Actor Alexander Robak: photo, biography, filmography

Alexander Robak is a popular theater and film actor, film director and producer. Amploua - a new Russian, a bandit, a policeman, a worker. Loving father and husband, the soul of the company and a true friend.

actor alexander robak


Actor Alexander Robak was born on December 28, 1973 in the Chelyabinsk region in the city of Zlatoust. Father - Ram Aleksandrovich, metallurgical engineer and true patriot. Throughout his life, he cooked steel at the plant and was a true professional. Ram is an abbreviation: revolution, energy, peace. At that time, such names were very welcome. Mother - Raisa Lukinichna, worked as a teacher in a technical school in which steelworkers were trained, taught a subject called "Electric Drive". The metallurgical profession was the most popular in the city. Alexander's sister continued the dynasty of metallurgists and graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, but she did not become a metallurgist, decided to devote her life to a family and four children.

Alexander Robak, the actor whose photo you see in the article, gnawed at the granite of science in the physical and mathematical class, but did not pay much attention to the lessons. All his free time he spent on the street: in the summer on the river, in the winter at the rink. Roebuck constantly looked for himself: he changed many different circles and sports sections, but in the end he found himself in the club of the author’s song. He learned to play the guitar to the songs of his favorite artist Oleg Mityaev. Parents never limited their son, but were very demanding. Sasha studied mathematics at the direction of his parents, but his soul was drawn to humanitarian subjects.

Suddenly, the actress Irina Ulyanenko arrived in the city, who began to conduct classes in a theater studio at the local theater. It was she who aroused the desire to engage in acting. Little Sasha flew to the theater classes on wings. For a short time on stage, actor Alexander Robak decided on a future profession. After graduation, he entered the Yaroslavl Theater Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1994. True, he tried to enter both GITIS and the Moscow Art Theater.

actor alexander roebuck personal life

Actor Alexander Robak: personal life

The actor, along with his wife Olga, brings up three heroes. The family reigns complete mutual understanding, harmony and unconditional love. Olga is a medical worker by training. A loving, wise, beautiful and all-understanding spouse is the dream of any man. Olga is the second wife of Robak. About the first wife, mother Arseny, Alexander does not like to remember. The press reports that they studied together at the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. To date, she has left the acting profession.

actor alexander robak biography


A wonderful family man actor Alexander Robak. Wife, the children love him very much. The eldest son Arseniy continued the acting dynasty and entered the GITIS course of Morozov in 2011, studied for two years and went to the Moscow Art Theater School for the course of Yevgeny Pisarev. Currently serves in the troupe of the Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin. As a child, he made his debut in the series of Dmitry Cherkasov "City Spies", in which his father played. In one of the scenes, they even collided in the frame. In recent years, has played major roles in films.

The middle son of Alexander Plato is fond of exact sciences, loves chess and enjoys skiing like a dad. Play Plato's chess taught grandmother. Thanks to this, the boy wins in various chess tournaments. He studies well at a Spanish specialized school and studies at a theater studio. Starred in "Jumble". At such a young age, the boy shows an incredible culinary talent - he cooks incredibly tasty. Alexander enjoys the culinary masterpieces of his son, and then begins to zealously fight overweight. Plato has already participated in the popular MasterShef program on STS. The fight on the project was fierce, and the boy dropped out of the project, but Robak Sr. is madly proud of his son.

The youngest son Stepan is completely tiny. The brothers are friends with each other and protect each other. The difference between the sons is exactly ten years old. Arseny was born in 1994, Plato in 2004, and Styopa in 2014.

Alexander tries to be a true friend for his sons, so it is very difficult to call him a strict parent.

actor alexander roebuck wife children


After graduating from the Yaroslavl Theater Institute, director Andrei Goncharov took Robak to the troupe of the Vladimir Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theater. Alexander dreamed of serving in Mayakovka. The wish came true, despite the fact that Goncharov did not take actors from the side. Alexander served seven years in the theater, playing many significant roles, such as: Ivan in “Ivan Tsarevich”, Karabas in “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, Oliver in Shakespeare’s play “How Do You Like It,” Leader in “The Man from La Mancha”, etc. The troupe of the theater was extremely friendly. Alexander speaks with many of the actors to this day. When Andrei Goncharov died, Robak decided to leave the theater. He simply did not want to go to another theater. Thirsty to emotionally shake himself after a monstrous loss. Alexander Robak left the theater for cinema.


He began acting in films since 1998. Debut work in the movie "Full Moon Day", directed by Karen Shakhnazarov. Alexander played many episodic roles in the cinema and instantly turned into the king of episodes. From the first second of appearing on a blue screen, its textured appearance and brutal timbre were remembered by viewers. The main roles were played by Robak in the films “House on Ozernaya” (director Serik Aprymov), “Bigfoot” (director Konstantin Charmadov) and “Winner” (director Algis Arlauskas).

alexander robak actor filmography


At the theater, Alexander Robak (actor), whose filmography and biography are described in the article, met Maxim Lagashkin. Beginning actors studied at different courses, sat in the same dressing room and participated in the same performances, spent a long time in each other's company and became so close that they did not separate to this day. The debut in the movie with friends also coincided. They both made their debut in the movie Full Moon Day, which was highly praised by critics. After successful filming, both fell in love with cinema. Alexander is very comfortable in Maxim’s company. They understand each other perfectly and are friends of families. Joint projects are also held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and comfort. Roebuck is convinced that with friends you can build a successful joint business.

alexander robak actor photo

Cinema company "Cinemafor"

Once friends thought about their future and realized that the acting profession was very unpredictable. Much depends on other people, the director’s tastes, the budget of the picture, etc. Therefore, they decided not to wait for mercy from God and at the beginning of the 21st century, together with Maxim Lagashkin, created a small film company called “Cinemafor”. The first-born of the company is the four-part film "Breed". Alexander began producing films of his own production, and also took an active part in episodic roles. Seven years after the founding of the film company, Roebuck decided to act as the director of the movie "Room of Lost Toys." The task was not an easy one, but Alexander Robak did it.

Many projects and grandiose ideas require a huge amount of time, and only 24 hours in a day. But, despite the severe lack of time, actor Alexander Robak, whose biography is rich and interesting, is struggling to pay attention to the most valuable people and the most successful projects - sons.

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