The musical “Voices of the big country”. Vocalists

Comedy Club resident Tahir Mammadov was the author of the musical film, uniting all the participants in the music show. The project "Voices of the Big Country", vocalists who lost in the television show "Voice", turned into an enchanting spectacle, a real concert for their fans.

Short storyline

The main character of the television music show Lena (Alena Toymintseva), after losing in the finals herself, was truly disappointed. Now the winner travels across the boundless expanses of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, and the girl, returning home, moonlighting in a cafe. One fine day, fate brings the main character with Andrei, who dreams of staging a musical based on the works of Shakespeare, and so far has successfully managed the management of the music store. Hearing Elena’s singing, subdued by the heroine’s talent, Andrei (Andrei Grizzly) immediately offers her to play the role of Juliet in her author's musical.

voices of a big country actors


“Voices of the Big Country” - the film, which became the second in the asset of Mammadov, who directed the previously uncomplicated comedy “Women Against Men”. Purely formal, the project is a romantic production musical about backstage intrigues and passions about an amateur production of a music show. According to eminent film critics, the storyline of the film is so meager, implausible and arbitrary that it can hardly be taken seriously. However, what remains to be done for those participants of the Voice show who impressed the public but did not win? Arrange the final group concert. Farewell gift to everyone who was worried, worried and rooting for them.

voices of a big country movie

The plot twists and turns as an eyeliner to musical numbers

And the scenario and the conditional storyline are needed only so that in “Voices of the Big Country” the actors-ex-participants of “Voices” could more or less associate their numerous numbers. Therefore, it is unlikely that any of the viewers will have feelings for the fate of the main character, at the moment when she loses her job. In the cinema, this is not a tense moment, but a prologue to the subsequent musical composition “Saw the Night”, performed on the streets of the night-time Belokamennaya. Even an attack on the rape of the main character at the climax of the picture is nothing more than an eyeliner to the “unpredictable” (actually absolutely predictable) change of vocalist in the final scene of the musical. And the incident is presented in such a way that you are not at all afraid of the character. This is how the musical film “Voices of a Big Country” appears before the viewer.

andrey grizzly


All the vocalists involved in the project in their places and their game does not look like a cheap skit. The types coincided, which means casting was a success. Alena Toymintseva, Anton Belyaev, who acted as co-producer of the musical, the aforementioned A. Grizzly, Yegor Sesarev and Tina Kuznetsova are doing the same as in the TV show “Voice” - appear in front of the beholder in stylish outfits and with professional skill and exciting inspiration they fulfill their beloved ones public songs. In order to make it more pleasant to watch the action, the vocalists in almost every performance are accompanied by a masterfully staged dance. The only unexpected surprise from the director can be considered the choice of Yegor Sesarev for the role of antagonist. His character, charming for the time being, is a real narcissistic fool. Revealing his character to the viewer, Yegor, adding half-tones to the typical image, made his role very distinctive among the others in the film “Voices of a Big Country”. Actors-colleagues in the workshop were delighted with the skill of transforming the performer.

Tina Kuznetsova

No fresh hits

In general, “Voices of a Big Country” is a film, like “Old Songs about the Essentials”, an action built around the performance by vocalists of popular compositions, such as “Heart to Heart”. There are no new hits in the musical. Some viewers expressed regret that the performers sang about the same songs, which did not allow such vocalists as Belyaev or Toimintseva to reveal themselves in their trump genres. Alena, for example, became the winner of the American country performers championship, but she does not sing anything in this genre in Voices of a Big Country. Therefore, by the end of viewing the picture, individual viewers may have the feeling that Toymintseva sings the worst. Although the vocalist just does not play her own music. And since the girl is not only a performer of the role of the main character, but also the main vocalist, her “lack of grasp” can ruin the whole impression of the production.

“Voices ...” is not “Voice”

The musical television show "Voice" captivated the spirit of competition, intrigue and acquaintance of the public with unknown talented singers. In the musical of Mamedov, according to the evaluation of censors, there is neither one nor the other, so the film was supposed to try to impress, surprise with music, originality of presentation of the material and so on. But the creators of the project went the opposite way, offering a wide audience what is defined by experts as "academic performance of academic hits." Star charisma is evident, professionalism is beyond doubt, but there is not a drop of intrigue - neither musical nor plot.

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