In many people, red feces after beetroot are observed. Very often, this manifestation is alarming. After all, it resembles the flow of blood from the intestines. In which cases is such staining of feces a norm, and in which pathology? We will consider these issues further.
The composition of the vegetable
Consider the chemical composition of beets. This vegetable contains many useful substances. It is rich in vitamins A and C and trace elements (iron, zinc, potassium. Manganese), as well as fiber. These compounds activate the intestines, remove toxins from the body, help strengthen blood vessels.
Beetroot contains a coloring matter - betanin. That it gives a rich dark red color to the vegetable. In addition, betanin is a good tool for the prevention of malignant tumors. However, this substance can stain human feces in a dark color.
Often patients are interested in: "Red feces after beets - is this normal or not?". The answer to this question will depend on how long the coloring lasts. In this case, the accompanying symptoms must also be taken into account.
Stool color
Red stool after eating beetroot dishes is associated with the action of betanin pigment. This substance is not always completely destroyed by gastric juice. For example, with low acidity in humans, it is excreted from the body through the kidneys and intestines almost unchanged. Therefore, if such a color of feces persists for a short time, and a person feels normal, then this should not cause concern. When the vegetable is completely out of the body, the color of the feces is normalized.
Raw beet recipes are considered the most useful. But it is precisely such dishes (for example, salads) that most often cause a change in the color of the stool. However, red feces after beets can also appear as a result of eating borsch or vinaigrette. When boiling a vegetable, the pigment is only partially destroyed and is able to stain human secretions.
However, not only red beets can affect the color of feces. Betanine is used in many other products as a dye E-162 (beet red). In this form, it can also affect the color of bowel movements. Nutritionists do not recommend eating products with this supplement, as it may contain harmful nitrates and other synthetic substances.
Laxative effect
Often after eating beetroot dishes, a red stool of liquid consistency may occur. This manifestation usually scares a person, because it is very similar to diarrhea with blood, which can be a sign of dangerous diseases.
However, do not worry ahead of time. It must be remembered that this vegetable has laxative properties. It is also associated with the chemical composition of beets. The product is rich in fiber, which activates the intestines and enhances peristalsis. Therefore, moderately frequent stools are a natural occurrence. If at the same time the person does not feel worse, there is no abdominal pain and nausea, then an increase in bowel movement can be considered the norm.
For this reason, doctors do not recommend consuming this vegetable with a tendency to diarrhea. But it can be very useful in case of difficulty with bowel movement. Beetroot recipe with sunflower oil experts recommend as a folk remedy for constipation.
However, even people who do not suffer from diarrhea need to observe moderation in the use of this vegetable. Eating beets in large quantities can lead to intestinal upset.
Urine color
Should urine stain after eating beets? As we already mentioned, betanin is not always completely processed in the stomach and can exit through the organs of excretion. This leads to a change in the color of urine. Its color can vary from pinkish to bright red.
Many people are aware of the beneficial properties of red beet juice. It is recommended to drink it for anemia, thyroid diseases and atherosclerosis. However, this drink strongly stains urine. Experts do not recommend using this product in its pure form. Such a drink should be diluted with water.
It should be remembered that in preparation for some urine tests, you need to exclude beets from the diet a few days before the test. Otherwise, you can get false research results.
How long does the coloring last?
After eating beets, red urine can be observed for 2 days. About the same color stays and stool. During this time, betanin is removed from the body.
If, after beets, red feces and urine persist for a longer period, then, most likely, this manifestation is not associated with food. If at the same time a person's health worsens, then this should serve as a reason for seeking medical attention.
Why is the color of urine and feces not changing at all
It can be noted that after beetroot, red feces and a discoloration of urine are not observed in everyone. Does stool color indicate any abnormalities in the body? This symptom only indicates that the person has poorly processed betanin pigment in the body. Such a manifestation can be noted in the following conditions:
- low acidity of the juice of the stomach;
- high acidity of urine;
- violation of the intestinal microflora;
- hereditary characteristics of metabolism.
Such conditions do not belong to serious pathologies and do not require special treatment. If a person very often changes the color of urine and feces after eating dye products, then you should take probiotics and change your diet.
Changing the color of bowel movements may be affected by different circumstances. For example, if a person along with beets consumed other products with pigments (carrots, fruits and red berries), then this leads to a more saturated color of the secretions.
A large role is played by the amount of fluid drunk. Experts recommend consuming more water when eating beetroot dishes. This will help reduce the concentration of betanine and remove pigment from the body faster.
Anxiety symptoms
Staining of feces and urine is not always due to the fact that a person has recently consumed beet dishes. In some cases, eating this vegetable may mask the symptoms of serious illness. A person often writes off the red color of feces and urine on the use of products with pigments. But in fact, this is a sign of pathology. In what cases is it necessary to sound the alarm?
When staining urine, the following symptoms should alert:
- preservation of the reddish color of urine after more than 48 hours after eating a vegetable;
- the presence of impurities in the urine;
- unpleasant smell of urine;
- pain in the lumbar region;
- temperature rise;
- chills;
- discomfort during urination.
Such manifestations cannot be associated with the use of beets. These are signs of diseases of the excretory organs.
With a change in the color of the feces of a person, first of all, pain and discomfort in the abdomen should be alarming. Often this is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Vegetable pigments cannot cause such symptoms. Most likely, these are signs of a gastrointestinal pathology.
If the stool becomes black, and at the same time a person experiences weakness, shortness of breath and dizziness, then this is a sign of bleeding from the stomach or intestines. In this case, the patient needs emergency assistance.
If a person consumes an excessive amount of beets, then he may have loose and frequent stools. The feces become reddish. However, this phenomenon is sometimes very difficult to distinguish from diarrhea with blood in intestinal infections. Here you need to focus on your health. If loose stool with an admixture of blood is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, then this is not associated with the use of beets, but with an infectious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
Alleged Diseases
If the stool turns reddish or dark because of vegetable pigments, it is usually associated with bleeding from the digestive tract. If pathology occurs in the colon or rectum, the feces turn red. If bleeding occurs in the upper intestine or stomach, the bowel movements are black.
Bleeding can occur with the following gastrointestinal diseases:
- ulcerative processes;
- stab;
- tumors;
- expansion of veins;
- hemorrhoids;
- rectal fissures;
- infectious pathologies (dysentery, amoebiasis).
The appearance of blood in the urine is also an alarming symptom. This may be a manifestation of the following pathologies:
- urolithiasis;
- pyelonephritis;
- glomerulonephritis;
- kidney injury;
- poisoning with salts of heavy metals.
Such diseases require immediate treatment. Therefore, it is far from always necessary to associate the color of urine and feces only with the use of pigmented vegetables and berries.
If you have doubts about the color change of the discharge, then you need to see a doctor and undergo a series of tests. To identify the presence of blood will help the study of feces. You just need to remember that a few days before the analysis, you need to exclude coloring products from the diet.
If the color of urine lasts more than 2 days after eating beets, then you need to pass a general clinical analysis of urine. If necessary, the doctor will direct you to the test according to Nechiporenko. This urine test accurately determines the number of red blood cells.
If you suspect kidney disease, you must also undergo an ultrasound diagnosis. This will help to study changes in the organs of excretion and establish the cause of bleeding.