Cracks in the corners of the mouth

In the people, wounds that occur on the lips in the corners are called jams. In medical dictionaries, the diagnosis is indicated as angulitis. The clinical picture of the disease begins with mild itching and redness of the affected area. Inflamed skin cracks with the formation of narrow wounds. Jams occur for many reasons on which the course of treatment depends.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth, causes

The inflammatory process causes a streptococcal infection or one of the yeast-like candida fungi. The indicated conditionally pathogenic flora multiplies under favorable conditions against a background of weakened immunity.

  1. During colds, ARI and flu, with hypothermia and in drafts.
  2. Dentures cause mechanical irritation, causing cracks of mycotic origin to appear in the corners of the lips.
  3. Congenital malocclusion or acquired due to tooth loss creates unnatural pressure when the lips close.
  4. Iron deficiency in the body noticeably weakens the immune system. The problem of low hemoglobin is especially pronounced in women, as a result of cyclic menstrual blood loss with the subsequent development of anemia.
  5. Seizures are a conspicuous marker of vitamin deficiency. Thus, a deficiency of vitamins A or E is manifested. But a crack in the corner of the mouth, according to statistics, often indicates a lack of riboflavin in the body. This is vitamin B2. Symptoms are confirmed by the fact that the wings of the nose are flaky, the area above the lips and most of the face. Patients may experience fatigue, chronic drowsiness, and a lack of appetite.
  6. For diseases associated with metabolic disorders, cracks appear against the background of hormonal imbalance.
  7. Patient teeth with caries enamel lesions can become a focus of infection with candidiasis of the oral cavity.
  8. Exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, other pathologies of the digestive tract are accompanied by the appearance of a crack in the corners of the mouth.
  9. Taking many drugs suppresses the immune system. Antibiotics, cytostatics and corticosteroids are included in the category of substances that provoke seizures with prolonged use.
  10. Candidiasis can occur in everyone who irritates the mucous membrane with various objects. Therefore, children and smokers are at risk of angulitis.
  11. A favorable breeding ground for the pathogenic fungus is formed in the folds of the lips moistened with saliva.
  12. The allergic origin of seizures is explained by the content of components not tolerated by the body in toothpastes and cosmetics. In such cases, cracks in the corners of the mouth appear due to the individual characteristics of the person.

Traditional medicine on the treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth

  • Emergency quick healing of wounds on the lips occurs when a complex of vitamins A and E is applied to the inflamed area. Vitamins are sold in jelly capsules and are in the pharmacy vial.
  • To supplement the lack of vitamin B2, dairy and cheese dishes are included in the diet. Beef is suitable for meat. Eggs of any birds are an excellent source of vitamins. Useful recipes for making cereals from whole grains. It is good to cook peas and beans. Vegetables are represented by cabbage and spinach.
  • Chronic cracks in the corners of the mouth, as a result of low hemoglobin, require longer treatment. The diet is enriched with porcini mushrooms, nuts and pomegranates. Cutlets and borscht are best prepared from red meat. Peach, apricot are good for dessert. Interesting recipes are in the arsenal of national Slavic cuisine from eggs or rye dough. It is worth remembering that the assimilation of iron depends on the content of vitamin C and E in the food. Everything is not so difficult, this means that you need to add fresh salads and more vegetable oil to the table.
  • You can lubricate the lips with vegetable oils that have anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended to make lotions from medicinal herbs. The list is headed by chamomile, calendula and sage.

Practice shows that the treatment prescribed by the doctor is the most effective. After all, the causative agent of the disease in this case is not alone.

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