Why is motion sickness in the car and vomiting? Solution

In this paper, we will consider the question of why it crashes in a car. From the article, the reasons for this phenomenon will become clear, options for getting rid of nausea will be proposed.

If you are sick of transport, then you are dealing with seasickness. It manifests itself in people with a disturbed vestibular apparatus. As a rule, children often suffer from this fate, but adults are not insured in any way.

Motion sickness can ruin any vacation, which is why we will try to find the answer to the question of how to get rid of nausea during a trip. In this paper, we present both folk methods and useful medications. Let's get started!


So why the motion sickness in the car? The whole problem is seasickness. It is also commonly called kinetosis, or motion sickness. It manifests itself in the form of nausea or motion sickness. Motion sickness is caused by prolonged monotonous vibrations. Despite the name of the disease, it occurs when riding in public transport, car, train, and so on. Why does the disease have such a name? Everything is very simple: people encountered her for the first time during sea voyages.

Why motion sickness in the car more often than in other vehicles? The severity of motion sickness depends on the strength of motion sickness. The most active kinetosis is manifested if during movement:

  • to read a book;
  • look at a tablet or phone;
  • dress too warm.

It is important to note that motion sickness of children on a swing with prolonged swing is also a seasick disease. Among mothers, this problem was called - "swing disease".

Women are more prone to this disease. The biggest risk is for children under 12 years old. According to statistics, more than 50% of children suffer from kinetosis. As for the adult population, this disease was detected in 5% of the population.


Now we will examine the question of why the motion sickness in the car. Kinetosis manifests itself in sensory conflict. What does it mean? Sensory conflict is a mismatch between the sensations of the body and visual perception. Imagine that you are sailing on a ship. There is a great storm in the sea, but you cannot see the waves. At this moment, you feel that the ship is moving, but the visual apparatus sends a signal to the brain that you are in place. It is this failure that causes the malaise: the brain comes to the conclusion that a person experiences hallucinations and that the hallucinogen entered the body with food, therefore it gives a signal to cleanse the stomach of toxin - vomiting occurs.

What are the other reasons for the development of kinetosis? Of course, this is a psychological attitude. A person who has already been rocked in transport can pre-configure himself for an unfavorable outcome. That is, it โ€œwinds upโ€ itself. This is also the cause of the disease. Relax and donโ€™t think about the bad, as itโ€™s more likely that everything will go well.

What to do?

We examined the question of why it began to rock motion in the car. Now let's try to get rid of motion sickness together or reduce the degree of its manifestation. What causes motion sickness? Due to imbalance. The vestibular apparatus, which consists of several organs, is responsible for the latter:

  • inner ear;
  • visual apparatus;
  • tendon-muscle apparatus.

Now we will list the measures that can be taken with motion sickness:

  • self-hypnosis (calm yourself, then nausea and panic will pass);
  • get in the direction of traffic;
  • close the window with a curtain;
  • focus on one point;
  • experiment with acupressure (ears, palms, feet).

Of course, now it is possible to find funds on the shelves of pharmacies, which will help, we will list in the next part of the article.


Why is a motion sickness in an adult car? Yes, for the same reasons as children. This problem has a name - motion sickness, or kinetosis. In children, it manifests itself more often than in adults, but over time it passes. Children suffer from this disease due to poorly developed vestibular apparatus.

Now a little about medications that can help from motion sickness in transport. The following funds can be included in this list:

  • "Dramina";
  • Bonin
  • Ciel and so on.

All this will help remove the symptoms of motion sickness, which will favorably affect the psychological state of a person. Now briefly about each of them.

The drug "Dramina" begins to act 15 minutes after administration. It is excreted in urine and breast milk. It is worth paying attention to nursing mothers! The drug is contraindicated in children under one year old. Side effect is drowsiness.

The drug "Bonin" is not recommended for children under 12 years. The drug is valid for a day from the time of administration. Drinking a pill costs 1 hour before a flight or trip. Side effects are similar to the previous remedy.

Ciel begins to act 20 minutes after administration. The duration of the effect is 4 hours. You can not take pregnant and lactating women, young children. We will also talk separately about the two most common devices separately.


So, why motion sickness in the car, what to do if you feel unwell? If the above methods and medicines do not help, try turning to a common drug like Phenibut.

This drug is a nootropic and tranquilizer. The effect of the latter is moderate. In addition to eliminating dizziness and nausea, Phenibut has the following effects:

  • improving brain functionality;
  • increased mental performance;
  • decrease in anxiety;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • preparation for anesthesia;
  • alcohol addiction treatment.

As you can see, this drug covers a fairly wide range of problems. The drug has a minimum of contraindications - intolerance to the components. Phenibut can be used for both adults and children. The dosage depends on the indications for use, it can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Adults are prescribed Phenibut in a single dose of up to 750 milligrams, and for children, up to 250 milligrams. The drug can be used at any time, regardless of meals.


We sorted out the question of why it started rocking in the car. Now let's talk about a common drug for motion sickness called โ€œAir-Seaโ€. The price of this effective drug is only 100 rubles, however, getting rid of nausea will work out with almost a 100% guarantee.

Indications for use "Avia-More" - prevention and elimination of symptoms of seasickness. Remember the dosage and dosage regimen is quite simple:

  • prevention - 1 tablet 60 minutes before the trip, 1 tablet every 30 minutes of the trip (the number of drunk tablets should not exceed five);
  • elimination of symptoms - 1 tablet.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that Avia-More is not recommended for children under three years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

In the car, a baby rocked

Briefly answer the question of why the child is cradled in the car and vomits. Children under 12 years old are sick with transport quite often, this is due to the fact that the vestibular apparatus is still poorly developed.

What to do if the baby is sick in transport? Try to distract him, show the toy. The kid should focus on an immovable property. Take peppermint candies with you. Give a drink of water with lemon juice. Make sure that the throats are small. Ask the baby to take deep breaths, remove tight clothes. If you are driving in a car, then stop and breathe some fresh air.

If the above methods do not help, then you should contact your pediatrician. After a full examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe a drug for motion sickness, which will help your child.

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