Basketball player Paul George: career, achievements

Paul George is an American professional basketball player who became famous for playing for the Indianapolis team. Drafted in the NBA in 2010 at the annual event for the transfer of young players from university teams to the Major American League.

Student years

Paul George is a basketball player who initially defended the colors of the team from Pete Knight College, located in Palmdale. Then, the player’s student career continued at Fresno University.

paul george

In the debut season of 2008/2009 in the league of university teams, Paul George played 34 matches, in which he scored an average of 14.3 points, performed 6.2 rebounds, made 1 block shot and 1.7 interceptions. At the same time, the basketball player received the status of a rather dirty player. So, on average, Paul received more than 2 personal refereeing notes for a duel.

The following season, George managed to be on the court in 29 matches. The results of a one-year performance in the student league showed significant progress in the game of the basketball player. The number of points earned for the team in the second season for the university team increased to an average of 16.8 per fight. The amount of rebounds per match increased to 7.2, and interceptions - up to 2.2 per game. The successful actions of the young talent on the site subsequently attracted the attention of numerous clubs from the NBA.

NBA Performances

Paul George signed his first career contract on July 1, 2010. As noted above, the player was selected by the Indiana Pacers Club on the annual draft procedure for young basketball players.

paul george basketball player

The first match in the Indianapolis club Paul George held October 27, 2010. In the meeting against the San Antonio Spurs, the defender noted 4 points earned for the team in 23 minutes at the site.

Later, the results of the Pacers rookie only progressed. In the 2012/2013 season, he was already called the most promising young basketball player in the league. And this is not surprising, because George became the only defender in the tournament, who performed more than 140 interceptions and chalked up 50 block shots.

NBA stats

During speeches in the Indiana Pacers team, Paul George managed to consolidate the following indicators:

  • number of games - 373;
  • hitting the opponent’s ring from the game - 42.5%;
  • performance with penalties - 83.8%;
  • the average number of points scored for a team per game is 16.9;
  • the number of assists per match - an average of 3.0;
  • rebounds - an average of 6.2 per game.

Paul George Injury

Career Team

Internationally, Paul was first announced for the United States national team in the 2013/2014 season. George was on the preliminary list of players that were allowed to participate in the World Basketball Championship. Preparations for the international tournament were held in Las Vegas, where Paul George was invited. Injury, however, did not allow the player to demonstrate his talents in the main team. During a bilateral match between the players of the national team, the defender received an open fracture of the tibia and tibia. Thus, the talented basketball player had to miss not only the World Cup, but also the 2014/2015 season in the NBA. Currently, Paul George has successfully recovered from his injury and continues to play for the Indiana Pacers.

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