Description of the film "I Can't Say Goodbye. Actors and Roles

Soviet cinema gave the world a lot of truly immortal paintings - both comedic and dramatic. One of such love melodramas is the film “I Can't Say Goodbye.” The actors and the roles of this love story literally made the audience sob at the screens from an overabundance of feelings. The premiere took place in 1985 and from the very first views was the hit of the season. In cinemas alone, about 30 million viewers watched this heart-breaking drama. The love story of a sweet, kind girl driver and a handsome disabled guy still makes people's hearts shrink from excitement. You can download and watch the film "I Can't Say Goodbye" when you want to plunge into the exciting world of drama cinema.

True love requires nothing in return

The film first takes place in a city at a youth construction site. The focus is on a young guy, the heart of almost every girl freezes when meeting this self-confident womanizer. Apart from the fact that Sergei Vatagin (S. Varchuk) liked to spin girls around their heads, he was more than positive in everything else. A production leader, an athlete, a daredevil and, despite his wild life, a connoisseur of a strong family.

can't say goodbye actors and roles

Lida Tenyakova (A. Ivanova) is an inconspicuous young girl with an unusual profession as a truck driver. Pants, a simple shirt, a short boyish hairstyle are all to her face, in a dress she looks so timid and defenseless ... Lida falls in love with Sergey without a memory, catches every look, hoping for reciprocity. For her misfortune, a guy gives her only one night for fun. The next day, near a movie theater, a girl meets him with Martha (T. Parkina). Sergei did not show that he knew Lida. Martha, a beautiful blonde, becomes Vatagin's wife.

Further events transfer the audience to the timber industry. The newlyweds, having arrived in the village to visit Sergey's mother (S. Pavlov), decide to stay in order to earn big money. An accident occurs in the forest - and a handsome handsome man with a broken spine is bedridden.

can't say goodbye artists
Martha leaves her husband and flees to the city, Lida comes instead, never having managed to kill her love for Sergey. She found a way to bring him back to life. The film ends very romantically, the girl tells her beloved that she is expecting a baby. Will this news help Sergey to get out of a wheelchair?

“Can't say goodbye: actors and roles

1. Anastasia Ivanova - Lida Tenyakova.
2. Sergey Varchuk - Sergey Vatagin.
3. Tatyana Parkina - Marta (Sergey's wife).
4. Alexander Korshunov - Vasily (policeman, groom of Lida).
5. Sofya Pavlova - Evdokia Semenovna (mother of Sergey).
6. Alexander Savchenko - Mikhail (Sergey's friend).
7. Vladimir Antonik - Kostya Nechaev (friend of Sergei).

The tragic fate of Anastasia Ivanova

The life of the actors is thorny, it happens that a person waits throughout his life, looking for a role after which you wake up famous throughout the world. Although if this still happens, then in many cases, along with instant glory, the stigma “actor of one role” can be stuck. After that, it is very difficult to find yourself in a different role. Anastasia Ivanova is a talented actress. “I can not say goodbye - a film that brought her fame. Nastya remained in the memory of friends and spectators precisely as an actress of one role - the role of Lida. But this happened not because Ivanova could not play another wonderful role, but because she died tragically.

actress can't say goodbye

Anastasia Ivanova was born in July 1958 in Adler, she dreamed of becoming an actress from childhood, like most girls. Her dream came true. Only the beginning of her career was not very successful, until she had a chance. Nastya managed to use it, playing Lida. The film “I Can't Say Goodbye” is very touching. The actors and the roles of this love story were able to convey to the viewer the whole depth of human feelings. Among the other characters, the stubborn girl, the heroine of Nastya Ivanova, looked especially vivid. It seemed that the actress had grown soul and body with her Lida.

On the set of the melodrama “I Can't Say Goodbye,” Anastasia met her love - actor Boris Nevzorov. After there was a wedding and the birth of a child. Personal life has been established, but the stellar prospects that opened after the role of Lida did not succeed. Time was lost, and the actress's career did not take place, although her husband, as he could, tried to help his wife return to the big movie. Who knows, maybe Nastia would still succeed if it were not for the terrible tragedy. On June 3, 1993, Anastasia Ivanova was found dead by her husband in their apartment. She was killed, an unknown killer disappeared, the investigation then came to a standstill, but they said that it was a good friend of the family. So the life of a beautiful talented actress ended sadly.

“I can't say goodbye: artists

The remaining artists also brilliantly coped with the work. With her “non-Soviet” appearance, as many critics said then, Tatyana Parkina stood out on the set. She got a negative character - Marta. When the film was made, the heroine of Tatyana did not look so heartless and greedy. When the film was released, it turned out that all the “good” scenes with Parkina were cut out, and Martha did not cause the audience any other feeling than contempt. Tatyana was terribly disappointed; she didn’t see her heroine like that.

can't say goodbye

It should be noted the role of Sergei Varchuk. He played his hero Sergey Vatagin brilliantly and was quite pleased with the work done. Still, he was an unknown actor. This Soviet film about love became for him a "calling card", he was noticed and began to be invited to the cinema. But then the time of perestroika came, many artists broke down and left the screens and theaters. Varchuk survived, however, for this he had to get a job by working as a janitor. This work gave him a five-year residence permit in Moscow and a room. In parallel, he played in the theater and cinema. Now S. Varchuk is a sought-after famous actor with a huge list of roles played. Very memorable film “I can’t say goodbye!” The actors and roles of this drama will never disappear from the screens, these days this story still excites the souls of the audience.

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