Exercises on the back. Nothing is impossible!

Many of us love and respect sport, give it our time, energy and inspiration. Someone is professionally engaged, and someone is just for their own pleasure and keeping their body and spirit in good shape. Sport is useful at any age and in any weight category! Sometimes it’s enough to overpower yourself and start doing exercises, and sometimes you need to go to a real gym or fitness center. A good solution for many women is Pilates. These are not just meaningless exercises, but chic exercises on the back, arms and legs, on the whole body as a whole and on each part of it separately.

Many say what exercises for back pain can be . However, it is worth noting that even with such ailments, you can perfectly engage and at the same time strengthen your back.

Of course, now there are a lot of different sets of exercises: for weight loss, for gaining body weight, just for stretching or strengthening muscles. What to choose - decide for yourself or consult with a coach - this will be the best option.

But be that as it may, back exercises are useful and always appropriate. Let us focus on the so-called physiotherapy exercises - its exercises are as safe as possible for diseased joints and a weak body. In order for such gymnastics to be beneficial, exercises must be done daily, at a slow pace, not to hold your breath while performing all stages, and also consult with your doctor from time to time about your achievements.

So, some of the most useful exercises for the back :

1. Starting position - lying on your back. Raise and lower your hands.

2. Lying on your back, with your arms bent at the elbow, describe the circles.

3. Lying on your back, raise your head, while straining the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

4. Lying on your back, at the same time bend your legs to your stomach.

5. Starting position - emphasis on the knees. Bend your spine carefully.

6. Standing in the same position, straighten the left leg, resting against the right knee.

7. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Raise your head and shoulders a few centimeters, while spreading your arms to the side.

8. Lying on your stomach, bend alternately at the knees of the legs.

9. Starting position - lying on your side. Straighten and bend your legs to the side at the same time.

10. Lying on your back, raise your hands up. Lift your left leg forward by touching its lower leg with your right hand. Similarly, do the right foot.

These simple back exercises will come in handy for those who feel back pain every day. Keep in mind that only their regular implementation will lead to noticeable improvements!

Of course, with acute back pain, there can be no question of exercises - it is recommended that bed rest be exclusively. However, if pain only torments you periodically - try to perform these exercises - your back will only be grateful!

If during exercise you feel unpleasant pain, you should slightly reduce the amplitude or degree of muscle tension. If you feel pain while performing certain movements, remove this exercise from your regular gymnastics.

Remember that back exercises are very important, but do not overdo them with repetitions - 8-10 times are enough to start. Then, having adapted and got used to gymnastics, you can repeat exercises up to 100 times.

An effective addition to the exercises will be the wearing of special shoes with elastic soles (it greatly reduces the load), and also sometimes special corsets and belts will come in handy. Before buying this or that belt - be sure to consult your doctor - he will give a lot of useful tips both when choosing and with further use.

Remember that exercises for back pain are not a luxury, it is a common need for your well-being! Train yourself and your back so that it will serve you for several decades!

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