Ophthalmologists in Yaroslavl: list, ranking of the best, place and time of admission, quality of treatment and patient reviews

How to choose an ophthalmologist in Yaroslavl? Such a question is asked by city residents who first encountered vision problems or decided to conduct a quality preventive examination of the eyes and their functions for themselves or for their children. A suitable specialist should possess not only impressive experience and high qualifications, but also positive feedback from patients. The list of the best ophthalmologists of Yaroslavl presented in the article will help to understand.

Taratina T.S.

Opens the list of the best adult and pediatric ophthalmologist Yaroslavl Tatyana Sergeevna Taratina. This is a specialist of the highest qualification category with a rather serious experience of 31 years and a rating of 8.57 out of 10. After reading the reviews on Tatyana Sergeyevna’s work, it becomes clear why she is considered one of the best in the city: not a single bad word, patients say that in many In cases she was alone - after several different oculists - she was able to establish an accurate diagnosis, then she successfully cured the disease without much labor and expense on the part of the patient.

At the Medical Forte Medical Center (18 Nakhimson Street), you can make an appointment with the Taratina optometrist from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 19:00, and also on Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00. The cost of services is from 1000 rubles.

Dianova M.N.

Maria Dianova

According to reviews, the ophthalmologist of Yaroslavl Maria Nikolaevna Dianova is also one of the best vision specialists. Her experience is 13 years, and the rating is 8.44 out of 10. The reviews write that absolute comfort and the absence of any stress is about consultations of Maria Nikolaevna. She is sincerely interested in her patients and their health, and therefore behaves with them pleasantly and politely, examines thoroughly, selects treatment not only based on necessity, but also based on the individual characteristics of each individual person.

Here is a list of places where the optometrist Dianova works and receives:

  • Medical center for diagnosis and prevention on Lenin Avenue, 33 (8: 00-21: 00).
  • Clinic "Constant" on Victory Street, 14 (8: 00-20: 00).
  • Children's Clinic â„–3 on Tutaevskoye Highway 29 (8: 00-19: 00).

Svistunova T.V.

The optometrist and eye surgeon of the highest category (with 16 years of experience and a rating of 7.88 out of 10) is Tatyana Vladimirovna Svistunova. Given the microsurgical profile, reviews mostly write about eye surgery. Judging by the words of the patients, Tatyana Vladimirovna works jewelry, not only helping to restore vision or get rid of serious problems, but also doing it as accurately and carefully as possible. It is also noted that the doctor is very friendly, always knows how to cheer up before the operation.

In Yaroslavl, an ophthalmologist Svistunova is consulted in the OftaKit clinic on 42 Svobody Street from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and also in Hospital No. 1 on 52 Oktyabrya Avenue.

Borisov A.B.

Alexander Borisov

Another noteworthy ophthalmologist-surgeon of the highest category is Alexander Borisovich Borisov, who has been working by profession for 22 years and has a rating level of 7.06 out of 10. In the reviews, Alexander Borisovich’s patients do not just thank for the help they provided, they write about situations when other oculists said that there’s nothing to help and vision can’t be saved, but this doctor simply took and resolved the issue. Thanks to the responsible and time-consuming work, Alexander Borisovich helped to save or even return vision to many residents of Yaroslavl.

Like the aforementioned specialist, the oculist Borisov works in the OftKit clinic on 42 Svobody Street (from 9:00 to 19:00), as well as in Hospital No. 1 on 52 Oktyabrya Avenue.

Krasnova A.E.

Alexandra Krasnova

A very good ophthalmologist of Yaroslavl is Alexandra Evgenievna Krasnova, who has been working in the profession for 16 years. Her rating is 7.06 out of 10. The reviews write that a kind heart and sincere attentive attitude do not allow Alexandra Evgenievna to forget patients even after a few years. She remembers every occasion, gladly helps and dreams only so that everyone around can see the world cleanly and clearly. Judging by the comments, Alexandra Evgenievna succeeds very well, and her treatment - both therapeutic and surgical - always gives the desired result.

You can get an appointment with the optometrist Krasnova from 9:00 to 19:00 in the OftaKit clinic on 42 Svobody Street, and also from 8:30 to 20:00 in the Be Healthy! on Rybinskaya street, 30.

Sorokina N.N.

Natalya Sorokina

Natalya Nikolaevna Sorokina is an optometrist with 22 years of experience and a rating of 6.79 out of 10. In the reviews, patients write that Natalya Nikolaevna is one of those rare doctors who never works according to the pattern. With each she contacts in a new way, individually, slowly. The result of such responsible work is more accurate diagnoses and the most suitable, effective treatment.

Here is a list of medical institutions where an ophthalmologist Sorokin is waiting for his patients:

  • Clinic "NT-Medicine", located on the street Nekrasov, 60 (8: 00-21: 00).
  • Medical Center for Diagnostics and Prevention on Zagorodny Sad Street 11 (8: 00-18: 00).
  • Danilovsky diagnostic center "MedExpert" on Lenin street, 35a.

Kuris I.V.

For 15 years, an ophthalmologist has worked as a first-category physician, Irina Kuris, whose rating is 6.67 out of 10. Judging by the comments on the network, Irina Vladimirovna does her job well, she is fluent in all modern ophthalmological equipment and explains in detail, without an abundance of medical terminology, everyone the nuance of the disease and its treatment, leaving no questions for the patient.

In Yaroslavl, the ophthalmologist Kuris works at the Alpha Health Center clinic on 78a Sovetskaya Street. Schedule - from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 21:00, as well as on some Saturdays (9: 00-18: 00) and Sunday (9: 00-15: 00).

Gruzdeva S.V.

An ophthalmologist of the highest category with a rating of 6.58 out of 10 Svetlana Valentinovna Gruzdeva has a rather significant 32-year experience. There are not so many reviews about it on the Internet, but, given their content, it is not possible to ignore this specialist. Patients write that Svetlana Valentinovna - a doctor with a capital letter, works selflessly and sometimes - to the detriment of herself, but the treatment always completes. If the case is difficult, she gives her phone number and additionally advises on treatment, provides moral support. The result of the treatment exceeds all expectations of Svetlana Valentinovna's clients.

In Yaroslavl, an ophthalmologist Gruzdeva is admitted to the Road Hospital on 21 Suzdal Highway (Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00).

Dorofeev A.A.

Alexander Dorofeev

Optometrist Aleksandr Alekseevich Dorofeev has the highest category of doctor, 35 years of experience and a rating of 5.83 out of 10. Patients call Aleksandr Alekseevich a very smart and serious man who doesn’t waste time admitting to trifles, but says everything about the case, thoroughly examining, asking, studying history diseases and all tests. He explains in detail not only the schedule for taking prescribed medications, but also gives many related recommendations, for example, on the regimen of the day.

In Yaroslavl, an ophthalmologist Dorofeev works at the Realize Clinic, located on Yakovlevskaya Street, 7, from 9:00 to 17:00, as well as at the Regional Hospital and Clinic (time must be specified separately). And Alexander Alekseevich can be found in the Rybinsk branch of the clinic "Realize" on Gogol Street, 6.

Kolotilina N.E.

Natalia Kolotilina

For 12 years, she has been conducting successful ophthalmological practice Natalia Evgenievna Kolotilina, an adult and children's specialist with a rating of 5.45 out of 10. The reviews write equally well about Natalia Evgenievna’s work with patients of all ages: she is considerate and friendly with adults, affectionate with children, knows how to find approach to them, with the elderly - is patient and extremely respectful. She knows how to prescribe a suitable treatment for everyone, quickly having the desired effect.

The ophthalmologist Kolotilin carries out his appointment from Monday to Friday (8: 00-20: 00), as well as on some Saturdays (8: 00-18: 00) and Sunday (9: 00-15: 00) in the Medical Center for Diagnostics and Prevention at Lenin Avenue, 33.

Razumov A.V.

Andrey Razumov

The list of the best ophthalmologists of Yaroslavl is completed by an ophthalmologist and a microsurgeon of the highest category with 36 years of experience and a rating of 5 out of 10 Andrey Razumov. In the reviews they write that this doctor not only brilliantly conducts operations - even the most complex ones - he can be sensitive and attentive to patients. His rich experience allows to cheer up and successfully find a way out of any situation so that the patient, not having time to be upset, receives effective recommendations.

The optometrist Razumov is ready to receive his patients from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 19:00 in the ophthalmological center "Ideal" on Tchaikovsky Street, 19.

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