The TKS system is a modern telecommunication communication channel, an electronic version, which is characterized by convenience, accessibility, and high speed. Moreover, when transferring relevant information and documents through the system, there is no need to duplicate them on paper. This feature provides significant time savings, as well as the efforts of representatives of various organizations.
Today, more than 70% of the total mass of taxpayers already transmit declarations through TCS. This option simplifies additional control when filling out reports.
In fact, TCS is a telecommunication communication channel, the use of which allows you to transfer any necessary reports electronically with access to the Internet.
Reporting through TCS
All innovations in the tax industry related to the practical use of telecommunication systems are reflected and recorded in order No. 544 of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
Today, through TCS, declarations are being provided more and more often, the provision of accounting and tax reporting is available for individual entrepreneurs and all legal entities.
Actually, the system is an updated version of the interaction between taxpayers and representatives of the Federal Tax Service, if necessary, provide relevant reports and other documents. TKS gives such an opportunity, now for this you do not need to defend the queues to the tax inspection offices. It is enough to take advantage of the modern features of the Internet.
Improving the TCS system
Initially, the requirements for TCS have been set since 2007. To date, the system has been finalized and improved. In particular, the electronic document management mechanism itself has now been greatly simplified. Due to the fact that the probability of errors on both sides is minimized, the reliability of this service has significantly increased. So, today it is impossible to submit information through the TCS if they do not agree with the data reflected in the register of taxpayers, that is, any irrelevant information.
Moreover, the special program will send an additional notification on the TCS in relation to the LLC or any other organization that the reporting has not been accepted.
It is important to remember that individual taxpayers receive negative answers. This happens in cases where they have not submitted information to the Federal Tax Service regarding an authorized representative, that is, a person who will represent their interests in the field of taxation.
To better understand the features of the TCS system in Moscow and the regions, tax authorities recommend that payers familiarize themselves with order 534 of the Federal Tax Service.
TCS reporting
The modern world is characterized by dynamic development. Now there is no need to defend long lines and spend your own time in order to timely submit the necessary reports to the regional branches of the tax inspectorate. TCS declaration is a quick and effective solution to the task.
Now, for the transfer of accounting and tax reporting, only the availability of Internet access is sufficient. In addition, it will be necessary to conclude an additional agreement with the selected telecom operator, which will fix this channel of transferring information to the tax authorities. They will also be provided with examples for the TCS and explained how to fill them out.
Telecommunication channel systems now operate in many Russian regions. They exclude work with paper information carriers, and also accelerate the verification of information provided by organizations. You can submit data daily, around the clock, at any convenient time, without interruptions and days off.
The popularity and relevance of the transfer of documents through the TCS is growing. This type of workflow guarantees the expanded implementation of electronic systems and similar services available to taxpayers.
Advanced system features
With the development of modern technology, opportunities are expanding significantly. Now all relevant accounting and tax documents can be transferred to the recipient in electronic form. But the possibilities of the service do not end there. Examples of the use of TCS are as follows:
- Transfer of relevant documentation.
- Obtaining certificates of contributions and fees.
- The list of accounting and tax reporting for the past year.
- Obtaining certificates of tax calculations (such information may be required by the bank and other organizations).
- Receiving a statement reflecting the calculations made with the budget.
- Acts of reconciliation of taxes, including from TCS for customs.
- Information on the fulfillment of existing tax obligations.
No less actively use the capabilities of TCS banks and customs.
Reporting via TCS
Convenience and simplicity - these are the main parameters for the use of TCS. If the number of employees in a particular organization exceeds one hundred people, then it is obliged to transmit relevant information through the TCS. This is enshrined in law. The number is estimated on average over the past 12 months.
Due to the capabilities of TCS for customs and not only, a special report is generated, which includes all those tax payers who are required to transmit information through telecommunication systems. This is because it is much easier for representatives of the competent authorities to check the documentation, which is presented in electronic form from large organizations.
Moreover, individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to choose the most convenient way of presenting information. But many representatives of the IP groups also tend to use TCS.
Despite the youth of electronic document management, the popularity of TCS in customs and taxation is steadily increasing.
Features of reporting
When using telecommunication channels for taxpayers, two different methods of data transfer are assumed. It:
- via the Internet from any convenient place;
- when visiting specialized centers.
The fact is that the bodies of the Federal Tax Service do not directly receive the necessary reports. This function is assigned to telecommunication companies like TKS "Neva" and others. Each of them is associated with the tax office through a contract. Therefore, specialized companies transmit information received from taxpayers using communication channels with appropriate protection to the local tax authorities.
In turn, such organizations conclude agreements with taxpayers. Reporting services can be provided both on a paid and on a free basis. In any case, they undertake to transfer the data to the tax via secure channels. At the same time, for such an organization, the payer draws up the corresponding power of attorney, within the framework of which the telecommunication company gets the opportunity to submit documentation in tax.
How to submit reports through a telecommunications company?
The simplest and most affordable option for using TCS for customs and tax services is the submission of reports by organizations to the offices of a specialized company, and the data is immediately provided on electronic media. Then all information is transferred without charging an additional fee, only by proxy. The disadvantage of this option is the need for personal visits by authorized employees of the offices of such companies.
There is another, more convenient option, when the transfer of documentation requires exclusively Internet access. But in this case, you will have to pay for the service (usually paying for annual subscriptions). Even under such conditions, it is necessary to conclude a special agreement with the TCS.
The advantage of this option is a significant time savings. But through such companies it is possible to submit the necessary documentation to both the tax and statistical authorities, the Social Insurance Fund and even the Pension Fund, which is also very convenient for users (managers of large and small enterprises).
Everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves.
Due to the active spread of telecommunication systems in the field of information transfer, the reporting process as such has been greatly simplified. Now specialized software is offered, which is interfaced with a number of popular programs designed for keeping records. We are talking about a number of common products like 1C. Moreover, TCS in customs and taxation are regularly updated, as well as software for the implementation of their basic functions.
Working with such programs is simple. This was achieved thanks to an accessible and intuitive interface, along with the ability to compose the required documents manually, relying on information taken from different sources. At the next stage, prepared forms and forms are simply sent for printing.
Filled papers in electronic form are transmitted through the office of the TKS company or via the Internet at the conclusion of an appropriate agreement in advance. Both options are equivalent - in the end, the tax information will be encrypted.
Benefits of Telecommunication Systems
As noted above, telecommunication systems have been put into practice quite recently. Nevertheless, their popularity is growing rapidly and rapidly. This is largely due to their main advantages, including such:
- the ability to transfer data from any convenient point where there is Internet access - from the office, home or any other place;
- timely monitoring of compliance with deadlines;
- convenience and comfort of using TCS systems;
- elimination of random errors when generating the necessary reports in automatic mode;
- instant transfer of information;
- the ability to use at any convenient time and days of the week.
That is, the main advantage is a complete rejection of obsolete and inconvenient paper media, along with the presence of checks of the arithmetic and logical plan even at the stage of generating documents. The latter excludes not only errors, but also the subsequent submission of updated information.
At the same time, the Federal Tax Service pays special attention to the fact that the introduction of telecommunication systems increases the possibilities in terms of remote work, helps to improve the quality of service for taxpayers, and reduces personal visits to tax authorities.
Disadvantages of telecommunication systems in taxation
It is difficult to name the disadvantages of modern telecommunication systems. Thanks to the clear interface of the programs and their wide capabilities, even those accountants who have always been adherents of classical systems have easily mastered them. Therefore, the only drawback is the need to pay a monthly fee when information is transmitted not through the office of specialized companies, but directly via the Internet.
In theory, there remains the possibility of a server hacking, but the programmers of TKS LLC and other similar organizations initially developed sufficient protection for it. During the period of practical application of telecommunication systems, such situations and threats did not arise.
Schematic rules for the provision of electronic declarations
Tax legislation offers specialized regulations that regulate the activities of telecommunication systems. Its main provisions are as follows:
- Payers transmit relevant data through selected telecom operators, this rule also applies to customs TCS.
- If you have the appropriate software and hardware, connect to communication systems, you can generate a declaration, a request to the tax authority, and also encrypt the information in the process of sending it to the recipient.
In this case, electronic document management has the following features:
- necessary data is prepared;
- Information is transmitted through the TCS to the person authorized before the tax service, who encrypts it and then sends it to the Federal Tax Service;
- during the day the taxpayer receives a receipt confirming the acceptance of electronic documents.
It is important to note that the date of submission of information is considered to be the one when the information was obtained from a telecommunications operator.
In general, the peculiarities of electronic workflow when transferring statements and requests to the tax authorities are similar to the work with declarations. The only difference is that in this case there is no confirmation of the deadlines for submitting documentation from telecommunication network operators.
Additional system features
Today, taxpayers are actively using the capabilities of the TCS system. This applies not only to legal entities, but also to individual entrepreneurs.
When submitting all reports electronically, it is not necessary to duplicate it in paper form.
In cases where it becomes necessary to put specialized marks of tax authorities on the balance sheet and other securities, the taxpayer may apply to the tax. Marks are affixed on paper copies of documents held by the Federal Tax Service.
Even if an unexpected failure occurs in the telecommunication system, this will not cause a delay in the submission of documents by the taxpayer. The fact is that the date of transfer of information is considered the moment of transfer of information to the telecom operator, regardless of when they reached the Federal Tax Service.
In addition, through telecommunication systems, taxpayers can quickly request and receive a number of documents they need. Moreover, their number is constantly growing. Now, being in your office, you can request from the tax:
- certificates confirming the payment of taxes and contributions;
- list of declarations, statements for the previous period;
- certificates on the status of tax payments at the moment;
- acts of reconciliation of settlements.
Where can I get reporting information through TCS?
Each taxpayer who has filed a declaration through the TCS can receive information about the reporting. To do this, you will have to contact the territorial Federal Tax Service or the telecom operator whose services he used.
Today, representatives of the tax service are setting up legal entities and entrepreneurs who have not yet used this system to personally assess its capabilities. After all, it is convenient for both parties - electronic reporting significantly saves time for its transmission and verification.