Customs service: types, regulatory requirements, conditions and features

Customs service is a type of public service in Russia. We all know how difficult it is to get there, because the selection criteria are quite strict. How to become a customs officer? You need to know a lot of nuances, which we will discuss in the article.

General information

Sample ID

Thousands of employees are members of the customs authorities. Our country is in second place in the world in the number of customs officers, second only to India.

In 2002, customs officers were divided into three categories:

  1. State federal services. These employees occupy those positions that comply with the federal law “On State Civil Service”.
  2. Budget workers.
  3. Customs officers. Must comply with the normative act “On service in customs authorities”.

Customs officers

Service in the customs authorities is possible only if the candidate meets all the requirements. What are you talking about?

  1. Citizenship of our country.
  2. The applicant must be of legal age.
  3. Good health.
  4. Business and personal qualities required for the service.
  5. Necessary education.

In what cases will customs service become an unattainable dream?

  1. The applicant is considered incompetent by a court decision that has entered into force.
  2. A citizen has an outstanding or unexpunged criminal record.
  3. A court decision was issued that forbade serving at customs for a certain time.

But that is not all. According to the Federal Law "On Service in the Customs Authorities", customs officers have a number of restrictions. These include prohibitions:

  1. To engage in other paid activities. The exception is creative, teaching and scientific work.
  2. For deputy.
  3. On entrepreneurial activity.
  4. For membership in the governing bodies of a commercial enterprise.
  5. For the use for non-official purposes of information, material or technical information character.
  6. To receive gifts from legal entities and individuals, as well as loans, cash rewards, payment for recreation and entertainment.
  7. On departure for the money of individuals and legal entities. We are talking about business trips.

According to the Federal Law "On Service in the Customs Authorities", selection in the ranks of customs officers takes place in the form of a competition. If the candidate is lucky and he was hired, then a contract is concluded for a period of up to ten years. In this case, the employee must withstand a trial period, he is six months.

Contract service

Customs Officer Award

The public service in the customs authorities is advantageous in that a deferment from the army is given. Employees must pass certification and take the oath. In addition, incentives are provided for customs officers, which are informal and formal. The latter include:

  1. Bonus.
  2. Thanks.
  3. A valuable gift.
  4. Badge of Honor.
  5. Medal.
  6. Certificate of honor.
  7. Early assignment of the next rank.
  8. The assignment of the next rank is higher than what corresponds to the current position.
  9. Awarding with registered weapons.
  10. Cancellation of penalties ahead of time if they were imposed earlier.

As for penalties, they are in the form of:

  1. Rebuke.
  2. Comment.
  3. Strict reprimand.
  4. Dismissal.
  5. A warning that is issued due to incomplete compliance with the results of certification.


Public service in the customs authorities is paid in accordance with the law. Salary consists of:

  1. Salary.
  2. Percentage premium for seniority.
  3. Salary for the position held.
  4. Payments for scientific papers.

In addition to all this, employees are rewarded according to the results of the calendar year with a percentage bonus to the salary for working with information constituting a state secret.

Customs officers can count on some benefits. So, the employee is provided with free round-trip travel to the resting place. An employee can bring one member of the family with him. Gratuitous medical care also applies to customs benefits. Thirty days leave and free travel are also included.

Customs officers can count on benefits. If an employee receives bodily injuries prohibiting further work, then he is paid 60 earnings. When an employee dies during service, relatives receive 120 salaries. Other injuries are reimbursed by five salaries.

Insurance is paid both to disabled people of the first group, and in connection with the death of a customs officer in the amount of 150 salaries.

How to leave customs?

A lot of things are said about the service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, including the good. But what about those people who do not want to work anymore? You can leave only by quitting. Death, of course, is also the basis for removal from service, but let's talk about more pleasant things.

When are they fired from service?

  1. After the person has served the due date. It is important that the employee retires after graduation.
  2. The employee has reached the age limit when service is permitted.
  3. The contract has expired.
  4. The employee is transferred to another government agency.
  5. Abbreviation.
  6. The customs officer was elected as a deputy.
  7. The state of health does not allow further serving.
  8. The employee was convicted.
  9. As a result of inconsistency of the post.
  10. Termination of citizenship.

Customs duties

Customs emblem

You already guess that all actions of the customs service should be clearly coordinated with the law. The regulatory framework in the form of the law “On Service in the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation” indicates what duties customs officers have. What concerns them?

First of all, the customs officer must be stress-resistant, ready to work at any time of the day, calmly respond to emergency situations.

One can say about the service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation that it works from the state apparatus and, accordingly, is subordinate only to it. And if so, then the responsibilities of employees are spelled out quite clearly. These include:

  1. Control of foreign trade features.
  2. Investigation of customs violations.
  3. Monitoring the import of large finances and their transfer to the bank.
  4. Filling and maintaining documentation.
  5. A detailed inspection of things imported at the stations, airports and other places.
  6. Curation at the checkpoint.
  7. Search and detection of prohibited products.
  8. Elimination of violations in the field of customs law.
  9. Smuggling Detection.

The service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation is spoken of as a noble cause that benefits the common people. And this is true, because in order to become a true professional, you need to constantly develop. By the way, to work in customs you need to know English.

Professional education

The Law “On Service in the Customs Authorities” says that a job applicant must have a higher education. Moreover, only the direction of "Customs" is suitable for work, and not general legal specialties. It is important that the institution has accreditation.

For admission, you need to pass the exam in the Russian language and social science. Already at the time of admission to the university, an physical training exam is taken.

You can study both at the undergraduate and specialty, and in the magistracy. Those who do not want to study for eleven years can enter the customs college after the ninth grade. It’s much easier to go to a higher education institution, you just need to undergo special training. This is due to the fact that a person continues to profile education.

So, in order to get into the bodies of the FCS of the Russian Federation, one must possess the following qualities:

  1. Responsibility.
  2. Diligence.
  3. Stress resistance.
  4. Sociability.
  5. Punctuality.
  6. The ability to find a way out of any situation.
  7. Intuition.
  8. Fast reaction.
  9. Caution.
  10. Tolerance.
  11. The ability to quickly and learn a lot.

Even if a person possesses all these qualities, but he has an alcoholic or narcotic addiction, a criminal record, neurological or psychological diseases, he is ordered to go to customs. For this reason, it is worth weighing your chances adequately and not hoping for a miracle.

A little bit about salary

We have already said that customs officers receive a salary consisting of two parts: bonus and salary. The salary is fixed and it consists of a salary in rank and position.

As for the bonus part, it includes all allowances and payments, depending on the nature of the work. For example, maintaining state secrets gives a premium of 75%, and hiding top secret information - 50%. If in the latter case it is allowed to fill out documents, then the premium will be only 15%. Information from the "Secret" section is saved for 10%.

Surcharges can be also for a place of service. For example, in hard-to-reach areas, on the territory of the Far North, district coefficients operate.

Also, every month, customs officers receive special rations. If it is not issued, then employees receive compensation in money.

Once a year, a customs officer may receive material assistance. The amount may be different, but will never exceed two monthly salaries.

Customs officers are entitled to early retirement pension. In addition, the law provides for allowances for vacation. Standard rest is 28 days, but if a person has worked for 10 years, then he will rest for 5 days more. When serving for 15 years, 10 days are added, and an employee with twenty years of experience can rest for 15 days more.

How much can I expect?

Customs service

In the system of customs authorities, the average salary is 33,000 rubles. But it is not the same in different parts of Russia. So, in the Moscow region a new employee receives just over 30 thousand rubles.

If a person worked at customs for a long time, then his earnings reach 45 thousand, but this is not the limit.

The Leningrad Region can guarantee a customs officer 40 thousand rubles. But such an amount is not paid immediately. New employees can count on twenty thousand.

In the remaining regions of our country, customs officers earn about 25 thousand a month. The government promises to raise the salary of customs officials, but when it will be is not known.

And what about other countries?

How is the work of customs officers in other states appreciated? Pretty high. For example, in the United States, new employees receive approximately $ 40,000 per year. If the customs officer has already gained experience, then the salary can reach 110 thousand a year. But this is not all; overtime, various payments and bonuses, which are given for difficult working conditions, also come into earnings. Each employee passes a special test, thereby improving their qualifications.

In Germany, a similar situation. Over the course of thirty-six months, an employee earns approximately 1,100 euros per month. Over time, income becomes larger and now comes to 2500 euros. If an employee also improves his qualifications, then his earnings can reach 5000 per month.

In Ukraine, the situation is the opposite. The Federal Law “On Service in Customs” does not establish the amount of wages. The same thing is happening in Ukraine. If translated into rubles, then the Ukrainian customs officer earns from 26,000 to 30,000. But since corruption is very developed in the country, the real figure may slightly differ from the official data.

Customs structure

TS structure

Service in the customs authorities takes place in a certain order. The composition of the customs staff is formed in accordance with regulatory documents.

What is called a post? The term refers to the volume of established functions and powers that one person possesses. In simple terms, a public servant is endowed with a part of state power. He works in the customs authority, and his work is paid from the federal budget.

Upon entering the service of the customs authorities, each employee acquires his own functions, which do not overlap with the powers of other employees. The title of the post has an exact and concise wording reflecting its special character.

As an example, we cite the position of assistant to the head of the vehicle. What is the name hiding? It should be understood as follows: a state post of a federal civil servant who provides the work of the head of a federal civil servant. Such a position is considered high, because it is the main one in the customs authority. She can be replaced in the order of appointment.

Each position in the customs, whether civil service in the customs authority or not, accumulates the professional and power capabilities of the employee. The name of the position determines the authority and the amount of participation in the work of the body. The latter determines the efficiency of customs.

What posts are provided by the customs staff?

  1. Law enforcement posts. They are characterized by the assignment of special ranks.
  2. Civil service posts. Instead of ranks, such employees are assigned ranks.
  3. Customs support jobs.

Each position is approved in a regulatory manner by the competent authorities or authorized persons. This is done through acts.

The head of the customs service establishes not only the junior and middle staff, but also the senior staff and qualification requirements for employees in various posts. Support him are the regulations of the customs sphere.

Service in the customs authorities of Russia

The people who have been appointed to the posts are assigned ranks. What are they like?

  1. Ensign of the customs service.
  2. Senior Warrant Officer.
  3. Customs lieutenant.
  4. Ensign.
  5. Senior lieutenant of the customs service.
  6. Captain.
  7. Major of Customs.
  8. Colonel
  9. Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service.
  10. Major General.
  11. Colonel General of the Customs Service.
  12. Lieutenant General.
  13. Full State Advisor to the Customs Service of the Russian Federation.

In addition, special ranks during the legal service in the customs authorities are divided into certain categories. Let's consider them too.

The junior officer includes the ensign and senior customs officer of customs.

The middle commanding officer is called the junior lieutenant, senior lieutenant and lieutenant of the customs service.

The highest commanding staff is represented by a major general, colonel general, lieutenant general and full adviser.

It is important to understand that the classification of ranks does not end there. Among other things, they are divided into regular and first.

The first special rank for middle or senior commanding officers, as well as the next ranks from major to colonel, are assigned by the head of the federal TS. Ranks from major general and above are assigned in the manner approved by the president of our country.

A person who is appointed to a new position is required to take an oath. This must be done within sixty days from the date of appointment. Only the head of the federal customs service can determine the procedure for taking the oath.

How are titles assigned?

Retired staff

Ranks are assigned in a certain order, while the new rank should correspond not only to the length of service in the previous, but also to the indicated position. By the way, the title is assigned on the day when the previous service life expires. Even if an employee is appointed to a higher position, the rank cannot be assigned ahead of schedule.

The peculiarity of the service in the customs authorities is that they have their own terms of service. For example, for a warrant officer - 5 years, a junior lieutenant - a year, a senior lieutenant - 2 years, a lieutenant also two years. A person should serve as a captain for three years, a major for 4 years, and a lieutenant colonel for 5 years. It is noteworthy that the colonel and senior ensign have no terms of service.

Assigning a title ahead of schedule or through one is possible only twice for the entire period of service. Another procedure for awarding ranks is considered illegal and punishable.

If the employee has a disciplinary sanction or a criminal case is being conducted against him, then the assignment of the title occurs only when the case is terminated and the penalty is removed.

When the head of the customs service holds the title without reason, he can be brought to disciplinary action. Meanwhile, the employee should be compensated for the prescribed types of allowance, because if the title was awarded on time, he would have received them.

Sometimes employees blatantly violate official duties. The penalty in this case will be a demotion in rank. A dismissed employee may be completely deprived of the rank if the grounds for dismissal were defamatory behavior or conviction for a crime.

We have already examined the types of services in the customs authorities and found out that customs officers can be not only from the ranks of law enforcement agencies, but also civilians. The latter are not assigned ranks, but ranks. What are they like?

  1. Referent of the civil service of our country.
  2. Advisor to the Civil Service of Russia.
  3. Secretary of Civil Service.

What do customs officers do?

We examined almost everything, it remains to find out what powers customs officers have.

So, what can employees of the FCS:

  1. Take the measures prescribed in the Customs Code of our country to comply with the latter.
  2. Check officials and citizens who are involved in customs operations. An employee has the right to request a passport or other identity document.
  3. Require documents that are provided for by the Customs Code for inspection.
  4. Demand from legal entities and citizens confirmation of authority to carry out activities or individual actions in the customs sphere.
  5. Carry out operational-search activities to identify, suppress, prevent and solve crimes. Customs officers have the right to carry out urgent investigative actions if the situation requires it.
  6. Customs officers may conduct inquiries and urgent investigative actions only within the scope of their authority.
  7. Conduct administrative proceedings and bring to justice in accordance with the legislation of our country.
  8. If there is a need, then use the transport of public organizations in order to prevent a crime in the customs sphere. Customs officers may detain and prosecute individuals who are suspected of having committed a crime or committed it. The damage to the vehicle or other property shall be compensated by the customs authorities in the order that is determined by the legislation of our country.
  9. Deliver to office premises and detain suspected crime. The actions of employees must be strictly according to the law and in no case go beyond.


Russian customs

As you can see, getting into the bodies of the federal customs service of the Russian Federation is quite difficult. Become customs officers those who since childhood dream about it and go to the goal no matter what. After all, you need to go a long way before being in the coveted chair.

Before you decide on a profession, remember that the customs service requires a lot from its employees. People should always be ready to do work and be fit. Of course, personal qualities play a significant role, but if there is no health, then they will refuse you in any case.

Work at customs certainly benefits people, but, unfortunately, in Russia the payment for it is low. Although in our reality for most people this is not a bad deal. Nevertheless, you should not measure work only with money. After all, the main thing is that a person is in his place, only then he will do his job well. Favorite hobby brings pleasure, which means that everything turns out much easier.

In conclusion, I would like to remind future students that they need to choose a profession consciously. After all, the matter is very serious, and it is wrong to listen only to others. Each is based on their preferences, and the choice of profession determines the whole future life. So think for yourself and decide for yourself, no one has the right to interfere with you and impose your opinion.

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