Discomfort, constant itching of the scalp, unpresentable appearance - all this appears due to dandruff. How to deal with it when conventional methods no longer work? What can be used in addition to medications to normalize the skin? Folk remedies for dandruff at home help to eliminate an unpleasant symptom.
What is dandruff. Factors provoking its development
Peeling and dryness of the scalp, accompanied by itching and pain, is dandruff. Its very appearance is to a greater extent a symptom of a disease of the skin of the scalp, a general weakening of the body. As a separate disease, dandruff is not considered. More often, such symptoms occur in people predisposed to seborrhea and various dermatitis, sometimes found in people suffering from pediculosis.
Factors that can cause the development of dandruff:
- Stressful situations.
- Hormonal imbalance (especially in adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, as well as during menopause).
- Lack of vitamins and minerals.
- The use of cosmetics (change of shampoo, hair balm, the use of various masks, varnishes and styling gels, coloring).
- Hard water.
- Decreased immunity.
- Violation of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
- Improper diet and bad habits.
Folk remedies for dandruff at home: what can be used and what is not
Experts do not recommend using home remedies based on mustard powder, ground red pepper, cinnamon and ginger to eliminate dandruff. This is due to the local irritating effect of substances that make up the spices, whose use can worsen the condition of the skin. However, their use is possible, but only on condition that the skin is not sensitive. It is worth noting that it is masks made of mustard, pepper, ginger, cinnamon that promote hair growth and improve their nutrition.
Folk remedies for dandruff at home, the reviews of which are purely positive:
- Egg masks.
- Essential and vegetable oils.
- Sour-milk products (kefir, yogurt).
- Salt and soda.
- Honey.
- Herbs.
- Natural juices, fruits and vegetables
- Masks and rinse with the addition of vinegar.
- Tar or laundry soap.
- Hair coloring with natural dyes.
- Aspirin.
Chicken eggs
Masks, compresses and wraps from chicken eggs are the best folk remedies for dandruff. At home, they are prepared quite simply, you can mix almost any product with eggs. But to achieve the desired result, it is better to use oils (both vegetable and essential), as well as alcohol (alcohol, vodka, cognac).
Yolks of 2-3 medium eggs must be shaken by adding 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil to them. After you should apply the mask with massage movements on the scalp, wrap it with a film and hold for 20 to 40 minutes, then rinse. The procedure can be performed daily.
To make a warming and nourishing dandruff mask, mix one egg and a tablespoon of alcohol. The finished product is rubbed into the skin, the head is covered with a film and a towel. The mask must be kept on the head for up to 15 minutes, and then washed off.
Reviews about the use of egg yolk rarely contain negative, as egg masks are proven home remedies.
Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies at home implies the mandatory use of oils: essential and vegetable. Most people with dandruff have dry scalp, and oils help soften it and restore normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
Shampoo with tea tree oil and eucalyptus can be made independently. To do this, add a few drops of oil of both types to the cosmetic product.
Massage of the scalp using linseed, sunflower, burdock oils helps to quickly eliminate dry skin, as well as hair growth.
There are mostly positive reviews about the use of oils in the fight against dandruff. This is due to the action of the active components of natural substances on the structure of the hair and scalp. The use of oils helps to saturate cells with nutrition and vitamins, and also accelerates regenerative processes.
Kefir and yogurt
Products enriched with lactic acid bacteria are ancient folk remedies for dandruff at home. There are no restrictions on the use of masks from yogurt or yogurt, the only contraindication is an allergy to milk protein.
Ready kefir (yogurt) should be applied to dry hair immediately before washing your hair. To stand on the head no more than 30 minutes.
According to people, the use of yogurt (any other dairy product) to eliminate dandruff does not give visible results without comprehensive measures. For the best result, it is worth using masks from kefir in conjunction with other dandruff remedies.
Salt, soda and vinegar
Salt is an excellent disinfectant that destroys dangerous microbes and destroys the fungus of the scalp. To prepare the rinse aid, dilute 2 tablespoons in 2 liters of boiled water. The resulting solution to process hair after each shampoo.
The preparation of a soda solution, as well as vinegar-based products, is identical to the manufacture of a salt rinse. It is recommended to use apple cider vinegar, to avoid the use of essences, as this can trigger a chemical burn.
Simple home remedies, such as salt, vinegar, and soda, according to some consumers, can effectively get rid of unpleasant peeling of the scalp.
Honey compresses and masks can be prepared both without adding additional ingredients, and with them - folk remedies for dandruff at home using honey are effective in any case.
Apply a tablespoon of softened bee honey to the scalp and massage for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with a cosmetic product.
Honey is not suitable for all people trying to cope with dandruff. If used improperly, it can worsen the condition of the skin and hair. Consumers are advised to use only a natural product. If you are allergic to honey, its use is not advisable.
Herbal decoctions, like masks from fresh plants, help not only eliminate dandruff, but also restore the body's immunity, strengthen the structure of the hair and strengthen their nutrition.
Nettle broth, elecampane decoction, tansy - folk remedies for dandruff at home for men. Since tansy, nettle and elecampane have a stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage / premature birth / acute bleeding in women, they are recommended to be used only by the stronger sex.
To prepare a decoction, it is better to purchase shredded leaves (plant roots) in filter bags or fresh herbs that are thoroughly washed and finely chopped. One part of the plant (2 filter bags or 3 tablespoons of fresh grass) must be poured with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 1-2 hours. After each washing of the head, rinse the hair with a ready-made solution.
Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can use a decoction of oak bark, calendula, as well as chamomile infusion. But you should be careful when choosing a chamomile treatment - light brown hair can acquire a yellowish tint.
Henna, Basma, Onion Peel
Dyeing hair with natural dyes is a folk remedy for dandruff at home for women. Using basma and henna helps to quickly eliminate the effects of dandruff. Specially cooked onion peel decoction helps in the fight against dry skin, hair loss and dullness.
100 grams of husk is poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water, then the mixture is put on fire and boiled for 30 minutes. The cooled product is filtered and applied to the scalp immediately after washing, it is not washed off. It is necessary to apply daily, up to four weeks. It is worth remembering that when using onion peels, the hair dyes, acquiring a hue from golden to deep chestnut.
Folk remedies for dandruff at home: onion
Onions have a number of useful properties: the substances that make up its composition improve blood circulation, disinfect the surface of the skin, and increase the body's resistance to various diseases.
Onion mask
Finely chopped vegetable should be thoroughly kneaded and put the resulting slurry on the skin of the head. If desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Cover hair with polyethylene, wrap with a towel and hold for 20 minutes, then wash.
This method of treating dandruff is considered one of the most affordable and simple, according to most reviews.
Tar and laundry soap
Due to its beneficial properties, the soap of this variety allows you to quickly get rid of dandruff. It is enough to replace ordinary shampoo.
It is important to remember that tar and laundry soap can greatly dry the skin, therefore it must be used periodically, alternating with shampooing with a shampoo saturated with vegetable oils.
Aspirin shampoo, mask with aspirin powder - folk remedies for dandruff at home. Transitional age, like many other factors, negatively affects the scalp. Processes that occur during puberty often provoke the manifestation of dandruff. To negate the further development of dandruff and restore nutrition in the skin cells, you can use aspirin:
- Mask . 2-3 tablets must be crushed into powder and mixed with petroleum jelly, then applied to the hair roots and allowed to soak. After washing your hair thoroughly.
- Shampoo Mix the powder of the drug with a small part of the shampoo, rub the hair. Hold on the skin for no more than 3 minutes, rinse.
Juice squeezed from lemon, when applied to the hair, acts in much the same way as vinegar rinse. The finished product in undiluted form with the addition of honey is rubbed into the skin, aged for no more than 60 seconds, then washed off with lemon water - juice diluted 1: 5.
Natural vegetable, fruit juices
Juice obtained from plants, vegetables and fruits (especially freshly squeezed) is ideal as a means to combat dandruff. However, you can not use juices with high acidity in undiluted form - this can damage the skin and provoke a deterioration in its condition.
Recommendations of specialists
If dandruff is found, it is necessary to revise the regime of your day, nutrition, give up alcohol and smoking. Most dermatologists and trichologists believe that a person suffering from manifestations of dandruff needs to be more in the sun and introduce healthy protein foods into his diet, and to reduce foods high in animal fats.