Home press exercises for women and men

Beautiful “cubes” on the stomach are a dream of almost every person who decides to connect his life with sports. In order to achieve the desired relief of the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. Unfortunately, in recent years, training the press muscles has gained a huge amount of myths, which many aspiring athletes believe in.

Because of these misconceptions, they have not been able to pump out the desired “cubes” for a long time. So that you can avoid such errors, this article was created. It tells about the most popular and effective exercises on the press at home, and also reveals several myths related to the training of this muscle group.

Abdominal training and fat burning. Is there a connection?

Before discussing the recommended exercises for the press at home for girls and men, it is necessary to answer one important question: is it possible to remove fat on the abdomen by training the abdominal muscles? We will answer as it is: no, it is impossible.

Someone this information can greatly disappoint, but if you are the owner of a big belly, then training the press will not help you in any way. You can train him at least 100 times a day, making incredible efforts, but you will not see the desired cubes, if you do not first change your diet. The desired result can only be obtained if the exercises for the press and a well-designed nutrition system go hand in hand. Often, the latter requires the help of a nutritionist.

Exercises for the press and healthy eating

Frequent workout press. Benefit or harm?

Another common beginner mistake is overly regular training. Many novice athletes naively believe that if they train several times a day, then this will get stronger faster. In fact, the abdominals, like all the other muscles in our body, need time to recover. Spending a few workouts every day, you are more likely to drive yourself into a state of overtraining than achieve the desired result.

If you conduct full-fledged training sessions for all muscle groups in the gym or at home, then all the more it makes no sense to download your press every day. The fact is that our abdominal muscles get a good indirect load during the performance of many basic exercises (bench press, deadlift, squats with a barbell, push-ups on the bars, push-ups from the floor, etc.). It follows that for their study it is enough to just do 3-5 exercises at the end of a full-fledged workout.

With the main misconceptions, we figured out, now let's move on to the description of exercises for the press at home for men and women. All the techniques described below are suitable for both sexes.

Press: exercises for men at home


I would like to start our list with the classical exercise, known to everyone since the time of school. The popularity of twists is fully justified, as they are very effective in building a beautiful and embossed press. The fact is that during their execution all parts of the rectus abdominis muscle are equally involved - both the upper and lower.

Abdominal Exercise

Technique of execution:

  1. Lie on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees, buttocks and feet firmly pressed to a horizontal surface. Keep your hands near the temples or behind your head, but in no case do not pull your neck with them, so as not to create an extra load on the spine!
  2. As you exhale, lift the casing so that you feel a contraction in the area of ​​the press. It is not at all necessary to touch the elbows to the knees, the main thing is to feel the muscle itself and keep it in tension all the time.
  3. Take a breath back to starting position.

When performing this exercise on the press, it is important to compress your abdominal muscles, and not just lift your body.

Lying legs

Effective and, most importantly, affordable exercise for the lower press. While lying down, you need to raise your legs so that at the top point they form a right angle with your body. You can perform this press exercise with both straight legs and bent legs. The second option is easier and is designed mainly for beginners, and the first, despite its complexity, is more effective.

Technique of execution:

  1. Lie on the floor, put your hands along the body. Press the lower back and hold in this position until the end of the exercise.
  2. As you exhale, raise your legs to a right angle at the top.
  3. Inhale, lower them to their original position.
Home Press Exercises


This exercise can be performed both on the floor and on some high ground (chair, bench).

Technique of execution:

  1. Sit on a selected horizontal surface, firmly press the buttocks, lean slightly back and stretch straight legs in front of you.
  2. As you exhale, pull your legs to your stomach, while bending them at your knees and tilting your body forward.
  3. Take a breath back to starting position.

In more detail, the technique for performing this exercise on the abdominal muscles is described in this video.


This exercise is more aerobic, unlike the ones we listed earlier.

Technique of execution:

  1. Sit on the floor. Keep your hands at temple level.
  2. Bent at the knees, start twisting as if you were riding a bicycle.
  3. Twist so that your right elbow touches your left knee.
  4. Repeat the movement with the other side.

To see how the exercise is performed live, check out this video.


When it comes to effective exercises for girls and guys at home, you can not ignore the bar. This powerful static exercise actively involves not only your abs, but also all the muscles of your core.

Press Exercises

Technique of execution:

  1. Take an emphasis lying down (as with classical push-ups), and then lean on your forearms. In the lower back, do not bend, do not lift the butt - the body should be even.
  2. Stay in such a position as much as your strength allows you. Never hold your breath!

Since the classic bar is a static exercise, some athletes may get tired of it sooner or later. If you want to add more variety to your abs workouts, then watch this video that shows interesting variations of the standard bar.

Hanging legs

The only press exercise on the list that needs to be done in a vertical position, not a horizontal one. For its implementation you will need an additional shell - a horizontal bar. Not everyone has it at home, but you can probably find it in your own or neighboring yard. As with lying legs, the lower part of the press is more involved during the lifting of the legs in the hanging.

Technique of execution:

  1. Grasp the bar with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Straighten your arms and slightly extend your legs forward. Knees should be kept slightly bent.
  3. As you exhale, lift your legs up so that they cross a horizontal line. At the top, pause for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Inhale, slowly lower your legs down.
Lower Press Exercises

Since the exercise is not easy, we decided to give you some important tips:

  • Do not rock the body at runtime. Due to the generated inertia, your abs muscles will not get the proper load.
  • Do not lower your legs completely and leave them slightly raised. In this position, the abdominal muscles of your abdomen will always be under tension.
  • Do not put your chin on your chest and do not throw your head up, as this will create unnecessary tension in the neck.


We have already figured out which home exercises for the press for girls and guys are the most effective. Now we would like to give you some important tips so that you can make your workouts more effective.

  1. Warm up well. This recommendation applies not only to training the press, but to all training in general. Many beginner athletes do not pay proper attention to the warm-up, arguing that they want to save strength for the subsequent training. In fact, such “thriftiness” can lead to serious injuries sooner or later. To avoid this, take 5-10 minutes at the beginning of each hard training session to warm up your muscles and joints.
  2. Breathe correctly. One of the main mistakes of novice athletes is improper breathing. They either do not breathe properly or do not breathe at all, which is even worse. Holding the breath leads to the fact that a person rises pressure during the exercise. Because of this, his strength decreases, and he is unable to perform a given number of repetitions, even when he feels that he can do more.
  3. Follow the technique. It happens that an athlete does not have excess subcutaneous fat, diligently performs all the exercises on the abs, but he still had no “cubes” on his stomach, as before. Here, as a rule, the problem is that a person simply does the exercises not technically. If during, for example, twisting, you feel that your lower back or back is straining, but not your abs, then this indicates obvious errors in execution.
Press exercises for girls at home

An article about recommended exercises for the press at home for girls and guys was presented to your attention. We hope that you have found a lot of useful information in it, and the results from their implementation will not be long in coming.

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