"Day after day" diet: reviews, results, basic rules and contraindications. Proper nutrition for weight loss at home

Every person who has at least once encountered the problem of excess weight knows that most diets are aimed at cleansing the body of excess fluid and stagnant stool. In this case, the sides, stomach, hips and buttocks remain in the same place. Not fair! "Day after day" - a diet, reviews of which eloquently testify to its effectiveness, can reduce body weight, due to the alternation of a hungry diet and normal nutrition.

What is the mechanism of weight loss?

The correct formula for losing weight looks like this - an increase in physical activity and a decrease in the daily calorie intake. As a result, the body has nowhere to take forces on motor activity, and it begins to use the very “reserves” that cause hostility in front of the mirror. Ideally, you need to minimize the daily calorie intake. It turns out that hunger is the only right decision in the fight against excess weight? Theoretically, yes, but doctors and nutritionists claim that fasting is not the best and not the safest option.

day after day diet reviews

Why does the weight stay in one place?

The thing is that Mother Nature has provided the human body with a special protective mechanism that prevents rapid weight loss. When a person begins to starve, his body literally two days later begins to realize that he is close to death, therefore, activates a protective function, the essence of which is to reduce energy consumption and slow down metabolic processes. As a result, a person’s weight seems to “freeze” at one stage.

If fasting lasts no more than 24 hours, the body does not have time to turn on the protective mechanism, which means that extra pounds still go away.

The conclusion is quite logical - fasting is good only when it lasts no more than one day. What is “Day after day” - a diet, reviews about which make sure the effectiveness of this method of losing weight? The alternation of a hungry diet with an ordinary one is the essence of a diet.

day after day diet results

Who needs a diet?

Modern girls and women lead an active lifestyle. In the morning, to study or work, a child in a kindergarten or school, in the evening to a store for shopping, it would not hurt to look at a friend and mother to visit ... It is clear that fasting for more than two days will not leave forces for the whole complex of daily plans . Yes, and eating with one grain is unlikely to allow you to enjoy a sunken belly and bruises under the eyes. Therefore, the best option for young people with an active lifestyle will be “Day after day” - a diet.

Reviews say that observing the “striped” principle of nutrition is very simple. In fact, this is the same fasting day, but with increased frequency.

Diet features

The weight loss scheme is approximately as follows:

  • Day 1 - only clean drinking water without gas (it can be consumed in unlimited quantities).
  • Day 2 - a normal diet, the calorie content of which should not exceed 2500 kcal.
  • Day 3 - repeating the “menu” of the first day.
  • Day 4 - a normal diet with reduced calories.

The alternation of hungry days takes place in any sequence - it can be 1 day of fasting and 2 days of regular food. You can try scheme 1 through 3. The bottom line is only that to lose more kilograms you need more hungry days.

How effective is the “Day after Day” diet? Reviews say that the 1: 1 scheme allows you to lose about 5 kg of excess weight during the month of such nutrition.

proper nutrition for weight loss at home

The positive qualities of a "striped" diet

The benefits are visible to the naked eye. Firstly, it is ideal for those who can not for a long time limit their diet. Secondly, the restriction of the usual menu does not affect the slowdown of metabolic processes in the body. And thirdly, the diet can reduce the amount of body fat.

The modern variety of diets allows you to experiment with your body, but the best results can be achieved using contrast nutrition. The body does not have time to adapt to a hunger strike, therefore, it does not include a protective mechanism - as a result, metabolism occurs as usual, but the excess weight disappears.

You can adhere to such a diet endlessly. The body does not suffer from a lack of glucose, protein or carbohydrates, and excess calories go away on a fasting day.

variety of diets

The rules of nutrition during the diet

It is worth focusing on the fact that proper nutrition for losing weight at home is an integral component, without which it is impossible to imagine a single diet. This means that on a typical day you can’t eat anything that comes to hand. You will have to forget about fast food and fatty foods, limit the amount of alcohol as much as possible (you can leave red wine) and try to remove sugar and products containing it.

In order to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible, you should follow the basic rules of the diet "Day after day", which will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result:

  • the last meal on a normal day should be at 18:00, not later;
  • while following the usual principles of nutrition should reduce the number of servings and their volume;
  • it is important to eat food that is easier to digest in the stomach;
  • drink as much fluid as possible.

In fact, the “striped” diet combines a limited and normal diet. This allows you to lose weight without harming the body.

Who is contraindicated in the “Day in a day” diet?

Not all diets are good and healthy - everyone knows that. In the same way, this method of unloading has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • pregnancy and lactation (future and new mothers should think about the baby, and not about the beauty of their figure);
  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are an obstacle to diet;
  • kidney stones and ureter are another contraindication.

This diet is very convenient and useful - the body gets rid of unnecessary kilograms without slowing down metabolic processes.

diet menu every other day

The result is obvious

Proper nutrition for losing weight at home is the key to a slim figure and an established metabolism. Reviews about this diet can be very diverse, and all because each person adhered to their diet. Someone conscientiously starved the whole day, and the next day, he ate everything that came to hand for both cheeks. Of course, losing 2-3 pounds with this attitude to the diet is not just impossible, but also fraught with additional centimeters in the waist and buttocks.

It is quite another thing to remember the ultimate goal and try to limit oneself even on permissible days. If the total daily calorie intake of food will vary between 1500-2000 calories, weight loss will occur in accelerated mode. So you can lose up to 10 kg in just one month.

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Food Ban

Adhering to proper nutrition, avoid the usual sweets. A bun eaten at night will remain a bun, but in a different place, even if the next 24 hours there is not even a poppy dew in the mouth. Therefore, certain rules and recommendations should be observed in the “Day in a day” mode. The diet, the results of which can be seen after two weeks, has its own dietary restrictions, which it is advisable to adhere to.

To speed up the process of losing extra pounds, you should exclude from your diet:

  • grilled meat;
  • confectionery and chocolate;
  • sweets and flour products;
  • fast food or fast food;
  • alcoholic beverages (a glass of red dry can);
  • chips, crackers, soda and the like;
  • vegetables and fruits that are high in starch.

These are best friends overweight, so their presence during the diet will be unacceptable. What remains a priority? Products that contain the maximum amount of nutrients. Raw vegetables and fruits, lean meats and cereals, a large amount of liquid.

The most important advantage and convenience of the "striped" diet

Why is the “Day in a Day” mode good? A diet whose results can be improved by combining proper nutrition with physical activity also has a psychological background. Almost all women are upset in the very first days of a limited diet - it becomes sad that you will not be able to try your favorite dishes soon. The advantage of a dotted diet is that you can eat everything, but only after a day of fasting and in less quantity.

Such a simple diet at home allows you to tolerate 24 hours, and then treat yourself to something delicious. As a result, a losing weight person does not experience psychological and physical discomfort.

Approximate diet menu “Day after day”

The beginning of the diet occurs on a hungry day. In strict mode, you can only drink bottled water - fortunately, this can be done in unlimited quantities. The next day, you can eat boiled meat and stewed vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products. As a snack, you can use nuts and dried fruits. Dinner should be no later than 18:00 - after that only a glass of water or low-fat kefir.

Normal day routine:

  1. Breakfast: kefir and boiled egg.
  2. Lunch: stewed or steamed vegetables (preferably without oil, but this is not critical).
  3. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.

The main meals can be diluted with fruits and vegetables, combine light soups with healthy cereals, supplement your diet with biologically active additives.

A dotted diet is the best option for those who want to lose weight, but can not refuse a portion of delicious pleasure. If you combine this method of nutrition with physical activity (at least 2-3 times a week), you can achieve amazing results in just one month.

who is contraindicated diet every other day

Expert opinion

All those who are striving for weight loss are interested in why a dotted diet is good. What is possible? What is impossible? When to wait for the result? Is it harmful to health?

Nutritionists argue that even the slightest deviation from the usual diet can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. Someone easily refuses sweet and starchy foods, while someone does not imagine their daily table without sweet pastries or other desserts. Someone can eat a salad, and someone needs a piece of fried meat for a full dinner. It is important to remember that any discomfort can cause irritability and nervousness. Therefore, the diet “Day after day” wins against the background of other (less sparing) diets, as it allows you not to change or limit the established principles of eating.

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