Bait for bream in the spring on the feeder. Spring Bream Recipe

Say what you like, and spring is the best time for fishing, lasting from the melting of ice to the onset of heat. It was during this period that all the fish were in a constant search for food, preparing for spawning. Not an exception and bream, the capture of which is the dream of many anglers. To turn a dream into reality, it is enough to understand some features of the spring behavior of this fish, in particular its nutritional preferences.

Bait for bream in spring

We will talk about what is the right bait for bream in the spring, consider some store mixes, as well as several popular recipes for cooking it at home.

Spring bream fishing : bait and bait

This representative of the cyprinid family begins to become active in late February - early March, and the pre-spawning zhor occurs in April. Bream is a bottom fish and spends most of its life in pits and dumps, looking for food in the silt, but in early spring it very often approaches the shore.

The bream diet in this period for the most part consists of worms, larvae and plant seeds that bring spring streams to the pond, as well as local crustaceans. Over time, he will switch to insect larvae that lay eggs in water and aquatic plants, but this will happen after spawning. It is on the needs of this fish for protein food that the tactics of its spring fishing are built. In other words, both the bait for the bream in the spring and the bait should include its natural animal feed.

What to catch?

When choosing a gear, it is better to give preference to the feeder. Why to him? Yes, because it is the best device for fishing for bream today. The feeder tackle is universal, sensitive, highly effective, makes it possible to fish at a decent distance from the coast, and in addition, it itself implies constant feeding of the fishing place.

Bait for bream in the spring on the feeder

Filling the feeder with the right bait, you can be sure that you will not be left without a catch.

Requirements for bream bait mixtures

The feeder bait for bream in spring, as, however, at other times of the year, is designed to create a dusty spot from the smallest particles. Even if you could not accurately determine the location of the fish, such a cloud will certainly attract it from a distance of up to 50 meters. Another important requirement - the bait for bream in the spring should not break down into the feeder when it enters the water, but at the very bottom, so it must necessarily include substances that can hold all the ingredients together for as long as possible. And of course, aroma, but we’ll talk about it separately, but now let's figure out what bream bait mixes consist of.

The composition of the bait mixture

Bait for bream in the spring must include such components:

  • basis - crushed cereals, crackers, cookies, seeds. It is the base, when sprayed, that attracts fish;
  • feed - a nutritional base designed to keep fish in place; steamed cereals, chopped worm, bloodworm, maggot can act as this component;
  • binding (sticking) substances - wheat flour, starch, oatmeal, sugar, water, clay and other ingredients that do not allow the mixture to crumble ahead of time;
  • flavors (attractants) - aromatic additives specially designed for the taste preferences of bream;
  • dyes (pigmenters) - substances to give the bait the desired color.
    Bait for bream in the spring at home

The best flavors for bream fishing

The bait for bream in the spring on the feeder must have a pleasant smell. Some store mixes already have attractants in their composition, but in most cases they have to be added when kneading.

What you need to know about flavors for bream? Firstly, do not use any chemistry. Secondly, you can not overdo it with concentration. The bream does not like harsh and unfamiliar odors. Thirdly, if it is not possible to buy attractants, some of them can be found in your kitchen. The bream responds well to the smells of cumin, black pepper, coriander, dill, fennel, anise, cocoa and vanilla.

Best Shop Bait Blends

Among the variety of bream baits presented today in stores and in the markets, pay attention to the following mixtures:

  • Sensas is the best bait for bream in spring. It is characterized by a well-balanced composition and highest efficiency.
  • The Traper of the Special series is an excellent Polish feeder bait for bream, not inferior in effectiveness to the previous one. Attractants are part of the mixture.
  • “Sport fishing” of the Premium Feeder series is a catchy mix of Russian production. It has a yellowish color due to the presence of corn in the composition, it smells great and is well molded.
  • "Bream" is another effective domestic product with a high amount of corn fraction and a mild aroma of spices.

Do-it-yourself bait for bream in spring

Of course, one should not limit oneself to the listed baits, because the bream is a very finicky fish, it is unlikely that it will be possible to lure it with any particular mixture in different reservoirs.

Bait for bream in the spring at home

Experienced anglers often cook their own bait. Knowing the reservoir and the nutritional characteristics of the bream in it, you can prepare the bait mixture yourself, which will not be inferior to branded products in efficiency.

What is needed for this? You will need the components listed above, dishes for steaming cereals and a coffee grinder for grinding some ingredients. To purchase the components necessary for the mixture, you will have to spend a little money, but this amount will be several times less than that requested for the finished product.

Any bait for bream in the spring at home should include additives of animal origin (worm, bloodworm, maggot), so do not forget to look at the fishing store.

Recipe for biscuits based on crackers

This recipe for bream in the spring is designed to prepare a mixture that can be used in a strong current, because most of the components have excellent bonding properties.

Spring bream fishing


  • breadcrumbs - 1000 g;
  • cornmeal - 100 g;
  • steamed millet (without husk) - 200 g;
  • Hercules flakes - 100 g;
  • crushed sugar cookies - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • wheat bran - 300 g;
  • maggot (fodder) - 50 g;
  • chopped cumin or coriander - 1 tsp.

This spring bait for bream in the spring with their own hands is made directly on the pond using water from it. The only thing is, millet will have to be cooked in advance. Boil it in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, avoiding boiling. After this, millet is washed 2-3 times so that it does not stick together.

Spring recipe for bream based on sunflower meal


  • wheat bran - 400 g;
  • sunflower meal - 150 g;
  • chopped worm or bloodworm - 50 g;
  • cornmeal - 200 g;
  • sugar cookies - 100 g;
  • milk powder - 100 g;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l

The best bait for bream in the spring

Instead of sunflower meal, you can use roasted seeds, grind in a meat grinder or in a coffee grinder.

Semolina recipe


  • semolina - 500 g;
  • poultry feed (compound feed) - 200 g;
  • cookies - 100 g;
  • oat flour or "Hercules" - 100 g;
  • cornmeal - 100 g;
  • bloodworm - 50 g;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. l

How to mix the mixture?

In addition to the proper selection of ingredients and their preparation, it is important to know how to properly mix the mixture. Usually this procedure is carried out directly at the place of fishing, using water from the reservoir where it is supposed to fish.

Moisturizing, we begin to knead the bait without adding cereals and flavorings. The mixture should not be too wet. After that, leave it for 10-15 minutes so that our components get wet and begin to stick together. Only then add cereals and attractants.

As you can see, bait for bream in the spring with your own hands is not such a troublesome thing, and given its cost, it is practically not expensive.

Spring Bream Recipe

Useful Tips

  1. When buying branded bait mixes in a store or on the market, choose proven products from well-known brands.
  2. Avoid bright colors of bait, not peculiar to our reservoirs.
  3. When mixing the mixture, do not rush, let it soak properly.
  4. Be sure to add a worm, maggot, bloodworm to the bait, this will keep the bream in place.
  5. Add flavorings last. If these are spices, it is better to grind them right at the place of fishing.
  6. Do not use unnatural aromas.
  7. Do not use sweet smelling attractants in wild ponds and lakes.
  8. To knead the mixture, use water from the reservoir where you plan to hunt bream.
  9. Do not forget that the bait for bream in the spring at home for the feeder must necessarily include adhesives that will not allow the mixture to crumble immediately after falling into water.
  10. When feeding a place, do not overdo it, because our task is to attract and not feed the bream.

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