How to do a dumbbell swing in front of you

Machs with dumbbells in front of you are designed to develop the anterior deltoid muscle. Some people think that you should not do only one exercise on the front delta, as it constantly works in the process, and you should not strain it with dumbbells again. But other exercises should be supplemented with swings.

swing dumbbells in front of you

Dumbbell Exercise Mistakes

Dumbbells are an indispensable thing when you need to perform any strength exercises. Many believe that this is not a big deal. Yes, it is, they do not require any special training, but even they have nuances that must be taken into account so as not to get injured.

  1. Continuous use of dumbbells of the same weight category for all exercises. This is not necessary, because not all muscles have the same strength and it is important to select dumbbells in order to work out the muscle. If you take the dumbbells too light, you will not be able to give the necessary load, but if, on the contrary, they are too heavy, you risk injury.
  2. During the exercise, you need to try to relax the body in order to concentrate on the exercise itself, which will allow you to be in the right position and reduce the risk of injury.
  3. Do not try to do everything quickly. Simply, you do not use all the capabilities of the muscles and there is no benefit from such exercises.
    swing dumbbells in front of you with dumbbells technique

Technique for lifting dumbbells correctly

The most common activity for working out the front delta is swinging dumbbells in front of you. On the correct technique of swinging dumbbells in front of you will be written below.

  1. Dumbbells should be taken with the upper grip, the back is even, legs shoulder-width apart. Now they need to be taken in another, closed way, and the palms turn out to be located downward.
  2. You need to take a breath, and during this you need to raise one hand, making sure that the hand does not bend at the elbow.
  3. Raising your hand to shoulder level (you can and higher), as you exhale lower it. This algorithm of actions needs to be done with the left hand.

Implementation Tips

  1. Make sure that during exercise your body does not swing when lifting dumbbells.
  2. To work out the deltoid muscles even better, you can add "turning the palms of your hands": when lifting the dumbbells, the palms look up, and when lowering the dumbbells, turn them down.
  3. You need to raise the dumbbells to the shoulder level or slightly higher.
  4. It is not necessary to use very heavy dumbbells, as there may be a chance that the body will swing.
    swinging dumbbells in front of you

Types of swing exercises with dumbbells in front of you

Lifting dumbbells can be done in two ways - standing or sitting. Swinging dumbbells in front of you is aimed specifically at training the front deltoid muscle so that it becomes more voluminous and more prominent. For this variety, some recommendations should be followed:

  • You need to take dumbbells with the upper grip. When straightening, you should bend the lower back a little, the chin is parallel to the floor, the arms are slightly bent - this is the starting position.
  • After inhaling, you need to hold your breath a little and at this moment you need to slowly raise your hands to shoulder level. On the exhale, you need to lower the dumbbells.
  • Do the required number of times.
    swinging dumbbells in front of you

Swinging dumbbells in front of you are intended to train the middle and back of the deltoid muscle. The complexity of these exercises lies in the fact that a person will no longer be able to help himself with the body, swaying when lifting dumbbells. Here are some guidelines for lifting dumbbells in this version:

  • you need to sit on the edge of the bench, the back should be straight, dumbbells should be taken with the upper grip;
  • the technique of lifting dumbbells is the same as in the above techniques;
  • it is important that the body does not swing, and do not jerk up lifting dumbbells; if this does not work, then the weight is chosen incorrectly.

Swinging dumbbells in front of you is an effective strength exercise, which is better to combine with other exercises so that the deltoid muscle is precisely worked out. It is important not to forget about the weight of the dumbbells, because with the wrong weight selection and insufficiently accurate observance of the technique, you can stretch the muscle. It is not necessary to be an athlete to perform this type of physical activity. Dumbbell swing is not a mindless exercise in which it is simply important to raise and lower your hands, it is important to concentrate on it, only then you can perform it correctly and achieve the desired result.

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