What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction? Examples

Literature is an indispensable part of the culture of every country. Without it, it would be impossible to exchange information, learn the latest news or study science. In all its splendor, literature appears before readers in various genres. And itโ€™s often difficult to choose which book to give preference to. Especially often such torment occurs when the reader does not know the difference between fiction and scientific literature. Well, try to help him.

It all starts with theory

Before classifying texts into fiction and scientific, it is worth arming yourself with theoretical knowledge in this area. That is, to find out what scientific and fiction is.

  • Fiction is a kind of art, the main component of which is the word.
  • Scientific literature - is a written work that was created in the course of certain studies using a certain scientific method. This type of literature is intended to provide information to scientists about the latest achievements in their field of activity.

If you look only at these definitions, it is impossible to understand what, in fact, is the difference between fiction and scientific literature, except for the target audience.

the difference between fiction and scientific

What is a style?

Therefore, it is worth exploring this issue in more detail. Fiction and scientific literature did not receive original names. The thing is that the first is created by artists, and in the second there are quite a number of formulas. It's all about the features (or, as they say, styles) of writing the text.

Style is the design of the text. This is a kind of "clothing" of the text. Speaking scientifically, style is a system of linguistic means and methods that are used to present any information. Each system and method is used in certain cases.

What is the difference between fiction and scientific? First of all, in the style of text. And if you disassemble in more detail, then you need to know about the features of the text conventions of each style.

the difference between fiction and popular science

Artistic style of speech.

This style is emotional and expressive. The author of the text mainly focuses on the display of images and emotions, which, in fact, captivates readers.

The main features of the art style:

  • The hero and storyteller in one bottle - a free display of his "I".
  • The text conveys the images, emotional background and mood of the characters.
  • The author can use many stylistic constructions in the text: homonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, obsolete words, hyperbolas, etc. The choice of verbal formulations is unlimited.
  • In a literary text, the author can apply many different styles, beautifully โ€œfittingโ€ them into the general author's syllable.
  • There is always a hidden meaning in words.

The main goal of the text in this style is to convey emotions, create a certain mood in the reader. This is the first difference between fiction and scientific.

the difference between fiction and scientific briefly

Science style

However, this is not all the hallmarks of styles. It is impossible to compare the artistic and scientific style without saying anything about the features of the content.

The main features of the scientific style :

  • The author is objective, impartial. The text includes the pronouns โ€œweโ€ or โ€œtheyโ€.
  • Lots of terminology and speech cliches. Absence or minimized use of emotionally expressive vocabulary.
  • The text is static and slow to read due to the abundance of adverbs, adjectives and nouns.
  • The text is built logically, presented sequentially, according to the theses.
  • Many introductory words that explain phenomena or concepts.

This is another difference between fiction and scientific.

A bit about popular science

Many readers tend to confuse non-fiction with non-fiction. Popular science literature is a literary text about science. It is intended for both experienced researchers and the general public. The difference between fiction and non-fiction is that the second combines the main features of the two literary styles. Here you can find images, emotions, and dry information that is frightening with formulas and terminology.

Plan and example

The difference between fiction and scientific literature is really big. To summarize everything written, it is worth giving a practical example.

The difference between fiction and scientific (examples):

  • Artistic style : โ€œThe first dawn rays were already rattling on the horizon, but nobody in the camp paid any attention to them. Each soldier was lost in thought. Someone was cleaning the barrel of an assault rifle, someone was adding the last lines of the letter, and someone was staring blankly towards the enemy. Today a decisive battle was to take place. The whole night no one could sleep a wink, and the minutes of early morning crawled like snails, until someone shouted: "It has begun!" ... "

plan for distinguishing fiction from scientific

  • Scientific style : โ€œThe Berlin offensive operation began on the morning of April 16, 1945. 9,000 Soviet guns and mortars hit German positions. In minutes, the first line of defense was destroyed. Aerial bombers attacked German artillery and headquarters. 2145 units of German military equipment were destroyed ... Germany announced its surrender on May 8, 1945. "

These two texts tell about the beginning of the Berlin offensive operation - the last battle in the Great Patriotic War. And if you make a plan: "The difference between fiction and scientific", then it will have the following form:

  1. The scientific text will always indicate:
  • exact dates and numbers;
  • list of the main active elements;
  • assessment of what is happening;
  • attention to significant points;
  • overall results;
  • figures, protocols, statements.
  1. The literary text includes:
  • impressions of what is happening;
  • a description of the place where the events take place;
  • means of expression that make the reader worry;
  • reality is painted in living pictures.

The difference between fiction and scientific examples

Even the small examples presented correspond to most of the points in the plan. The difference between fiction and scientific literature is summarized in the article. If the first is something sublime, sensual and spiritual, then the second is its direct opposite - it sets out the basic facts using complex terminology and, forgetting about the aesthetics of speech turns, stubbornly steps towards the goal. We can say that they are like heaven and earth. They are pointless to compare. However, it is impossible to imagine the world of culture both without fiction and without scientific works.

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