What is known about the actor Andrei Fomin?

Actor Andrei Fomin gained fame for his roles in the famous Moscow Theater Studio, which was founded in 1987 under the direction of People's Artist Oleg Tabakov. What is known about the young man? What has he achieved, and how is the personal life of actor Andrei Fomin? You can find out about this by reading the material from our article.

Actor Andrei Fomin: biography

Alas, there is not much information about the theater artist Andrei Fomin. It is known that a young man was born in September 1984 in the city of Samara. After graduating from school, the guy entered the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory in the workshop of Rimma Belyakova.

Andrey Fomin

While still a student, he played the role of Tony in the production of “The Night of Errors” on the stage of the Saratov Academic Theater. After receiving a diploma, with the filing of his mentor at the university, actor Andrei Fomin went to Samara, where the famous actor Oleg Tabakov was on tour at that time.

Play in the theater

After talking with the founder of the capital's theater studio, Fomin gets the main role in the production of Kirill Serebrennikov under the title “Depicting a victim”, which was staged on the stage of the Art Theater. Many fans of the aspiring actor’s talent suggested that he, like many, would begin his career at the Moscow Art Theater, however, after a short period of time, the young actor began working at the Snuffbox. Actor Andrei Fomin played the first role on the stage of the Moscow Theater-Studio in 2007 in a production called “The Process”.

This production was the first collaboration with K. Bogomolov. Over the next few years, the theater director regularly invited the artist to participate in his performances. So, Andrei played Arkady Kirsanov in the play “Fathers and Sons”, Vasenka in “The Elder Son”, Zina and photographer Markov in Wonderland-80, as well as Claudius Goretsky in the production of “Wolf and Sheep”.

role in the play

When the director resigned, Fomin began to collaborate with M. Stankevich, G. Cherepanov, A. Marin and V. Sigarev. So, for example, the role of Homa Brut in the production of Sigarev was written specifically for the young artist. Having played on the perfectly allotted image, the artist appeared on the list a role that became a new stage in Fomin's life. In 2015, Andrei received good reviews from theater critics for his work in the production of Viy.

Artist Achievements

The following victories can be attributed to the merits of a young and talented artist. So, about 10 years ago, at the age of 25, he was nominated for the “Theater Star” award in the category “Best Ensemble” (together with Yu. Chursin, E. Miller, J. Sexte and S. Sosnowski for participating in the production “The Eldest Son” based on the play by A. Vampilov).

In the same 2009, the actor was awarded the MK prize for the best episodic role, in the Beginners category in the production of The Elder Son.

A year later, the actor Andrei Fomin was awarded the prize for the rapid creative development shown in the productions of “The Eldest Son”, “Fathers and Sons”, as well as “Wolves and Sheeps” from the Non-Profit Charitable Fund by everyone beloved Oleg Tabakov.

actor Andrey Fomin

In addition to the achievements associated with working in the theater, it is worth saying that Fomin did not stop there and began to advance in the field of the film industry. In 2006, Andrei could be seen in the film "Drive" as the senior sergeant of the NKVD Pyotr Chernykh. In 2013, in the film "Pelmeni" in the role of Pavel, and a year later a talented artist played a secondary role as a security guard in the film "Star".

Personal life, wife and children of actor Andrei Fomin

The personal life of the young and talented artist “Snuffbox” is in the shade. Andrey avoids the public, does not attend social events and parties, avoids journalists and does not give interviews to anyone. In the media there is no information about his marriage or about children.

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