The culture of speech in business communication.

The process of exchanging information is communication. Culture implies the norms and rules that are inherent in every society. Business culture is a necessary means of business relations. The culture of speech in business communication is based on the established principles of corporate culture and national traditions.

In commercial, entrepreneurial, political and other areas of activity, an important role is played by business meetings and negotiations, therefore, the culture of speech in business communication is of no small importance. The psychology and ethics of negotiation processes are studied not only by individual citizens, but also by organizations, and the technology of negotiation is taught during the training of specialists. Business meetings and negotiations are carried out verbally, i.e. verbally, verbally, therefore, obliges communication participants to be not only literate, but also to know the ethics of verbal communication. Gestures, facial expressions, with which speech is accompanied, are of no small importance, i.e. non-verbal communication. It is of the utmost importance to know and follow the non-verbal aspects of communication in negotiations with foreign partners who represent other religions and cultures.

The culture of speech in business communication is considered not only as a special form of behavior and sign systems. Business conversation includes a logical, verbal, non-verbal, as well as psychological culture. The basis of the culture of communication is mutual respect and goodwill, it is these qualities that largely determine the outcome of the negotiations.

A business conversation is an exchange of information, opinions, not involving the conclusion of an agreement or contract, and also not involving the adoption of decisions necessary for execution. She can precede negotiations.

Negotiations are a more formal procedure that is specific. The result of negotiations, as a rule, comes down to signing documents and determining mutual obligations. In preparation for the negotiations, it is important to determine their subject, find partners for their implementation, understand the interests of partners and their own, develop a negotiation plan, select specialists for the delegation, solve organizational issues and draw up the necessary materials. The course of negotiations, as a rule, proceeds according to the scheme: the beginning of communication - exchange of information - argumentation, counterargument - development and approval of decisions - completion of the negotiation process.

The culture of speech in business communication provides the opportunity to conclude serious transactions and increase equity. Everyone who wants to improve in this area has ample opportunities, since many books have been written on business etiquette , and there are also trainings and courses that teach beginner businessmen. Speech communications in business negotiations equip not only with knowledge of theory, but also with practical skills necessary in the field of business communication, revealing the specificity of human interaction through the use of language. Language, in turn, is not only a means of human communication, but also acts as an instrument of knowledge and an instrument of thinking. Therefore, speech communication in business negotiations between people is the main mechanism for achieving the goals, implying a psychologically favorable attitude. Effective communication with a partner is obliged to ensure a positive state and create opportunities for continued cooperation, so the ability of interlocutors to remove negative emotions, to possess the skills of psychological solutions is extremely important. Skills of conflict-free conversations, leading, as a result, to mutually beneficial results is the highest school of business communication.

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