least one commercial video.

In addition, there are some requirements for the videos you upload. In particular, they must be unique and copyrighted. And if there are elements in them that you did not create (for example, music), you must have the rights to use them. Otherwise, the work you uploaded will be considered plagiarism, and this makes it impossible to cooperate with YouTube.

Which video is strictly prohibited?

Of course, on this resource there are strict rules that each partner must comply with. We have already talked about plagiarism above - videos are checked, and when a copyright violation is detected, the partnership is broken.

In addition, it is forbidden to publish videos that contain explicit scenes of obscene nature. A separate topic is offensive language, as well as discrimination against certain individuals or groups of the population, which is unacceptable. Your videos should not contain profanity or violence. Videos that demonstrate the exploitation of minors or contain scenes of drug use or agitation of their use are also prohibited.

The content you post should not contain statements that may be misinterpreted. In no case should videos contain any incentives (in any form) for illegal or dangerous actions.

These requirements should be carefully studied and checked all videos uploaded by you for the presence of "offenses", as quite often they become the reason for the refusal of the partnership.

What videos to create to make a profit?

youtube partners in Russia
If you already have your own channel with a lot of content, then this question is perhaps irrelevant. If you are a beginner and just looking at the various possibilities of earning on the Internet, then you can explore a few examples.

In particular, instructional videos are quite popular. At the same time, people take off virtually everything: they teach to do haircuts and style hair, demonstrate all the subtleties of manicure, publish various fitness lessons. There is also a video teaching how to play various musical instruments, culinary videos, etc. Some Russian citizens living now in the territory of another country publish video reports on the peculiarities of foreign life, and experienced tourists teach newcomers to choose interesting places to relax. There really is where to go for a fantasy. Naturally, you can take on more serious work. The most important thing is to choose what you really understand and create videos that will be interesting, understandable and useful. Do not forget that your earnings depend on the number of subscribers and regular viewers.

An alternative way to earn money with Youtube

youtube network of partners vlogpro
In some cases, YouTube may reject your partnership application. In such cases, there is another way out - large Youtube partners in Russia. The fact is that they also have the right to give you access to monetization and earnings on content.

For example, Vlogpro's network of Youtube partners is quite popular. In addition, there are other resources that can be accessed. In particular, X-Media Digital is perhaps the largest company in the media distribution market. And recently, the video group “Thank you, Eve” received the same rights. Such organizations are a kind of intermediaries between you and YouTube (this does not mean that you can not follow the rules for publishing high-quality and authorial content).

What does it take to join a group? You will have to write an application about your desire to cooperate (in free form) and send it to the group’s email. Then it remains only to wait for the result.

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