Solarium, the harm and benefits of visiting it.

Today, many people care about the topic: "Solarium: the harm and benefits of visiting it." This article is dedicated to this issue. Let's try to figure it out together.

Everyone knows that a tanning bed is the only way to get an even, lasting and beautiful tan, regardless of the time of year. The trendsetter for tanning in the distant twenties of the last century was the notorious Coco Chanel. Prior to this, tanning was considered to be the lot of simple hard workers who spent a lot of time in the open sun, in their labors and concerns. In this regard, their skin acquired a characteristic shade.

But, as already mentioned a little earlier, fashion dictates its own conditions. And after the end of World War II, a new trend appeared, namely a lamp with ultraviolet radiation. The solarium as such, industry began to produce only in one thousand nine hundred and seventy-sixth year. Currently, a huge number of people around the world are sunbathing in tanning salons. And which is characteristic, the debate on the issue of tanning, harm and benefit is ongoing to this day. We will also make our contribution, and for a start we’ll talk about how the solarium is all the same useful.

First of all, the solarium is the place where in winter you can get the perfect tan, which also turns out much more evenly than in the sun. With it, the skin can be prepared for a beach holiday. Sessions of such a tan can get rid of acne. Thanks to ultraviolet radiation, immunity is strengthened, and the body fights viral infections more easily. It has long been proven that artificial tanning , unlike usual, is much more beneficial. This is due to the fact that there is no direct effect on the skin of sunlight. In addition, ultraviolet activates the production of vitamin D, the presence of which significantly strengthens bone tissue and muscles. And the fact that ultraviolet rays contribute to the production of endorphins in the human body suggests that artificial tanning helps in the fight against depression. The tanning bed is also supported by the fact that a moderate tan is nothing more than a natural barrier to natural ultraviolet radiation.

Of course, all of the above is a huge plus. But what is the harm of tanning beds? First of all, in this context, it should be noted that ultraviolet rays can destroy elastin and collagen in the skin cells, thereby draining it. This in turn causes premature wrinkle formation and wound aging. Hair also suffers. They become brittle. Frequent visits to the solarium exacerbate the course of many chronic diseases, and, importantly, contributes to the development of some oncological pathologies, in particular melanoma. A number of studies have been conducted, during which scientists found that excessive enthusiasm for tanning leads to mutations. There is another point that you should pay attention to: artificial tanning causes a thickening of the stratum corneum. This is a consequence of clogged pores, which may not be the best way to affect the condition of the skin and appearance as a whole.

So, a tanning bed, the harm and benefits of visiting which are obvious, can be considered ambivalently. However, there is always the opportunity to find, so to speak, a middle ground. In this particular case, it will be caution and moderation.

But, despite this, there are a number of restrictions under which visiting the solarium is generally not recommended. Of course, before you go for a portion of ultraviolet radiation, you should consult a doctor. This will help to avoid a number of problems in the future.

As for the question: tanning is harm and benefit, then everything is obvious. Talks on this subject, as you see yourself, are not groundless. The main thing that you should highlight for yourself, first of all, is to weigh all the possible risks from visiting the solarium and, if possible, avoid them. Then your tan will be not only beautiful, but also useful!

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