Biology experiments at home

Every student can feel like a magician. And for this you do not need a time machine, magic wand, carpet-plane or any other fabulous “gadget”. It is enough to have an inquiring mind and listen carefully to the teacher in the classroom. For the attention of young talented biologists, we offer a selection of experiments in biology for grade 5 with a description of their conduct at home.

biology experiments

Experiments with plants

In the 5th grade, experiments in biology with plants are carried out more often than others, because they are safe and allow you to clearly demonstrate their structure and properties.

Colored celery

Water enters the plant through “vessels” that go along the stem from the roots to the leaves. Experience will allow us to follow how the plant eats.

For experience it will be required :

  • celery stalk with leaves;
  • food color red and blue;
  • three glasses;
  • scissors.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Each of the three glasses is filled with water by a third. Add red paint to one, blue to the other, and one to the other in the third (to make it purple).
  2. Cut the plant stem along so that it turns out three strips, put each in a separate glass.
  3. Leave the celery for a day or two.


Celery leaves will acquire a different color. They absorb red, blue and purple paint. Different leaves are colored differently.

Colorless leaf

In the fall, the leaves on the trees turn yellow, orange, and purple. In fact, these shades are always present in them, just a green pigment, chlorophyll, disguises them. But in the fall, when it collapses, bright, beloved by many colors appear.

It is possible to isolate chloroplasts, bodies containing chlorophyll using a simple experiment.

For experience you will need:

  • Alcohol.
  • Petrol.
  • Glass.
  • The green leaf of any tree.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Pour a little alcohol into a glass.
  2. Put a leaf there and leave for a couple of hours.


The leaf will begin to fade, and the alcohol will turn green, since chlorophyll dissolves in alcohol.

Continuation of the experiment:

  1. Add a little gasoline to the glass and shake the liquid.


Gasoline floating up (it is lighter than alcohol) will become emerald, and alcohol will turn yellow. This happens because chlorophyll is converted to gasoline, and xanthophyll (yellow pigment) and carotene (orange), which have passed from the leaf, remain in alcohol.

Biology experiments Grade 5 with plants

Moving plant

Plants are able to move, and in a certain direction, be convinced of this with the help of simple experience in biology.

For experience you will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • water;
  • a jar;
  • bean, sunflower or pea seed.

Move experiment:

  1. Soak a seed in water until germination.
  2. Wet cotton wool in water.
  3. Put it in an empty jar.
  4. Place the sprout horizontally on cotton and place in the light.


The stem will stretch upward, directing the leaves toward the light.

Similar biology experiments for grade 5 at home with the Sukhov test are offered in special workbooks created by this author.

Biology experiments Grade 5 at home with Sukhov's test

Biological experiments with potato tubers “in the leading role” are mainly aimed at studying the composition of the root crop. Let's get acquainted with these experiments.

Green potato

During the growth of potato tops, the root crop absorbs many nutrients from it. The tuber should be preserved in its original form until the end of winter, so that in the spring new sprouts begin to appear on it. The chlorophyll content in the potato tuber will confirm the experiment.

For experience you will need:

  • Potato tuber.
  • Knife.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Take out the potatoes and lay them in a sunny place.
  2. Leave the tuber there for a couple of days.


The root crop, which is in the light, begins to turn green. If you cut it, the green color is visible better. As you know, in the light chlorophyll begins to be synthesized, which gives the plants a green tint.

Biology experiments Grade 5 at home with potatoes

Black potato

Potato tuber contains starch, to verify this will help experience in biology for grade 5 at home with potatoes.

For experience you will need:

  • raw potato;
  • knife;
  • iodine.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Cut the tuber in half.
  2. Put iodine on it.


Potatoes instantly darken as iodine becomes blue-black when interacting with starch.

Egg experiments

Absolutely everyone can conduct experiments in biology with eggs for grade 5 at home.

Drowning - not drowning

For experience you will need:

  • liter jar;
  • water;
  • a raw egg;
  • 5 teaspoons of salt.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Pour water into a jar.
  2. Lay the egg.
  3. Add salt.


The egg will sink in ordinary water, but as soon as you salt it well, it will pop up. The fact is that salt water is heavier than an egg, and fresh water is lighter.

Up down

Do you know that an egg can sink and float without your participation? Check this with the following egg experiment.

For experience you will need:

  • Liter can.
  • Raw chicken egg of dark color.
  • Nine percent table vinegar.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Pour a glass of acetic acid into the jar.
  2. Lower the egg there.


First, the egg will sink. But gradually it will begin to become covered with bubbles and float. But floating to the surface, the egg will immediately sink again, and so several times. Why is this happening? It's simple: the egg shell consists of calcium, and when it reacts with acid, carbon dioxide is formed, the bubbles of which drag the egg up. When an egg floats, carbon dioxide passes into the air, there are fewer bubbles and the egg sinks again. Egg movements up and down will continue until calcium carbonate is completely washed out of the shell. The egg will become very fragile and brighten, and a brown foam will form on the surface of the liquid.

Biology experiments Grade 5 at home with eggs

Egg hairstyle

Not all experiments are carried out so quickly; there are biology experiments for grade 5 at home, giving results in a week or 10 days.

For experience you will need:

  • a raw egg;
  • cotton wool;
  • tube from toilet paper;
  • alfalfa seeds;
  • water.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Carefully make a hole in the top of the egg with a diameter of about 3 cm.
  2. Fill the egg with cotton.
  3. Put the shell into the tube from the toilet paper.
  4. Sprinkle seeds on the shell.
  5. Pour plenty of water.
  6. Put on the window.


After about three days, the first seedlings will begin to appear, and after a week the egg will already have a wonderful green head of hair.

Biology experiments Grade 5 at home for the week

Frost resistant yeast

Pressed baking yeast does not lose its properties when properly frozen and thawed. Make sure of this by conducting a biology experiment for Grade 5 with yeast and flour.

For experience you will need:

  • pressed yeast;
  • warm water;
  • flour;
  • basin.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Put pressed yeast in the freezer for a day.
  2. Remove the yeast, place in a bowl and leave for 3 hours at room temperature.
  3. Add warm water and flour, mix.
  4. Leave for another 2 hours.


The dough is doubled in volume, which means that the yeast does not die even when frozen.

Biology experiments Grade 5 with yeast and flour

Lava lamp

This spectacular experience in biology will attract the attention of not only children, but also parents.

For experience you will need:

  • Water.
  • Rock salt.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Food colorings.
  • Liter glass jar.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Pour water into a jar (approximately 2/3 of the capacity).
  2. Add a glass of vegetable oil.
  3. Pour food coloring into a jar.
  4. Add a teaspoon of salt.


Colored bubbles will move up and down. Oil floats on the surface because it is lighter than water. By adding salt, you help lower the oil along with grains of salt to the bottom of the can. A little time passes, the salt dissolves and rises again. Food coloring makes the show brighter.

experiments on biology Grade 5 with plants


The following biology experience allows you to make your own rainbow.

For experience you will need:

  • basin;
  • water;
  • mirror;
  • flashlight;
  • sheet of paper (white).

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Pour water into a basin.
  2. Put a mirror at the bottom.
  3. Aim the flashlight at the mirror.
  4. Catch the reflected light with paper.


A rainbow appears on a white sheet. A ray of light, consisting of several colors, is “laid out” on them when passing through water.

Experiments in biology Grade 5 at home

Home volcano

Beloved by many experience in biology at home in grade 5 - the manufacture of a volcano.

For experience you will need:

  • clay and sand;
  • plastic bottle;
  • red dye (food grade);
  • vinegar;
  • soda.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Stick clay and sand around the bottle to make it look like a volcano (leave the neck open).
  2. Pour soda into the bottle (2 tablespoons), ¼ cup of warm water, a little dye.
  3. Add ¼ cup vinegar.


The eruption of the resulting volcano will begin as a result of the interaction of soda and vinegar. The resulting carbon dioxide bubbles eject the contents of the bottle, just as lava erupts from a real volcano.

Biology experiments for grade 5

Balloon balloon

Can an ordinary, unremarkable bottle inflate a ball? It sounds weird, but let's try.

For experience you will need:

  • bottle;
  • Balloon;
  • vinegar;
  • soda.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Pour soda into the ball.
  2. Pour vinegar into the bottle.
  3. Put the ball on the neck of the bottle.
  4. Make sure that the soda from the ball spills out into vinegar.


The ball begins to inflate. It is filled with carbon dioxide, resulting from the interaction of soda and vinegar.

Biology experiments grade 5 description
Saliva Enzymes

Biology experiments aimed at studying ourselves are especially interesting. It turns out that the process of digesting food begins immediately after it enters the mouth! An experiment will help to verify this.

For experience you will need:

  • iodine;
  • starch;
  • cold water (boiled);
  • hot water;
  • 8 glass glasses;
  • pan;
  • pipette.

The progress of the experiment:

  1. Prepare the paste: pour cold boiled water into the pan. Add 4 teaspoons of starch, mix. Stirring the starch, pour a thin stream of boiling water into the pan. Place the pan on a hot stove. Continue stirring until the contents become transparent. Remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool.
  2. Pour cold boiled water into your mouth and rinse it for a minute - you get a saliva solution.
  3. Spit out the solution into a clean glass.
  4. Add the same amount of paste to the glass with saliva.
  5. Put it in a pot with warm water so that the solution remains warm.
  6. Prepare 7 clean glasses.
  7. Pipette a little saliva and starch solution into a pipette and pour it into the first glass.
  8. Add a couple of drops of iodine.
  9. Do the same with the remaining six glasses at intervals of 2-3 minutes.


In the first glass, the solution will turn saturated blue. In each subsequent it will be a little paler. The color of the solution in the glasses, where iodine was added 15-20 minutes after the first, will remain unchanged. This suggests that in the last glasses of starch was no longer contained, it was split by an enzyme called amylase contained in saliva.

Conducting biology experiments for grade 5 at home is certainly an entertaining lesson. However, fifth graders should not conduct them independently. The presence of parents will make experiments safe and will allow you to have fun and informative leisure.

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