Almost every woman faces split ends . The reason may be improper care, frequent painting, use of a hair dryer, ironing, curling iron. But not only external stimuli are the source of split hair.
hair is split due to a genetic predisposition. If one of your parents has the same phenomenon, then most likely you have inherited DNA cells from them that are responsible for the
structure of the hair. There is no point in dealing with this, but regular cosmetic care is welcome.
The second cause of split ends can be chronic diseases, reduced immunity, lack of vitamins. As a rule, this not only splits the hair, but also exfoliates the nails. In this case, you will need a comprehensive treatment, which the doctor will prescribe. Do not be afraid to consult a doctor before starting an independent fight with naughty hair. Studying a disease, and this is a disease, it is necessary to determine all the causes of its occurrence.
After making sure that your health is normal and the hair continues to exfoliate, proceed to the second group of factors - proper hair care.
Temperature difference, wind badly affect the hair. Do not ignore hats in frost, heat or strong winds. If in winter you go without a hat, and in summer you do not protect your head from the scorching sun, then it is not at all surprising that your hair is very split. The destructive properties of nature have affected your hair.
Choosing the right comb is a step towards good hair. An improperly selected comb can be one of the main reasons why hair is split. Cracks form on the teeth of a wooden comb , metal and plastic combs can harm the roots. Change your comb as often as possible!
Do not abuse fashionable combing and combing still wet hair. Excessive use of metal hairpins and tails that are tightly tied with an elastic band can be the cause of brittle hair . With constant contact with these objects, the hair begins to break, the structure is damaged, and as a result, the hair is split.
Every woman wants to look especially attractive. A new hair color, a new hairstyle, and then styling, perm, and drying - the choice is huge and not always justified. Frequent experiments on the next masterpiece on the head can cause not only a section of the ends of the hair, but also their loss.
What to do if hair is split?
Take care of your health, go on vacation, get rid of stress, eat healthy food.
For at least six months, give up all chemical, poor-quality hair care products. If possible, stop frequent hair coloring - let them rest, return to their natural color, and recover.
Try washing your hair with natural products: brew chamomile, nettle, use natural egg white.
Use a hairdryer only in case of emergency, there is no need to wash your hair daily.
Refuse plaques and curls for hair. Trim the tips regularly.
And most importantly, good nutrition, a complex of vitamins, and your hair will always delight not only you, but also those around you.