In everyday conversations you can often hear: “it was a glitch”, “buggy”, “catch glitches”. The word has different meanings, it all depends on the scope of use. Let's see what a glitch is.
Famous composer
Gluck is the surname of the great Austrian composer of Czech origin. Christoph Gluck lived in the 18th century. He was a court bandmaster, creating music for the opera. He became famous for becoming a reformer of this genre. The composer filled his music with the ideas of citizenship (self-sacrifice for the state, submission of personal interests to the public). It was the time before the French Revolution, such ideas were in tune with the mood of democratic circles, so the musical reform took place.
Glitch in the program
The slang word first appeared among programmers, and later became popular among ordinary users. Computer scientists explain this: a glitch is an unexpected and incorrect behavior of a program, a malfunction in its operation, or a malfunction. The word gave rise to the popular verb “buggy” and the adjective “buggy”. Examples of use: Windows is buggy; mutes, slows down a computer game; buggy smartphone, browser.
Glitch in role-playing games
The role-playing movement is popular among young people. Participants in thematic costumes stage military battles, social processes, etc. Everything happens in the open, in nature. Glitch is a person from the side who happened to be at the training ground by chance and is not participating in the game.
Addictive hallucinations
Glitch is a vision due to the use of drugs, drugs. The expression "catch glitches" is common. This also includes the state of an alcoholic who got drunk “to hell”, “to a squirrel”.
They often joke about visual glitches, although this is a serious problem, a painful condition. Hallucinations are the subject of psychiatry, neurology.
Types of Hallucinations
Due to disturbances in the brain or psyche, people begin to see or feel with their senses something that does not actually exist. Let's see what glitches happen depending on the organ of perception.
Auditory. The most common type. Elementary hallucinations imply the appearance of voices, sounds, noise. Verbal are more complex, consider them in more detail.
- Dialogue. Two voices “speak” in a person’s head. One scolds the patient, convinces him to be punished. The second stands in defense, asks to wait with punishment. Both voices give the person opposite orders.
- Comments The voice speaks negatively about actions, thoughts, feelings of a person. People with this type of hallucination often commit suicide.
- Orders. The voice dictates to the patient what to do, and this is usually a bad deed. Such a person becomes dangerous: he can kill or rob another, cause harm to himself.
- Threats. The voice threatens to do something bad with a person.
- Alien power. It seems to the patient that instead of him there is some kind of power that has taken possession of him. She sends messages or speaks a foreign language through him.
Visual. Elementary visions are flashing light, smoke or fog. Objective visual hallucinations are more complex. There are visions:
- aliens, fairy-tale characters;
- animals;
- sets of identical objects;
- forked images;
- vivid pictures;
- story lines;
- their doubles or inability to see their reflection in the mirror;
- people in a reduced form;
- enlarged items;
- items within themselves;
- their internal organs;
- loss of half vision.
Tactile glitches are the sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin. Sensation of liquid or touch of a hot / cold object to the body. Feeling as if hugging from behind behind the back.
Olfactory and taste hallucinations - this is when a person feels a nonexistent unpleasant odor or taste. For example, rot, decaying dead body.
Why do hallucinations occur?
The cause of glitches can be drug use, cocaine, LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms, alcohol abuse, excess doses of an antidepressant. At risk are people with schizophrenia. She, in addition to visions, can cause auditory hallucinations. Olfactory glitches give rise to various diseases: damage to the temporal lobe of the brain, encephalitis, mental disorders. Taste hallucinations result from a seizure of partial epilepsy. Tactile glitches are with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
Bad mood and old age cannot be called the causes of hallucinations. These are indirect factors that increase the risk of vision. Pessimism causes anxiety and depression. Aging can be accompanied by dementia and paranoia. In such states, it is not far from hallucinations.