First aid for injuries

A person can get injured anywhere and damage any part of the body. Such a situation often becomes dangerous, therefore correctly provided and in the short term first aid first aid will save his life, as well as prevent him from undesirable complications and consequences. All the actions that should be performed are simple and feasible to any person who does not have a special medical education. It is important that everyone knows how to act correctly in a given situation. This article will discuss how to provide first aid for injuries and injuries of various parts of the body resulting from exposure to external factors.

Injury classification

The accelerated pace of human life, the constant development of industry, agriculture, and the increase in the number of vehicles often contribute to various kinds of damage. Circumstances in which you may be injured:

  • non-compliance with safety regulations at work;
  • transport accidents;
  • natural disasters;
  • sports activities;
  • game situations;
  • street fights;
  • animal attacks;
  • living conditions.
Dislocation of the elbow joint

There is a certain dependence of the provision of first aid on the type of injuries, which according to external factors of influence are:

  • mechanical - the most common; there are two types: open (skin is damaged and bleeding occurs) and closed (without dermis defect);
  • physical - these include frostbite, burns, heat stroke, electric shock, lightning, infrared, radioactive and ultraviolet rays;
  • biological - these are defects that are caused by bacteria, viruses, snakes, insects, animals;
  • psychological - these are mainly consequences caused by stressful situations and fear;
  • chemical - exposure to human skin of solvents, acids, alkalis.

In addition, first aid for injuries depends on the nature of the damage. It can be:

  • isolated - only one segment of the body is damaged;
  • multiple - two or more organs are injured;
  • combined - simultaneous damage to organs belonging to different systems;
  • combined - damage is caused simultaneously by several types of injuries: mechanical, radiation, chemical and others.

First aid for injuries and injuries depends on the severity, which is divided mainly into three degrees: severe, moderate, mild, with the exception of burns, which have four levels.

Volume of first aid for injuries

In a peaceful environment, injuries most often occur at workplaces, in the repair of motor vehicles, sports and in everyday life. Their occurrence is often accidental, so first aid is provided by someone who was next to the victim. A person who was not present at the time of the injury should establish the time, cause and circumstances of the incident. This is especially necessary to know when the victim is in an unconscious state and is not able to tell about what happened. This information will help you identify the nature of the damage and choose the right methods of care. The provider should be able to:

  • assess the nature and severity of the damage;
  • take measures to restore breathing and cardiac activity;
  • stop external bleeding;
  • fix the damaged part of the body during fractures;
  • correctly lift and carry;
  • remove clothing;
  • load on transport.

According to the rules of first aid, the injured person should be spared: do not cause him additional pain with careless movements or uncomfortable body position, as well as concussions.

When should you call an ambulance?

Not every injury requires medical attention. It all depends on the condition of the victim, and the situation in which he fell. Emergency care is needed if the victim:

  • unconsciousness;
  • absent or difficulty breathing;
  • persistent pain or a feeling of pressure in the chest;
  • intense bleeding;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • poisoning;
  • stab or gunshot wound;
  • fractures and dislocations with open wounds;
  • injuries sustained in an accident;
  • falling from height;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • electric shock.
Hand injury

In some cases, it is difficult for a first-aid person to determine the need to call a team of doctors, in which case it is better to play it safe. When calling, inform: address or landmarks (if the incident is on the street), number of victims, approximate age, briefly - condition (consciousness, breathing, blood loss). All these data will help the dispatcher send the necessary composition of the medical team.

First aid

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health, first aid for injuries is allocated in a special form. It turns out to be persons who do not have a medical education, before the arrival of the medical team. Unlike first aid, in case of injuries, it can be provided voluntarily by any person who uses his existing skills. If unwillingness or inability to provide first aid, he is obliged to call qualified specialists. The purpose of first aid is to prevent or eliminate the causes of the threat to life and health of victims.

School subject "Fundamentals of life safety" (OBZh)

Since September 1991, in the general educational institutions from the second to the eleventh grade, the course of life safety was introduced. Since 1994, all students from grades 1 to 11 have studied this subject. When studying it, students form:

  • responsible and conscious attitude to personal security;
  • conscious position towards the safety of others;
  • ability to assess the danger of a situation;
  • determination of protection methods;
  • self-help and mutual assistance.
Dislocation of the ankle

When studying the subject, questions are analyzed and analyzed to protect themselves and others in dangerous and emergency situations. The basics of knowledge and the rules of first aid for injuries on life safety are also being studied. In addition, healthy lifestyle skills are being inculcated, contemporary security issues are addressed, and military service issues are raised. The OBZh course does not prepare students for extreme situations, but strengthens their physical, spiritual and mental health, which contributes to safe life.

Heart Rate and Respiration

A person's breathing can be seen by raising and lowering the chest. Breathing can be frequent (more than 20 times per minute), rare (less than 10 times per minute), arrhythmic, sobbing, but you should not do artificial ventilation of the lungs in the nose or mouth in the mouth. The pulse should be determined on the carotid artery, and not on the arm. With severe pain and blood loss, blood pressure drops and the pulse is not felt on the arm. When providing first aid for injuries, it is determined on the carotid artery as follows:

  • place three fingers on the left or right of the Adam's apple;
  • push them deeper;
  • between the muscles of the neck and the Adam's apple, a pulsation should appear; in this case, an indirect heart massage is not necessary.

If in doubt, the victim is breathing or not, the pulse should be checked.

What to do if there is no pulse and breathing?

In this case, the first medical aid for various injuries must begin with actions to resuscitate the victim. To do this:

  • Clean the airways. Blood, mucus, or earth could accumulate in your mouth. To do this, wrap two fingers of a hand with a rag or handkerchief (index and ring) to open the victim’s mouth and clean the mouth.
  • Tilt your head back, push the lower jaw forward and do artificial respiration through a napkin mouth to mouth, pinching your nose.
  • At the same time, the second person should do an indirect heart massage, pressing hard on the chest.
  • When discharge from the mouth, they should be removed.

Rescue measures must be performed for at least 10 minutes, and preferably before the arrival of medical care.


This is damage with a violation of the dermis, mucous membranes and other tissues. First aid for injuries is determined by the type of wound, which, depending on the damaging item, is divided into:

  • cut - bleed heavily;
  • chipped - dangerous damage to internal organs: lungs, heart, abdominal organs, large vessels; they are characterized by severe bleeding and infectious infections;
  • chopped - have different depths, bone damage and soft tissue bruising;
  • bruised - characterized by uneven edges soaked in blood, infection may develop;
  • ragged - detachment of skin flaps occurs, damage to blood vessels, muscles and tendons is possible.

When assisting, it is necessary to stop bleeding and protect the wound from infection.

Bleeding rescue

With various types of injuries, first aid begins to be provided with the elimination of bleeding:

  • Flowing out of the wound of scarlet blood with a pulsating stream indicates arterial bleeding. To stop it, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet above the bleeding site by five centimeters.
  • When the wound is located on the body, in the upper part of the shoulder or thigh, arterial bleeding can be stopped only by pressing the vessel with a finger above the lesion.
  • Dark blood and slow leakage from the wound indicate venous bleeding during trauma. First aid consists in applying a sterile pressure dressing to the wound. If the limb is damaged in the joint area, after applying the bandage, bend the arm or leg.
  • Capillary bleeding occurs with shallow damage to small vessels and stops spontaneously.

For lack of dressings, you have to use what is at hand. It should be remembered that the tourniquet can be applied only for a certain time: no more than an hour in the summer and a maximum of thirty minutes in the winter.

Traumatic shock

This serious condition of the victim, which occurs with severe pain and heavy blood loss, is a threat to life. Inhibition of the central nervous system, a complete disorder of the whole organism, low blood pressure, frequent breathing. The first signs of shock are strong motor and speech arousal, which is quickly replaced by indifference to others. The face becomes pale, the pupils are dilated, the dermis is sweaty, weak pulse, shallow breathing, lowered body temperature and low pressure. First aid measures for injuries during shock should be carried out carefully, without causing any additional inconvenience to the victim. It is necessary to stop bleeding, reduce pain symptoms, and if necessary, apply tires. The patient is given a lying position so that the head is below the torso, wrapped in blankets and warmed. With intact abdominal cavity give hot tea.

Breast Injury Care

With such injuries, there is a violation of breathing and blood circulation caused by a violation of the mobility of the chest and blood loss. As a result, the activity of the heart muscle and lungs is limited.

Chest injury

The danger of such injuries is that broken ribs can damage the lungs. For first aid for chest injuries:

  • Call for emergency care.
  • Carry out resuscitation if the patient is in an unconscious state.
  • Give the victim a half-sitting position.
  • Release chest from clothing.
  • Bandage the wound, put cold on top.
  • When blisters appear from the wound (damaged lung), apply a sealing dressing. This is done like this: tightly glue several layers of bandage on the wound from above with a band-aid or adhesive tape. On the bandage, you can put an ordinary plastic bag, fixing it with a plaster around the perimeter.
  • We must remember that you can not remove a foreign body from the chest. This will be done by the doctor.

First aid for traumatic brain injury

Such injuries include:

  1. Concussion. This severe damage, associated with closed skull injuries with blunt objects, is often accompanied by a brain contusion. The patient may complain of headaches, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus. The skin is pale, marked drowsiness and lethargy. Characteristic features are: loss of consciousness during trauma, vomiting, failure to remember events prior to the injury.
  2. Fracture of the arch of bones. It is characterized by the presence of cracks and impressions with damage to one or more bones. With cracks, internal fractures often occur with many fragments that compress the brain and damage the vessels. The victim has a wound or swelling on his head. He complains of a severe headache. At the time of injury, loss of consciousness is possible. The pulse is rare, sometimes there is a lack of speech, breathing is disturbed and paralysis of the limbs occurs.
  3. Fracture of the base of the skull. Severe penetrating wound of the skull. It is dangerous because damage to the brain, nerves and infection can occur. Typical signs are discharge from the nose or ears of blood and brain fluid, hearing impairment and a distortion of the face.
Head injury

First aid for traumatic brain injuries is focused on protecting victims from infection in wounds and preventing the entry of blood and vomit into the respiratory tract. The patient must be laid down, turning his head to the side. It must be fixed with a roller from clothes. A sterile dressing is applied to the wound. It is necessary to control the pulse and respiration. In all cases, you must call an ambulance.

First aid for injuries of the musculoskeletal system

These are the most common injuries from bruising to severe fractures. Traumatologists distinguish the following types of injuries of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Fracture - characterized by a violation of the integrity of the bone. The main sign of a fracture is pain, swelling, and stiffness in the area of ​​injury. Most often, a fracture is determined only by pain, which increases with movement.
  2. Dislocation - displacement of the bone in the joint. You should not try to correct the dislocation yourself.
  3. Sprain and rupture of ligaments - occurs when the bone goes beyond the amplitude of natural movement. With the continuation of the action, a rupture of the ligaments occurs.
  4. Stretching muscles and tendons - occur with a sudden strong muscle contraction.
Broken leg

First aid for injuries of the musculoskeletal system is as follows:

  • Provide peace to the victim, freeing him from traumatic effects.
  • To give immobility to the damaged part of the body without straightening the limb. Apply tires from improvised means, or a tight bandage to prevent bone displacement and reduce stress on joints and muscles. It is imperative to fix two joints, with the exception of the hip and shoulder, when it is necessary to immobilize the three joints.
  • In case of open fractures, before applying the splint, treat the wound and apply an antibacterial napkin to it.
  • For any injury, with the exception of an open fracture, apply cold to the damaged area to reduce swelling and soreness.
  • Lift the damaged part of the body. Call an ambulance if necessary.

Abdominal injuries

Such injuries arise from mechanical action on the anterior wall of the peritoneum. In this case, abdominal organs may be damaged. As a result, breathing, blood circulation are disturbed, and with damage to internal organs, peritonitis and shock are possible. When providing assistance, you must:

  • call doctors;
  • free the damaged area from clothing;
  • put the victim on his back;
  • if there is a wound, apply a bandage;
  • apply cold on top;
  • it is impossible to correct internal organs or to remove foreign objects.

Important: when providing first aid for injuries to the abdomen, the victim should not be given a drink.

Spinal injury

These are very dangerous and serious injuries. Most often in car accidents, the cervical spine is damaged from a sharp head movement. As a result, the vertebrae can shift and damage the spinal cord. Therefore, a person injured in a traffic accident should not be removed from the car, unless it is missing:

  • consciousness;
  • breath;
  • pulse.

Only the medical personnel or representatives of the rescue services can correctly release the victim from the car. The main task of providing first aid for a spinal injury in a car accident is as follows:

  • open the car door;
  • comfort the victim;
  • give clear explanations about the consequences of moving your head and leaving your car independently;
  • to assist in the release of clothing compressing the body.
Spinal injury

In case of damage to the lumbar or thoracic spine, the victim must be ensured a supine position. It is advisable to lay it on a hard surface and not disturb until medical assistance arrives.

Signs that suggest spinal injuries:

  • inadvertent urination or defecation;
  • soreness and immobility of the limbs;
  • lack of sensitivity of the arms or legs;
  • pain in the neck, back, lower back;
  • abnormal posture in the neck or back.


Arise from exposure to high temperatures or chemicals. Burns are:

  • thermal - arise from exposure to fire, steam, hot liquid;
  • chemical - as a result of the action of alkali acids, vapors of gasoline, iodine, phosphorus;
  • radiation - from ultraviolet radiation.

There are several degrees of burns depending on the severity of tissue damage:

  • The first is damage to the upper layer of the dermis. Redness, swelling, dryness of the skin is noted. Accompanied by pain, quickly pass. Obtained from sunlight, boiling liquid and hot steam.
  • The second - two layers of skin are injured. Redness, blisters, severe pain are observed.
  • Third - tissue, muscles, nerves, fatty layer and bones are damaged, accompanied by severe pain. The skin turns red, white or black. A large amount of fluid is released.
  • Fourth - the fabric is charred.

First of all, eliminate the cause of the damage. In case of fire, the victim is freed from clothing. In case of damage with acids and alkalis, they are washed with water. With severe burns, the victim is taken to a medical institution.


No one is safe from injuries. They can happen in the most unexpected places: at work, at home, in a supermarket, car and just when walking on the street. The life of a person in trouble depends entirely on helping him. In schools of the Russian Federation, a special subject of life safety is introduced from 1 to 11 grade. First aid for injuries is one of the main sections of this course. Therefore, even children can help in exceptional situations, which often happens. First aid is provided so that a person can survive. And his further fate will depend on the capabilities of modern medicine.

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