What are the benefits to Chernobyl

Thousands of square kilometers of radiation spread after the Chernobyl accident. Because of it, tens of thousands of people suffered serious injuries. Russia and the former republics of the USSR have taken care of compensation and are still providing benefits to Chernobyl victims. The list of benefits was divided into several groups, each of which has its own benefits.

Zone Categories

The territory to which the accident occurred is divided into four zones. The first is an area of ​​alienation. It is not possible to live here, since this zone is located in the immediate vicinity of the damaged power unit.

Chernobyl benefits

The second zone is the area of ​​resettlement. Residents left their homes from this territory, but it will be possible to return here when the radiation level returns to normal. The residents of this territory are granted benefits provided by law No. 1244-1 of 1991. Those who did not dare to leave the territory can leave at any time using the right to receive benefits. In the third and fourth zones, the radiation level is within normal limits. Despite this, every citizen is granted benefits.

Privileges of Chernobyl in the Russian Federation

The benefits assigned to Chernobyl victims are paid to the following categories:

  • Those who became a victim of radiation sickness after the accident at the nuclear power plant. This category includes not only ordinary citizens, but also those who were involved in the aftermath of the accident.
  • Disabled people. This also includes all civilians, military personnel, firefighters working in the exclusion zone. Moreover, the installation time of disability is not taken into account.
  • Privileges are assigned to Chernobyl victims when they voluntarily move from the affected area.
  • The families of those who died in the accident and its elimination. The widows of Chernobyl victims are eligible for benefits; benefits are granted to children of evacuated people.

Chernobyl Widows Benefits

A complete list of categories of citizens entitled to benefits is presented in Law No. 1244-1 of 1991. However, the conditions for obtaining benefits were complicated. Now, in order to receive benefits, it is necessary to live in a resettlement zone for at least a year, in a zone with the right to resettle for at least three years, and in a zone with preferential socio-economic status for at least four.

What are Chernobyl eligible for?

Each person who belongs to Chernobyl residents can receive the following benefits:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • pay part of the rent and pay only half of the utilities;
  • if there is no DH, then you can purchase fuel at a discount 50%;
  • land allocation for construction;
  • compensation for the costs of treatment in sanatoriums.

Depending on the region of residence, certain types of benefits may be assigned. For example, those who moved to Moscow are given the right to use public transport for free.

Benefits Chernobyl list of benefits

The benefits assigned to Chernobyl residents allow early retirement. In this case, the minimum experience should be 5 years. People with disabilities can retire 10 years earlier than the general term, and if there is no status of a disabled person, then you can retire five years ahead of schedule.

Payments to Chernobyl victims

In addition to benefits, citizens affected by the Chernobyl accident are entitled to payments, namely:

  • When transferring citizens according to medical indications from one health category to another or upon disability, benefits are granted for life or until full disability is restored.
  • Chernobyl benefits are also granted for the period of incapacity for work in the amount of full salary.
  • If there are children under 14 years old in the family, compensation for the purchase of food products is charged.

For those who are evacuated from the resettlement zone, the following types of payments are assigned:

  • Payment for recovery.
  • When moving to each family member, the specified amount is paid.
  • Compensation for the loss of property.
  • These are far from all the prescribed payments that are assigned to Chernobyl victims.

The procedure for receiving allowances and benefits

There is an established procedure for receiving benefits. Chernobyl residents of category 2 receive benefits in the same way as other categories. In other words, everyone should collect a package of documents and provide them to the social service. First you need to get a certificate of Chernobyl. In the future, this paper will help to receive all the prescribed benefits. To do this, you must provide the following documents:

  • Passport.
  • The document confirming the status of Chernobyl. This can be a certificate confirming residence in the accident zone, military ID with appropriate marks or any other document.
  • Applications for benefits are accepted from relatives of those killed in the accident. So, the widows of Chernobyl victims are entitled to benefits. The benefits also apply to children of families who lived in the accident zone. Even if there was only a pregnancy, then born children are entitled to allowances and benefits.

Chernobyl category 2 benefits
The state provides all kinds of support to people affected by the Chernobyl accident, their family members. To take advantage of benefits and receive benefits, you must contact the social service and fill out all the statutory payments regulated by law No. 1244-1 of 1991.

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