Oncomarkers - Norm and Pathology for Cancer Treatment

If a malignant tumor appeared in the human body , then the content of specific proteins in the blood increases. They are secreted either by the cells of the tumor itself, or neighboring, still healthy cells that send a “notice” of the danger. It is also possible the allocation of protein antigens from the immune system of the whole organism, which has defended itself against the disease.

For such proteins, the term “tumor markers” is used. The norm of these substances is known to every oncologist. In Russian medicine, a blood test for tumor markers is gradually included in mandatory laboratory tests.

Benign tumors also send their markers into the blood. Such signals confirm the presence of neoplasms with a high probability. On the other hand, the norms of blood tests for tumor markers suggest that with an increase in indicators, we can talk not about cancer, but only about inflammatory processes.

Currently, scientists have found and described tumor markers for tumor formations in many organs. These include:

  • prostate
  • breast
  • pancreas
  • thyroid
  • lung
  • gastrointestinal tract

and other bodies.

If the cancer is detected at an early stage, there is a chance to cure it. The success of treatment directly depends on how early it was possible to make a blood test for tumor markers.

Until recently, the study of these proteins was carried out only after tumor removal operations. Their increased content meant that the cancer process resumed. Currently, tests are done even before the start of treatment and even before the start of the traditional diagnosis. This is due to the fact that tumor markers appear in the blood earlier than all other cancer symptoms, which can be detected using x-ray and ultrasound studies, as well as magnetic resonance imaging.

One of the problems of the tumor marker research is that it does not always indicate exactly which organ is affected by the tumor, i.e. one must bear in mind the potential danger to a group of organs. In addition, there are cases when the same organ is attacked by several types of tumors, and tumor markers also do not display this. The norm in the blood serum may be exceeded, but the picture is unclear: according to the analysis, we can only assume which group of organs or tumors should be worried. Therefore, in the advanced directions of modern oncology, studies of the array (panel) of various tumor markers are carried out in one comprehensive analysis. Such studies are called laboratory screening and are performed in oncology in European countries and the USA. Recently, screenings are also being introduced into the practice of Russian oncology.

It is extremely important to reanalyze tumor markers. This allows you to observe the symptoms of the disease in development. There is an opportunity to make assumptions about the direction in which the tumor process is going: to worsen or to remission (restoration of relative health).

If oncomarkers are exceeded in terms of indicators, their norm is violated, then laboratory studies need to be expanded. These include a biochemical blood test, x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, hormonal analysis, colonoscopic and gastroscopic examination, ultrasound.

At the current level of development of oncology, the analysis of tumor markers is a means of solving the following problems:

  • identification of risks in potential patients
  • focusing on the site of possible tumor localization
  • evaluation of the results of the operation
  • control of treatment throughout its duration

Oncomarkers, the norm of which is known to the doctor, allow you to answer the following questions of the patient according to the results of the analysis:

  • is there an increase in performance?
  • which markers are elevated?
  • what do the increased rates mean?
  • Do I need to change the treatment (if any)?
  • when to conduct the next test?

Blood is donated to tumor markers in the same way as a biochemistry test: from a vein. The study should be carried out in the morning, without first taking any food. The test can be taken both at the initiative of the doctor, and at will.

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