Actress Alla Yuganova: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

Actress Alla Yuganova loves to recall how one of her teachers once said that her destiny is the role of little girls. By the age of 34, the girl managed to star in more than 30 films and series, try on different images from herself and prove that she does not have a distinct role. Viewers know the star of Russian cinema by their roles in such projects as Dostoevsky, Gemini, and My Personal Enemy. What is known about her?

Actress Alla Yuganova: childhood and adolescence

The future star was born in Moscow, there was a joyful event in January 1982. The girl’s mother dreamed of raising her daughter as a creative person, since in her youth she dreamed of a scene, but managed to become only a music teacher. It was she who gave little Alla to the theater studio "Image", and then recorded at the School of Arts of St. George.

actress alla yuganova

Of course, the future actress Alla Yuganova fell ill with the theater and decided to become a celebrity. This was facilitated by the fact that teachers noted the artistry of the girl. Having received a certificate, she easily became a student of "Sliver", having got on the course of Rima Solntseva. Back in his student years, the future star debuted on the stage of the Maly Academic Theater. Her creative career began with the role of Gerda, which she played in the production of “The Snow Queen”.

Theater work

The beginning actress Alla Yuganova received an invitation to Lenkim immediately after graduation. The girl hoped to get into the extras of the famous play "Juno and Avos", but she was assigned the role of Conchita herself. The game in the production of The Seagull, the plot of which was borrowed from Chekhov's famous work, helped consolidate Alle's success. In this performance, the aspiring actress embodied the image of Nina Zarechnaya, thanks to which she gained popularity in theatrical circles.

personal life of alla yuganova

Lenkom is far from the only theater in which you can see a talented girl. For example, the actress Alla Yuganova at one time performed at the Elena Kamburova Theater , where she took part in the play “Roman in Letters”. The role and role in the play “No-Remarks”, which was on the stage of the Theater of Nations, was also appreciated by the public and critics. However, Alla still owes her fame to filming in films and TV shows.

Films and TV shows

As already mentioned, it was not theatrical roles that made the star such a talented girl as Alla Yuganova. Films and series gave the actress most of her fans. The beauty managed to make her debut in the cinema even at the time of the student body. The first for her was the Russian-Turkish film “Balalaika”, in which she was entrusted with one of the central roles.

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However, Alla herself considers shooting in the Sibirochka television project her first adult achievement. It was difficult for the girl to decide on the role that the director offered her. Yuganova doubted her ability to play a 13-year-old teenage girl. Especially for the sake of her peace of mind, the character is aged four years. This was followed by participation in the creation of the television project “Gemini”, in which the star embodied the image of the fatal beauty.

In such films as “My Personal Enemy” and “Tariff for Love”, Alla Yuganova played modest, pretty young ladies. Then she was entrusted with the difficult role of the girl, who became the first love of the famous Utesov, in the biographical drama “Utesov. Life-long song. " Fans can also see a charming actress in such projects as Dostoevsky, Clairvoyant, Marry a Millionaire.

Life behind the scenes

Of course, the personal life of Alla Yuganova also occupies her fans. Unfortunately, the actress does not like to talk about her relationship with the opposite sex. It is known that in her student years she married, but this union quickly broke up. Alla refuses to disclose the identity of her ex-husband, the journalists managed to find out only that he has no relation to the world of cinema.

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Fans who are curious about the personal life of Alla Yuganova will also be interested to know that the actress has a daughter. The child was born in 2012, the personality of the girl’s father is kept in the strictest confidence by the star of domestic cinema. Alla does not plan to marry yet.

Yuganova loves her job, but does not forget about the rest. The girl has many hobbies, she likes to skate and ride a bicycle, swim. She also sings in the group "Girls Dream", which she created herself. If you believe the words of Alla, she gets tremendous pleasure from rehearsals.

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