State functions: concept, classifications, various scientific approaches

In the theory of the state, one of the most common and most significant issues is considered to be the consideration of the concept of “state function”, their classification and types. The importance of this issue can be explained by the fact that, first of all, with the help of the roles performed, the country shows its social purpose. In addition, the functions performed by it determine the structure of internal apparatus and organs. In fact, the structure of the authorities in this case is determined by those relations in society that are subject to mandatory regulation by the authorities. Obviously, a change in at least one function of the state has an impact on the activities of its apparatuses: divisions appear and are abolished, new concepts for managing society are developed.

It is worth noting that there is no unambiguous definition of “state function”, because This concept can be viewed from various angles. In addition, many researchers differentiate differently the function, tasks and methods of its impact. A.P. Glebov defines his role as the appointment of power, which is realized when a certain group of social relations is influenced. Such relationships are often called function objects.

Some researchers believe that under the function of the state it is necessary to understand not some direction of activity, not sections of the activity of the authorities, but specific steps that it applies. It is important to understand that any definition of the function of the state cannot be unambiguously considered correct or, conversely, incorrect.

Analyzing various thematic sources, it is easy to note that the assignment of a certain role of a country to the function of power is quite subjective. In addition, the attribution of a state function to a certain type is ambiguously carried out. Today, studying legal literature, one can note completely opposite views on the classification of his roles in regulating social relations.

Considering the most popular in legal literature signs of the classification of state functions, it is worth highlighting the following groups:

  • for objects covered by the function;
  • by time duration of a single exposure;
  • by significance for society as a whole;
  • on the basis of the division of power;
  • on the territorial scale of the impact.

Studying the basic functions of the state, you should immediately pay attention to their division into two categories: internal and external. The first include roles that affect exclusively social, economic, legal relationships within the country. The second includes the functions of the state, which directly or indirectly affect relations with other countries, their groups and coalitions.

Modern jurists differently share the roles played by the state. So, N.T. Shestaev relates to internal functions:

  • security;
  • economic management;
  • the provision of social services;
  • public protection;
  • cultural and educational role;
  • Protection of Nature.

This researcher considers the external functions of the state :

  • ensuring sovereignty and protection of the country from external enemies;
  • the development of international diplomacy;
  • supporting economic, cultural and social ties between different states;
  • investigation of international crimes;
  • environmental protection.

In conclusion, we note that in addition to the main roles, there are specific functions of the state that arise as a result of the current policy (both external and internal), socio-economic situation, and social moods.

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