Biosocial creator, creator of culture - who is it? Why is man a biosocial being?

Man is a biosocial creature, creator of culture and its creation. But this characteristic is suitable for a person whom a person is not at birth, but becomes due to his development. And yet a biosocial creature, the creator of culture - who is it? How are these two concepts related?

biosocial creator culture creator

Biological and social in human nature

Why is man a biosocial being? This term came from the merger of two principles: biological and social. The first is directly related to man, since he emerged from nature, evolves and exists according to its laws, was and remains a part of it. The functioning of the human body is similar to a similar process in other living things. He cannot renounce nature: in order to survive as a separate element, he must eat and breathe, and in order to survive as a species, to multiply and pass on his characters by inheritance. The latter is governed by the basic genetic law, which obeys not only humans, but all other animals.

The biological is responsible for material, physical, development, but the spiritual is the diocese of the social principle. Without society, a person will not learn to talk, express their thoughts and think in general. It is known that upbringing is more responsible for the character of a future personality than genes, and in addition to becoming one, one also needs to work hard. Although social development is important in the life of higher vertebrates, only man was the only one who went beyond the boundaries of biological evolution, which allows him to be called homo sapiens, that is, not just “man”, but “intelligent man”.

man is the creator of culture

The problem of anthroposociogenesis

Anthroposociogenesis examines the origin and development of man. The sphere of his influence also includes the dialectics of the natural and social in his life. This is embedded in the very term "anthroposociogenesis". It comes down to the fact that man is both an animal and not an animal. His direct relation to biological and social was already described in detail in the previous paragraph.

There are two approaches to this problem of duality: subjective and objective. In the first case, a person is represented as his inner world, in the second - as a carrier of external conditions of existence. The synthesized approach is better suited to the very principle of dialectics, which indicates that the two sides of one essence cannot go separately, only their interweaving means the beginning of something new and previously unknown.

biosocial creator culture creator who is it

Synthesis to define the concept of entity

It has already been considered that man is a biosocial being. The creator of culture is a synonym for one who has shown his essence, in which these two principles are connected exactly the same. This phenomenon can occur under the influence of various factors. At the same time, there is no objective idea about the very concept of essence. The atheistic and religious approach connects it with reason and God, respectively.

The concept of creativity in culture

What is called creativity? This is the process of making custom decisions. Everybody has the beginnings of creative abilities, since everyone is capable of developing new forms of activity to one degree or another. But only what is considered genuine is what leads to the creation of a new one, not only for the person who created it, but also for society as a whole. The problem of the culture of creativity is reduced to the fact that it arises in the inner world, under the influence of the external, and returns to it, but in a different light. And this unprecedented form can be accepted by others, if it corresponds to the aesthetics of perception, or not.

creator of culture

Dialectic of creativity

And creativity is twofold. This is not only the creation of the new, but also the readiness for it. External and internal factors affect the creativity of culture. Creation requires their correspondence with each other. Man is the creator of culture only when its internal perception and self-expression are adequately combined with the space in which he lives. Thus, dialectics becomes a connecting link with his works. That is why the question "Biosocial creature, creator of culture - who is it?" one answer is given. This is a man.

A person is not born, but becomes

why man is a biosocial creature

The individual, individuality, personality - all these are different stages of spiritual development. A person is a creator of culture only when he is a social being, capable of creating something new and useful for society. The personality is comprehensively and harmoniously developed, it manifests itself in actions for which it is ready to accept responsibility, and decisions that it is ready to take independently. One of its characteristics is an act. It should be noted that this is not just doing something, it is the result of free choice.

freedom of choice

The essence of freedom of choice lies in the fact that the internal attitudes, beliefs, and moral principles of the individual govern its actions. These principles are quite reliable in fact - they are unchanged under the influence of base factors. At the same time, it is known that the ability to change one's earlier erroneous opinion is a property of the wise. But this happens due to freedom of choice, because you need to accept the right point of view and renounce the wrong one. Not everyone is capable of this.

The paradox of freedom of choice is that its presence implies the imposition of restrictions on itself in the form of obligations and responsibilities. Nietzsche also said that “spiritually gifted”, meaning real persons, “find their happiness where others would find their doom,” they are ascetics who know the true significance of self-enforcement. Ultimately, you can only know your desires through understanding your needs.

Personality and Culture

Man is the creator of culture and therefore is its driving force, as well as the main goal of its formation. At the same time, thanks to the reproduction of culture, a person develops and progresses. This is an endless and amazing process: in order to create, a person must be sufficiently spiritually developed, and the work allows him to develop even more intensively and better. A similar situation is observed when considering the very relationship between culture and personality: one not only creates the second, but also forms part of it.

biosocial creator culture creator this

Culture cannot be single - it is a whole spectrum of all creations, and regardless of whether one person or a collective created its separate element, it is always a product of the joint work of society. And this is also the merit of biosociality: society, personality and culture are the continuously interconnected cogs of one system, thanks to which homo sapiens as a species continues to exist and evolve spiritually.

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