What is coquetry? Meaning of the word, synonyms

What is coquetry? The meaning of the word and its synonyms will be discussed in detail in the article. The term as a set of techniques by which people tend to like each other, applies to both sexes. But only in women flirting is inherent in nature from birth, which determines the content of the publication.

Origin of the term

Coquette - this is translated from French - "cockerel" (coquette). Immediately there is an association from the life of birds. There, the males strive to seduce females with all their strength and appearance. Bright feathers, colorful tails, beautiful beards, scallops and crests help them in this. They sing in loud voices, fluttering around their friends, showing an earnest desire to impress. Females do not shine with plumage, having a weak voice and discreet appearance. To procreate, they do not need much effort.

Flirty is

But things are different for people. The problem is not only that there are more women in quantity, but also in their somewhat dependent position. Having children, they need the support and attention of men. If they manage to captivate them, from slaves they turn into ladies, showered with caresses and gifts.

A bit of history

In ancient times, coquetry helped a woman defend herself against rudeness on the part of men. In different races, their canons of beauty, and the fair sex sought to follow them. From ancient times, the Chinese women sacrificed their legs. To make them small and elegant, from a young age they wore wooden pads that are harmful to health. Since childhood, residents of the island of Malacca wore special collars around their necks, because for them a long neck served as an indicator of beauty .

Words from the word "coquetry"

But coquetry is not just following the ideals of beauty. This is a set of specific actions by which a woman seeks to please. Special techniques not only help to impress, but also to maintain, maintaining interest in yourself for many years. Women skillfully flaunted their virtues, this they were specially trained in families.

Basic tricks

Neither social status nor income influences manifestations of coquetry, expressed in the same way. What is able to keep a man's eye?

  • Correction hairstyles.
  • Shaking hair.
  • Attention to the wrists, demonstration of bracelets or watches.
  • Stroking the neck.

Forms of coquetry are the following techniques:

  • Feminine gait, flowing gestures.
  • Open look, sincere smile.
  • A sense of style, even posture.
  • Beautiful, sexually colored voice, competent speech.
  • Ease of communication, sense of humor.
  • Charity, female helplessness.
  • Playfulness coupled with inaccessibility.
  • The ability to suddenly disappear, while retaining interest in yourself.

Coquetry, synonyms

A man, in fact, is a hunter, so a woman should not become easy prey, using the entire arsenal of seduction.

The art of coquetry: basic principles

Coquetry does not only imply the mastery of the art of communication, it carries the individuality of every woman. A real coquette is one that:

  • knows and loves himself;
  • accepts self;
  • correctly evaluates others;
  • can read sign language;
  • ready to talk with men;
  • has a positive attitude;
  • able to arouse in men a sense of their own need and significance;
  • retains individuality, not trying to conquer any man;
  • controls his sexuality.


Flirtation has many synonyms:

  • Flirt.
  • Charm.
  • Attraction.
  • Friendliness.
  • Charm.
  • Seduction.
  • Affectation.
  • Ohmuryazh.

A relationship with some of them should be considered. Often coquetry is compared with flirting, which means “flower”. Unlike flirting, flirting is a deliberate flirting with words, facial expressions, gestures, touches. In everyday life, this term is called a love game, which without fail provides for mutual actions. The language of flirting should be understood by both and often precede sexual relations, although continuation is not required.

Forms of coquetry

Coquetry, whose synonyms are widely used, is often associated with bribery. But if flirting is seen as a natural process, then covetry is a manner of manners and a kind of ceremonial in communication. The woman seems to play a pre-prepared role, showing arrogant behavior.

The word "charm" has French roots, denoting the enchanting, attractive power of something. Unlike coquetry, this is a quality of personality. The word “charm” also applies to the characterization of a person; it is innate. The concept of “seduction” is borrowed from the Gothic language as an impact on another person through flattery or other purposeful actions.


Similar concepts have several directions, but coquetry is more comprehensive. It gives an outlet to charm, attraction, charm, affection, but is also considered as an internal property of a person. Coquetry is specific actions (flirting, seduction, seduction), exploiting the personality traits to achieve goals in communication with the opposite sex. The mechanism of female flirting is turned on in order to attract a man, find out who he is and what he is capable of, check him and choose the best.

Coquetry: meaning of the word

Surprisingly, among men you can often meet those who do not like coquetry, and they consider it an unattractive feature. This can be explained by the fact that in it one senses the priority of the mind over real feelings.

Description of coquetry in the literature

A vivid example of an excessive coquette is the image of Emilia Fontaine from The Country Ball by Honore de Balzac. She easily captures the attention of young Maximilian Longville and the titled old man, whom she prefers to marry. The rejected groom achieves much in life, becoming a rich viscount. Emilia can only curse their own errors of youth. The Duchess de Lange from Balzac’s novel of the same name is an example of a classic coquette that constantly changes mood, using the word “yes” to mean “no,” keeping the attention of men.

Coquetry is a tool that the heroines of Russian literature skillfully use. The most striking image is Olga Larina from the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A. Pushkin, who is “sweet as a kiss” and all with her is “movements, voice, flaxen curls”. The image of the absolute beauty is drawn without the slightest flaw, but it is precisely because of coquetry that the protagonist does not see in her the ability for a deep, real feeling.

Word formation

You can play the words from the word "coquetry." The game will allow a deeper understanding of what is hidden behind the meaning of the concept. It is easy to compose 100 words and anagrams, of which 39 are important in Russian. Of the three letters they are born: eye, cat, juice, weight, eyelid. The eye (s) is an important tool for female flirting. A cat is an affectionate pet, an example of softness and fluffiness. Juice - an illustration of a certain female maturity (lady "in juice"). Weight is an indicator of female slimness and lightness. Century - a period of time (on the female "century").

The art of coquetry

Similarly, you can find associations in the words: wax, toast, cake, light (4 letters), dough, advice, answer (5 letters). It is interesting to choose nouns from 6 letters: rebound, east, reflection. The word, which came from the French language, firmly entered into all the dictionaries of the Russian language and in the everyday life of every person. This is especially true for women, from an early age correlating their attractiveness with reflection in the mirror.

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