Not only girls want to have long and healthy hair. Often guys also think about it. In fact, it is not only fashionable, but also beautiful. Long hair and a good hairstyle always attract attention. The only problem is how to grow a guy’s hair, because not everyone knows about it.
What will help hair grow faster?
The process of hair growth is quite long, and this must be understood. Even after a month, the hair will not be the length that was originally dreamed of, so you should be patient. In addition, the hair in men grows a little slower than in women, the growth rate is about 6-7 mm per month. Genetics also affects growth rates. But, despite all this, there are factors that positively affect not only the speed of growth. Hair is strengthened and becomes more beautiful thanks to a competent approach to the question “How to grow a guy’s hair?”:
- Balanced diet.
- Proper hair care.
- Suitable for a specific type of hair care products and shampoo, for hair growth and strengthening.
- Use of additional funds: either salon procedures or folk recipes for hair growth.
Balanced diet
Pigtails in guys are now not uncommon, and each owner of a long hair knows how much nutrition affects the condition of the hair. It is important to maintain a balance of vitamins with the right foods, as well as give up junk food, alcohol and smoking.
Vitamins that hair needs
Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that protects hair follicles from damage. With a shortage of it in the body, the hair becomes dry, and an excess leads to loss.
Vitamin B - helps strengthen hair, significantly accelerates growth.
Vitamin C - helps the production of collagen, strengthens blood vessels.
Vitamin E - increases hair growth rate.
Vitamin K - responsible for the shine of hair.
Vitamin H - helps prevent dandruff.
What products are contained in?
And - meat, fish, liver, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, cheese.
In - potatoes, beans, nuts, tomatoes, beef, eggs, cereals, green parts of plants.
C - citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi, berries.
E - nuts, cabbage, eggs, oils.
K - cabbage, carrots, liver, onions, tomatoes.
N - oatmeal, peas, barley groats, sour cream, cheese, chicken.
Products rich in vitamins for hair should be included in your diet, you should also drink more water, up to 2 liters per day, this will have a beneficial effect on the whole body, including hair.
Proper care
In addition to nutrition, it is worth observing some rules, which are also very important for those who care about the question: "How to grow hair?" Guys should not neglect them:
- Daily combing should be a ritual, this procedure, in addition to direct use, does a head massage, which has a beneficial effect on growth. It is worth choosing the right comb that will not damage the hair.
- Do not wash your hair with too hot water, this leads to dry hair.
- It is worth choosing the right shampoo to strengthen and grow hair.
- Less use a hairdryer and various styling chemicals.
- Trim the tips periodically.
In winter, do not neglect the hat. From the cold, there is a narrowing of the capillaries, which in turn leads to a lack of nutrients in the hair follicles.
Hair Care Products
No need to think that it’s easier for men to choose a hair care product than a woman. The choice of drugs is huge. It is worth considering the type of hair: dry, oily, normal and the type of scalp. Based on this, select a remedy. In addition to shampoos, it can be conditioners, sprays, serums and various masks. You also need to consider personal characteristics, for example, dandruff. There are also many brands of men's hair cosmetics, it is already worthwhile to focus on prices. Of course, it is worth noting that well-known companies create better products.
Salon methods
This raises the question of how effective such methods are compared with recipes for hair growth at home and how safe it is. Here are some procedures performed in the salons:
1. Mesotherapy.
A special vitamin composition is injected into the scalp with the help of injections, thanks to this, useful substances penetrate the hair follicles very quickly, the result is manifested quickly. The procedure is painless.
2. Ampoules to accelerate growth.
Perfectly cope with their task, no worse than mesotherapy. It is best to choose brands of famous brands, then the quality will be guaranteed.
3. The impact of the laser.
With the help of laser therapy, the hair follicles are awakened, it is thanks to this that the hair begins to grow faster. An added benefit will be the laser’s ability to fight inflammation as well as anti-aging skin cells properties.
4. Darsonvalization for hair growth.
Using pulsed currents, an effect is made on the scalp, which in turn increases blood circulation and helps the hair follicles become more active. And also this process has a beneficial effect on the skin glands and improves the tone of muscle fibers.
Home Hair Growth Recipes
1. Masks based on vegetable oils.
Olive, burdock and castor oils contain a huge amount of substances useful for hair. They also make hair more elastic and create a protective coating. The recipe for the mask is simple: you can mix all three oils, or you can take one and warm it up a little, then apply it to the hair itself and rub it into the scalp. Keep 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse off.
2. Nicotinic acid.
Available at any pharmacy. Available in ampoules. One ampoule every day must be rubbed into the head for a month. The result will please anyone who tries, but the unpleasant smell is a drawback.
3. Masks of mustard.
Mustard increases blood circulation, which in turn leads to increased hair growth. This product is very effective. Mix mustard and sugar in a 2: 1 ratio with any vegetable oil, and then apply to the scalp. Keep no more than 15 minutes. After washing the hair well and apply a moisturizing mask or spray on the hair, as the mustard is very dry.
4. Massage of the scalp.
Can be used as an addition to all other means. At a convenient time, it is worth giving it 5-10 minutes. Massage the scalp using circular movements along the trajectory from the temples to the crown. This will give additional blood flow to the head.
5. Onion mask.
Grate one onion and, putting in gauze, squeeze the juice, then mix with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of burdock oil, apply on the scalp for an hour, covering the head with polyethylene, then rinse. You need to do the procedure a couple of times a week.
6. Henna.
Colorless henna is a very cheap remedy, but its effectiveness is no less. For use, you need to dilute it in the right amount with warm water and apply to hair. Leave for 2 hours.
7. Apple cider vinegar.
Using it, rinse the hair after washing with shampoo. Then, after waiting another couple of minutes, the hair is rinsed with warm water. A glass of water will need 2 tablespoons of vinegar. For this procedure, you should not buy the cheapest vinegar, it is advisable to find a better product.
8. "Aevit."
This drug should be taken in 2 capsules every day for a month, then take a month off. Sold in any pharmacy at an affordable price, very effective.
9. Tincture of red pepper.
You can do it yourself or buy it in a pharmacy, mix with cosmetic oil and apply to the scalp. Hold for about thirty minutes, if it starts to burn, it is worth rinsing immediately.
10. Cognac with cinnamon.
50 grams of cognac and 25 grams of cinnamon are mixed, then rubbed into the scalp, a plastic bag is put on top. Hold for 15 minutes. The mask has a warming effect.
Putting into practice all these tips and rules, the question of how to grow a guy’s hair will be resolved. Yes, the process itself is not easy, but the result will be very pleased. In addition, many girls turn into a trace of a guy with long black hair, although hair color is a matter of taste for everyone. The regularity of the procedures and patience are the main assistants in this business.