Norway's geographical position and general country information

The Kingdom of Norway is a country located in Northern Europe. The state got its name from the ancient Scandinavian phrase meaning "the way to the north."

Geographical location of Norway

Norway is surrounded by three seas: the Barents, Norwegian and Northern. This is a rather oblong country, a third of the territory of which is occupied by forests and ponds. Over half of it is covered in mountains. Almost the entire coastline of Norway is cut by narrow bays - fjords. The geographical location of Norway can be described by its borders. The country borders on Sweden, Finland and the Russian Federation. About a third of the mainland is located north of the Arctic Circle.

The geographical position of Norway obliges the country to make tourism one of the main types of income.

cities of norway

general information

About 5 million people live in the country.

The form of government here is the constitutional monarchy. The capital of the country where the king’s residence is located is Oslo.

History reference

The first mention of the state appeared at the beginning of our era, when the land of present-day Norway was inhabited by Scandinavian tribes, who during the Middle Ages decided to sail across the entire Atlantic.

At the end of the X century, the country began to profess Christianity. After 1380, Norway became subordinate to Denmark. She was able to free herself from the power of this country only after the Anglo-Danish war of 1807-1814, while falling into submission to Sweden. Independence was announced on May 17, 1814, followed by a conflict with Sweden, which was decided not in favor of Norway. The country became completely free only by 1905.

During the Second World War, the state of Norway was occupied by fascist invaders, the northern part of it was recaptured by the Soviet liberators in the fall of 1944, and the whole country was freed on May 8, 1945.


Norway is famous for its nature: picturesque coasts, fabulous fjords, enchanting glaciers, forests, rivers, mountains attract lovers of outdoor activities and landscape tourism from around the world. Man-made sights of Norway are also very popular, and hundreds of thousands of tourists come here every year to enjoy the northern lights.

geographic location of norway

In 2009, the UN submitted a report on the quality of life in 182 countries, according to which Norway became a leader in the list of the most developed and prosperous countries in the world.

Climate and weather

The climate in the country is cold, there is a lot of rainfall. Most in the west of the country in autumn and winter. In the inner regions of southeastern Norway and in the northern regions, it also rains frequently. The highest rainfall occurs in summer, while winter and spring are arid.

The geographical location of Norway indicates different climatic conditions in the country. In its western part there is a mild, temperate marine climate. In July and August, the average temperature at night is 10-12 degrees, during the day - 16-18 degrees. Most rainfall in September and October.

In the central part, the climate is temperate continental. From October to March, frosty time, in January the temperature can drop to -17 degrees. The warmest month is July.

In the Far North, the climate is subarctic. February is the coldest month, the temperature reaches 22 degrees below zero. The hottest month is July.


Oslo is the capital of Norway, lying in the depths of the beautiful fjord, on the shores of three bays. The city is surrounded by mountains and hills. Oslo has theaters and concert halls, exhibitions and festivals. In the state of Norway (Oslo in particular) there are also many museums for every taste.

Bergen is the second most visited city among tourists in the country. The city is called the gateway of the Norwegian fjords, it is from here that travels to the fjords often begin.

Roros is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The climate of Roros is severe - it has the lowest temperatures throughout the country. All cities in Norway have their own zest. So, Roros is very popular with tourists who come here to enjoy the picturesque lakes, rivers, dense forests and majestic mountains, as well as admire the old wooden buildings.

state of norway

The beautiful ancient Norwegian city of Trondheim is famous for its famous attraction - St. Clement's Cathedral (this is one of the best cathedrals in all of Scandinavia).

The city of Tromso is called Paris of the north. This beautiful town is located on an island in northern Norway, surrounded by mountains, fjords and islands. Tromsø is a very lively city with many pubs, street activities and cultural events available all year round. The local museum always hosts an exhibition of Sami culture.

The small but very picturesque town of Ålesund is located in the west of the country. It lies on several islets at the mouth of one of the fjords. The city is famous for the stunning nature of the surrounding places.

The cities of Norway are very picturesque, and each of them has its own unique features.

Norwegian Fjords

Traveling around the country will not do without visiting the fjords. Norway has the largest number of them worldwide.

norway ass

The fjords in the country lie along the entire coastline. Each of them is surprising in its own way. Norway's deepest fjord has a depth of over 1300 meters. Due to the depth of the waters, large liners can ply here, from which tourists admire the stunning scenery.

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