From the recommendations in the home medicine cabinet: how to get rid of constipation by someone who is already familiar with this scourge

Perhaps, for some, the appearance of constipation does not seem to be a universal problem, but those who are familiar with them will agree that working on yourself is not such a heroic act in an attempt to get rid of an "uncomfortable" disease.

How to get rid of constipation the one who once experienced this "joy"? In the piggy bank of an experienced fighter with constipation, there will probably be a lot of useful tips. First of all, such a person, of course, will try to normalize the intestines. It is incredibly difficult to do, but necessary. Each of us for the time being lives on a grand scale, justifying inattention to our own body by the fact that "once you live in the world." But there comes a time when you have to choose: a normally functioning organism and a reasonable approach to the use of the surrounding pleasures or the joy of life, but, alas, not for long.

Not everyone makes the right choice, causing trouble, first of all, to themselves and their loved ones. Probably the ancients were right, proclaiming health as the highest value. It is a pity that we come to an understanding of this wisdom too late.

So, how to get rid of constipation experienced (already experienced this problem) person?

What is constipation? This is a prolonged absence of bowel movement resulting from malnutrition, a passive lifestyle, and bowel failure. I must say that the causes of constipation are much more diverse than it might seem. So, for young children (up to graduation), psychological discomfort associated with unpleasant memories of uncomfortable bowel movements or mockery of friends, classmates or a teacher (teacher) can become a serious reason.

To get rid of constipation, you need to eliminate the cause that causes the problem. In cases with a psychological component, it is necessary to get rid of the discomfort factors, and if the guilt of constipation lies in the anatomy, you will have to fix it by medical methods. But the most common causes of constipation are more mundane.

If you have the habit of enduring, postponing a visit to the toilet, if you have to eat fast foods, and there is no time for outdoor activities, be prepared for the fact that you will soon become acquainted with constipation. At risk are also older people, whose body works much slower, and future or young mothers who often have constipation due to changes in the body (which does not exclude the above reasons).

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy? Measures to combat constipation include increasing the amount of fluid consumed, good nutrition, which should be based on fiber-rich foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. Pregnant women should spend a lot of time in the fresh air, not to forget about physical exercises and life-saving products, which will be discussed below.

If you are interested in traditional medicine, then the question of how to get rid of constipation (folk remedies are unusually diverse in this matter) can be resolved quickly enough, choosing from the abundance of recipes the most suitable for yourself.

How to get rid of constipation a fan of official medicine? Of course, with the help of drugs, of which there are a huge number, but if you do not change the habits, then it is unlikely to completely eliminate the problem.

How to get rid of constipation experienced fighter? He will begin to drink more liquid, eat at the same time intervals, will do therapeutic exercises and include life-saving products in his diet. Why saving? Because they are able to activate the stomach, soften and move stool to the exit. These products are not something unusual and supernatural, they are familiar to us from childhood and are able to protect the body from pain and unpleasant consequences of malfunctions in the intestines.

So what are these lifesaving foods?

These are herring, honey, melon, syrups, sweet fruits, (they attract liquid to the intestines); beets, radishes, cabbage, carrots, prunes (irritate the intestines and increase motor activity); kvass, beer, ice cream, cool water (affect the nerve endings of the stomach); kefir, beetroot soup, fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt (can change the chemical composition of the intestinal contents).

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