Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor - the key to health and family harmony

Throughout life, a person uses muscles, some of them are more in demand, others less. Some remain completely unused. For example, the muscles of the pelvis. They determine the position of the bladder and the fixation of the urethra, support the uterus and rectum.

exercises for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor are very important for women. Positive results are as follows:

  • help to carry menstrual cycles easier;

  • prepare the body to maintain the fetus during pregnancy to bear the baby;

  • this is the prevention of birth complications;

  • Promote rapid postpartum recovery

  • the possibility of developing diseases of the pelvic organs decreases;

  • help calmly go through a difficult period of menopause;

    pelvic floor exercises

  • incontinence prevention;

  • contribute to the normalization of blood circulation of the pelvic organs;

  • become stronger and more elastic than the vaginal wall;

  • increased libido;

  • the amount of natural moisture increases;

  • sensitivity increases during intercourse.

Some exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor have helped to avoid complex medical manipulations, therefore it is recommended to start classes from a youth. Practice indicates significant improvements in the health status of a large number of women who had problems associated with pelvic muscle weakness before training began. In sports, in traditional and

gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor
Arodic medicine has been invented and successfully used gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.


  • It is not recommended to perform those who are contraindicated even moderate physical activity.

  • It is forbidden for hypertension, pressure above 180, diseases associated with the cardiovascular system (it is recommended to consult a doctor).

  • Exercises for the pelvic floor should not cause discomfort and especially pain, control the load, focusing on your feelings.

During gymnastics do not forget to control your breathing. In the process of muscle relaxation, we take a breath, and during tension and compression

gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor
I am exhaling. The pace of speed and strength can be changed. It is necessary to simultaneously compress the muscles of the vagina, anus and buttocks. The main thing is to alternate tension and relaxation. You need to feel how the internal muscles are pulled in and slightly lifted. Exercises are performed an arbitrary number of times, depending on your own feelings and free time. Before starting, you can conduct a small warm-up general warm-up. Choose a variety of exercises for yourself, try different complexes. Be diligent and persistent and you will feel the result very quickly.

exercises for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor
Men on a note

Paradoxically, for men, exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor will also bring considerable benefits, which consists in the following:

  • helping the pelvic organs to maintain the correct position;

  • incontinence prevention;

  • help strengthen male dignity;

  • male stamina and quality of sexual intercourse will increase;

  • sensations with orgasm improve;

  • Prevention of premature ejaculation ;

  • Helps to avoid problems associated with the aging of the body.

Surely you have heard about yoga, an ancient gymnastics practicing wellness and fortifying complexes. In addition to the basic exercises, in yoga there are separate exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

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