What is green coffee with ginger: reviews, composition and methods for brewing a drink

green ginger coffee reviews
Unroasted coffee tree beans are a pretty popular weight loss tool today. After the studies, scientists proved that chlorogenic acid, which in raw coffee is 10%, helps to speed up metabolism and helps break down fats. Of course, in the scientific world there are opponents of this tool, claiming that both acid and vitamins with antioxidants help only improve the general condition of the body, but do not affect weight. But let's still figure out what is green coffee with ginger, reviews of which are both positive and very negative. By the way, it was not for nothing that we mentioned ginger as a supplement to the drink - this miracle root also contains a number of vitamins, amino acids and essential oils that help cleanse the body, speed up metabolism and have a positive effect on overall health.

Green coffee with ginger: reviews from those who have lost weight

how to make green coffee
If you resolutely undertook to improve your figure, then the drink should be used according to a certain scheme: firstly, the recommended rate of green coffee per day is 2-3 cups. One needs to be drunk in the morning, the second during the afternoon snack, and the third (optional) a couple of hours before bedtime. It is such a regimen that contributes to an even distribution of the beneficial substances contained in coffee, and helps to combat excessive appetite. According to reviews of those who are losing weight, within 1-2 weeks the first results are noticeable - someone loses 1-2 kilograms, and someone more: in just a month, on average, it is possible to lose 3-6 kg of excess weight. But there is one nuance: those who take green coffee with ginger gave reviews about the positive result in most cases when they followed some kind of diet with the drink or simply did not overeat. That is, they used coffee as an addition to the course of weight loss, and not as its equivalent replacement. Remember this.

How to make green coffee with ginger

green slimming coffee contraindications
The drink can be brewed in the same way as regular coffee. To do this, grind a tablespoon without a pile of grains - you should get 2 teaspoons of chopped raw materials, and grate a piece of ginger on a grater or chop finely. Put the ingredients in a turkish or cezve (if they are absent, you can put them in a small saucepan), fill with an incomplete glass of water and put on fire. After the first small bubbles appear, remove the dishes from the heat and pour coffee into a cup. You can’t add milk or sweeteners, but you can put a pinch of cinnamon or cloves, as well as pour a little fresh lemon juice.

Green coffee for weight loss: contraindications

You should not use a drink or an extract of unroasted beans if you have the following diseases or conditions:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute stage (gastritis, ulcer or colitis);
  • there are serious problems with pressure or the cardiovascular system;
  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • you are allergic to certain components of the drink (usually ginger).

Otherwise, green coffee with ginger, reviews about which are most often positive, will help you lose weight and also feel cheerful throughout the day. This is especially true in winter, when many already in the middle of the day feel drowsy or tired.

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