The best sweat deodorant for women: reviews, rating

To the burning question of which deodorant is best for women, you can give a completely laid-back answer. Flawless will be the tool that can free the lady from the multiplication of microbes in the sweat glands and eliminate the unpleasant odor. Therefore, the popular and necessary antiperspirant is one that will perfectly disinfect and have a very persistent smell.

best sweat deodorant for women reviews

Today, the market is replete with various options for deodorants, which, as marketers and manufacturers say, are able to maintain a wonderful aroma for several days. We make our own rating of the best deodorants for women. Products for delicate and sweaty skin will be considered. So what is the best sweat deodorant for women? Let's get it right.

Why does a girl need a deodorant?

Of course, excessive sweating of the whole body and its individual parts causes the fair sex a lot of trouble. In society, it is accepted that a lady is constantly obliged to look clean and radiate only pleasant aromas of elegant perfume. Wet spots on clothes, sweat on the forehead or wet palms - all this badly affects the girl’s position in society. In this case, unexpected acquaintances recede into the background, and the internal state of self-doubt due to this incident will affect normal working activities.

In general, these problems are characteristic of both the female and male, but there are special situations that are inherent only to the female representatives:

  1. Critical days. During menstruation, the level of perspiration rises and there is a feeling of lethargy, general fatigue.
  2. Pregnancy. Strong sweating is characteristic of the first four months of this period, you should not be afraid of this at all. Subsequently, this fact will be eliminated by itself in the following months without the use of any special drugs.
  3. The period of change in the activity of the sexual glands in a woman with the approach of menopause. At this time, the female body is being radically reorganized, significant hormonal changes are occurring. From here arises a high sensitivity, lethargy, sweating increases. In such a situation, doctors are advised to use therapeutic deodorants or antiperspirants.

best deodorant for women reviews

How to choose the right deodorant?

As a rule, the main purpose of the deodorant is to get rid of an unpleasant odor, and antiperspirants go further, they are able to lower the level of perspiration. In particular, they have such an effect on humans due to the microelements of glycine and other salts contained in their composition, for example, zinc and aluminum. It is these microelements that do not allow bacteria to multiply plentifully, thereby reducing the amount of sweat secreted.

In choosing the best deodorant for women, reviews note that it is necessary to carefully read the information on the deodorant itself. In the event that you are concerned about the dry skin of the armpits, you should choose deodorants in which there is lecithin, glycerin and vitamins E. What is the best deodorant for women? Reviews indicate that perfumed products need to be purchased if you are characterized by profuse sweating and an unpleasant odor of sweat.

The form of antiperspirant also affects its ability to be an obstacle to perspiration. According to women, the best deodorants are solid and gel products, while aerosol antiperspirants have a less lasting effect.

Therapeutic Deodorants

If there are problems with excessive sweating, therapeutic deodorants, which can be purchased at any drugstores, deserve attention - with such a problem these are the best sweat deodorants for women. Typically, such funds are more expensive than their counterparts, but in the end they are effective and have a therapeutic effect on the human body.

It is better for girls who have especially sensitive skin to purchase deodorants or antiperspirants with glycerin or cyclomethicone. These components in deodorants can soften the skin and slightly reduce its sensitivity.

deodorant which is better for women reviews

When making a purchase, never forget to look at the expiration date of the product and check the integrity of the deodorant packaging. Which is better for women? Reviews say that the deodorant should have a shelf life of several years, if this number is greater, then it will contain many different preservatives, which, of course, will affect the condition of the skin and the health of the body as a whole.

How can I treat excessive sweating?

In the presented review, we won’t dwell on methods and methods of treating this deviation; we will only outline a few specialized drugs.

The most popular and effective remedy, according to most reviews, is Formagel ointment. The indicator is the fact that it is recommended even by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. According to the instructions, the course of treatment with this tool will be only two weeks. Manufacturers promise a noticeable and lasting effect not immediately, but only after passing the full course of treatment.

In the treatment of hyperhidrosis , we do not recommend using drugs that contain lead and formaldehyde in abundance - these substances themselves are not particularly useful, and with such problems they will have an even greater negative impact.

Of course, one of the most effective ways in dealing with excessive sweating is the use of deodorants.

ranking of the best deodorants for women

Next, we consider in more detail the rating of the best deodorants for women.

What are the criteria for the rating of deodorants?

During the study, the following characteristics of deodorants were monitored:

  • compliance with the validity of the information indicated on the package;
  • Does the deodorant leave marks on various fabric products;
  • how much the tool is ease of use;
  • duration of action;
  • effectiveness in eliminating unpleasant odors;
  • profitability (how long is the money enough).

Top most effective deodorants for women

First, we note that the use of deodorants in accordance with the daily norm will not harm your body - no harmful additives that are used in almost all cosmetic products to increase shelf life will not be a problem in this case. The best antiperspirant deodorants for women (reviews confirm this rating) on ​​the market are:

  1. Odaban.
  2. Adidas performance action 2 control.
  3. Drydry.
  4. Vichy.
  5. Rexona.

Read more about the funds listed below.

Deodorant Odaban

Presented deodorant for more than fifty years occupies a leading position in the global market. According to reviews, this is the best deodorant for women of 2017. Today, this brand represents a whole range of tools that help in the fight against excessive sweating and an unpleasant odor, namely:

  1. Gel for the palms.
  2. Spray for any area of ​​the skin. As the instructions say, you need to correctly apply this deodorant and do not exceed the daily rate. It must be applied to dry skin once (before bedtime), and in the morning the applied area must be washed. The effect can last up to 12 days.
  3. Special foot powder. This powder is added to the shoes and takes care of eliminating the unpleasant odor of the feet. The positive effect lasts about 3 days.

Antiperspirant deodorant Adidas performance action 2 control

Manufacturers of the well-known brand all claim that this is the best deodorant for women (2017 reviews confirm the effectiveness of the product), which is able to maintain its effect for up to four days even with active physical exertion. The deodorant is perfect for girls, has a very pleasant aroma, is quickly absorbed, leaving no residue on clothes. We also note that this spray does not contain alcohol, which means it will not irritate delicate and sensitive skin.

what is the best sweat deodorant for women

Deodorant for women Dry-Dry

The effectiveness of this product lies in the fact that it perfectly blocks the secretion of sweat glands without disrupting their functioning. This effect is achieved thanks to the special formula of the product. The antibacterial effect prevents the spread of unpleasant odors. Apply Dry-Dry deodorant a few minutes before bedtime. In the reviews, it is noted that this tool can cause irritation and slight tingling in the areas of application of the product to the skin. Therefore, this tool does not fit sensitive skin. However, this is the best sweat deodorant for women, reviews of which say that the product holds the effect well, about 72 hours. One such deodorant is enough for 5 months of daily use.

Deodorant for girls Vichy

This product has been firmly on the list of the best sweat deodorants for women for more than a decade. Reviews highlight the peculiarity of this spray: in its manufacture, special water is used, which contains an abundance of trace elements and about fifteen mineral salts. Confidence in the brand to the potential customer is added by the fact that the remedy for this company can only be purchased at specialized pharmacy points. This deodorant perfectly moisturizes and soothes the surface of the skin, protecting it from dryness. However, the spray from Vichy has a rather specific delicate aroma that not every girl will like. The effect lasts up to 40 hours.

Manufacturers openly declare that with the best deodorant for sweat for women (reviews of all Vichy products, by the way, are always positive), the fair sex no longer needs to carefully select their wardrobe. You can now use less dark tones and add more vibrant colors.

Dexorant Rexona

This tool is very popular among the fair sex. Dexorant Rexona has a bright pink color, i.e. the product is attractive in appearance and has a fairly pleasant floral aroma. The spray dries quickly enough, however, the disadvantage of this tool is the short duration of the action. The anti-sweating effect lasts about 24 hours.

the best deodorants for women

We also note that this product has become a participant in the “Control Procurement” project. The project noted that the abundant content of aluminum salt really helps this tool to protect the body from sweating. The effect is confirmed.

Deodorant Vichy 70

This tool, unfortunately, was not included in the top deodorants, but it is still worth mentioning separately. This best sweat deodorant for women (reviews again highlight a high-quality brand) is useful for girls with increased skin sensitivity. The main component of the product is the Perspical TM mineral, which has special absorbent properties. The product is very well absorbed without leaving noticeable marks on the skin. It is noteworthy that this spray is recommended to be applied half an hour before going outside. If possible, it can also be applied in the evening before bedtime.

Mirra Cream Deodorant

Cream Mirra has a fairly pleasant smell, which, of course, will be noted by the girls in this product. In its composition, this cream has an aluminum salt of recinoleic acid, which helps in protection against excessive perspiration.

The cream is very pleasant in its properties. Various oils and extracts of medicinal herbs will make the skin quite soft and well protected from external irritants. Thus, this cream has a number of positive properties: pleasant smell, healing functions, economical consumption.

Deodorant Regular MAX-F NoSweat 20%

As such, this deodorant does not have a smell characteristic of the brand, and besides, it is absolutely colorless. To protect against profuse sweating, calcium chloride is actively used, which helps to narrow the pores during the formation of the aluminum-protein complex. And the moisturizing component of the substance - trigazole - helps decompose fatty acid, preventing the spread of an unpleasant odor. It is recommended to use this deodorant after water procedures in the evening, the product retains its effect for about 7 days.

the best sweat deodorants for women

Recipe to reduce perspiration

The usual personal hygiene products can also help in solving this problem. As noted earlier, you can reduce sweating at least a couple of times by simply eliminating carbonated drinks from your diet. What tools can help in this situation?

If your face is sweating hard enough, then you can take the following actions:

  1. Using a cotton pad, wipe the face with milk powder a couple of times a day.
  2. In the morning, wipe the dry face with a cosmetic disc dipped in tightly brewed tea.
  3. You can use a fresh cucumber or tomato to wipe your face before going to bed.

If your palms are sweating hard enough you can:

  1. Rub them for several minutes during the day with infusions of oak bark or strong tea.
  2. A couple of times a day after washing your hands, pour them with a solution of vodka with lemon juice. The composition of this solution should be in a ratio of 5 to 1.

Is there an alternative to using deodorant?

Most people, although they use deodorant, are extremely worried about their state of health. From a scientific point of view, the harm of deodorants or antiperspirants has not been proven. However, many attribute their use to the early development of senile dementia, improper functioning of the kidneys in the body, and even with cancer.

As an alternative to deodorant in terms of combating unpleasant odors, doctors give the following recommendations:

  1. A very good alternative would be bathing. Carry out water procedures at least twice a day. Of course, in the summer period you need to carry out water procedures at least up to three times a day.
  2. You should be very careful about your wardrobe. Try to buy clothes made from natural silk, linen or cotton. You should not get too carried away with synthetic clothes that tightly fit the body.
  3. Watch your diet closely. Perhaps most of what you eat enhances the appearance of sweat glands. These foods include hot foods, flour products, coffee, and sodas.
  4. Use medicinal plants. Herbal medicine has been used for many centuries and has always been aimed at maintaining a normal state in the body. With regard to copious perspiration, it can help, for example, the use of water procedures with the addition of herbal decoctions of sage or oak bark.

If you still prefer to use a deodorant, it is very important to use it as rarely as possible, preferably only in the evening, and not just before going out into the street, during the most active period of functioning of the sweat glands.

Unpleasant moisture on the body and repulsive aroma can upset many women. There are many varieties of women’s deodorant products on the market today that can reduce the amount of sweat produced and eliminate bad odor. However, you never need to rush with the choice of such a product, you should especially carefully look at the various options, noting for themselves acceptable factors and characteristics of the funds. For different skin types, completely different deodorants are suitable, therefore, before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on the product packaging in detail.

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