Distance between cars according to traffic rules: we ensure safety

Drivers, especially in big cities, are always in a hurry somewhere, "squeezing" the cars in front. And so, when someone alone gets into an accident, he realizes that to avoid this situation he would have needed only a few centimeters and should not forget what is the safe distance between cars according to traffic rules.

The main thing is to keep speed

In order not to accidentally get into an accident due to the fact that the permissible distance between the cars was violated, traffic rules clearly limit the maximum speed of movement in different zones.

For example, in all yards and in those places that fall under the action of sign 5.21 "Residential Zone", the maximum speed limit of 20 kilometers per hour is set.

On city roads, the maximum speed is set by default, but in some sections it is even lower. Inspectors note that if all drivers complied with the high-speed regime in the city, then there would be half as many accidents.

Distance between cars on traffic rules

Also, the driver is forbidden to deliberately choose too low a speed and sharply slow down. If this is not observed, then inspectors may consider these actions for intentionally interfering with other moving cars.

Required distance and stopping distance

Ideally, the distance between cars according to traffic rules is equal to the speed of the car, divided into two. For example, if the driver moves fast (100 km / h), then the distance between the vehicle in front should be at least 50 meters. We also allow the option when the distance between the cars is equal to the vehicle speed.

To understand how important it is to maintain a distance, there is a visual table that shows the braking distance of a moving vehicle at different speeds.

Vehicle speed before brakingDistance traveled by the vehicle (fast response of the driver in 1 s), mBraking distance depending on coverage, mDistance to a complete stop of the vehicle, m


(gr. 2 + gr. 3)


(gr. 2 + gr. 4)


(gr. 2 + gr. 5)

30 km / height6nine17fourteen1725
40 km / helevenelevenfifteen31222642
50 km / hfourteen162448thirty3862
60 km / h17233569405286
70 km / h193147945066113
80 km / h2241621236384145
90 km / h25527815677103181
100 km / h28649619292124220

Stop time depending on pavement

Having studied the safe brake, let the vehicle on one or another coating, you can already understand that a safe distance between cars according to traffic rules when stopping is necessary. However, not all drivers, and even more so novices, will be able to correctly calculate the distance to the car in front in order to protect themselves and other vehicles.

Traffic rules distance between cars when driving

It is generally accepted that on a dry road or on asphalt after rain, the safe distance between cars according to traffic rules should be at least 2 seconds. If the asphalt is dirty and there is a lot of clay or dust on it, then the distance should correspond to 3 seconds. If the snow is rolled, then a distance of 3 seconds is suitable, however, experienced drivers advise beginners to maintain a large distance. If the roads have snowed and rained and all the rainfall has frozen overnight, then the safest distance will be at least 5 seconds.

Also, all drivers should remember that, if necessary, the distance between the vehicle must be increased and caution. This is especially important if the tires on the car are out of season.

Expert Advice

Of course, even traffic rules will not help determine the exact safe distance. The distance between cars when driving should be constantly monitored by the driver. However, traffic police inspectors give some advice to beginners in order to protect them as much as possible from a possible collision.

Safe distance between traffic rules cars

  1. If the car moves in a territory with limited visibility, then in this case the distance must be increased at least twice from the set. It is then that the driver will feel as safe as possible, even if the vehicle in front is in emergency stop.
  2. If the driver moves on a loaded vehicle, then in this case the distance must be increased by 1.5 times, since the braking distance of the machine due to the mass will increase.
  3. In no case should you brake sharply before turning. You need to slow down smoothly, and making sure that those cars that drive behind are at a safe distance.

Choice - Effective Distance

Effective distance is the same safe distance between cars. SDA states that the effective distance must be increased if:

  • driving a driver who has recently graduated from a driving school;
  • while driving on the highway, the quality of the road surface gradually began to deteriorate;
  • initially it was raining, and then it was replaced by snow;
  • the road review has become worse or obstacles have appeared on the surface;
  • the driver was attached to the end of the convoy, and its length exceeds 5 TS;
  • the driver increases speed - in this case, it is better to generally change lanes.

Distance between cars on traffic rules at a stop

Also, the driver must remember one more rule that if he is driving a car that is smaller in size and especially less in weight than his vehicle, then in this case it is necessary to stay away from such a car. The lighter the car, the less braking distance it will have, and the vehicle following it may simply not have time to stop.


There are several examples that clearly show drivers how important the distance between cars is on traffic rules. Examples describe the most common causes of collisions.

Example 1

The driver, moving behind, decided to overtake. TS- "leader" decided to turn left. Having sharply braked, the driver showed a left turn signal, and that car which was at the back did not manage to react in time to a situation. A collision has occurred.

Example 2

The driver of the "Lada" decided to turn left. A bus was moving behind him, which did not keep the distance. Since the bus is heavier than the Lada, a collision occurred.

Example 3

On the highway rode the vehicle "Zhiguli". The driver saw a hole and braked sharply, and two more wagons rode behind him. Drivers of heavy trucks did not calculate the safe distance on time and could not quickly respond to the braking of the Lada. As a result, an accident occurred with three affected cars.

Allowable distance between traffic rules cars

In fact, there are a lot of such examples, and all these situations could have been prevented if all the drivers were careful while driving and kept their distance.

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