How to expect mom to choose a maternity hospital? The best maternity hospitals in Moscow

Pregnancy and childbirth is a joyful but responsible process, so many women are worried about the choice of a hospital in the first weeks of pregnancy. To choose the right clinic, you need to pay attention to many factors.

What should be considered when choosing a hospital?

The best maternity hospitals in Moscow offer their services in the pre- and postpartum period, but the expectant mother when choosing a clinic should pay attention to the list of requirements that are of the greatest importance.

  1. which maternity hospital in Moscow is better
    In Russia, every woman has the right to free birth. It is important to decide in a paid or public clinic you want to give birth. Commercial centers are not always equipped with modern equipment and have highly qualified personnel, which means that a pregnant woman is not guaranteed a superclass service in such a hospital. The municipal clinic has the necessary equipment and working personnel, so you should not spend money on expensive deliveries.
  2. You should pay attention to how the children's department is equipped in the selected clinic and how newborns are treated in it. The best source of information is seasoned women in labor. From young mothers you can learn about the best maternity hospitals in Moscow, reviews about their work.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the territorial location of the future hospital. A pregnant woman should understand that childbirth can begin at any time, and the further the clinic is located, the higher the risk of not having time to get there before the process begins.
  4. Are there any additional services in the chosen maternity hospital: the possibility of finding the father of the unborn child during childbirth, the presence of paid anesthesia, the possibility of choosing a convenient posture for childbirth, and other points.

What you need to know about the hospital?

Even if the selected clinic belongs to the category β€œThe best maternity hospitals in Moscow”, a pregnant woman should talk with the head doctor to find out the main points:

  • about the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the clinic;
  • about the number of places in the maternity and post-delivery departments;
  • about the need to purchase drugs;
  • whether the clinic has an intensive care unit;
  • methods of pain relief in the hospital;
  • delivery methods in the clinic: traditional, delivery in water, partnership, vertical;
  • Is it possible for a mother to be together with her baby?

what is the best maternity hospital in Moscow

It should be analyzed in which maternity hospital in Moscow it is better to look after newborns and young mothers after childbirth. It is better to choose 2-3 clinics and compare their characteristics.

Paid Maternity Hospital: Standard Set of Services

If the expectant mother wants to give birth exclusively in a paid clinic, she should know what services they offer. The best maternity hospitals in Moscow and private centers often have a standard set of services:

  • which hospital is better in Moscow
    examination by a doctor of a future woman in labor before concluding a contract;
  • individual birth process;
  • the ability to lead a partner birth;
  • joint stay of the baby and mother in the superior room;
  • if necessary - hospitalization in the pathology department;
  • the ability to visit the newborn and mother with close relatives;
  • teaching a young mother the basics of caring for a baby.

Most paid clinics provide the opportunity for a joint stay of a newfound father in the ward with mom and child.

Which is better: joint or separate stay of mother and baby?

Disputes are still being held regarding the joint stay of the mother and the newborn. But pregnant women, in the question of which hospital is better in Moscow, pay attention to this very moment. Most maternity hospitals have chosen the scheme of joint stay of mother and child in the postpartum period. The advantages of such a joint location include:

  • decreased intensity of postpartum depression,
  • Faster breastfeeding,
  • improved lactation
  • the infant is less exposed to hospital infections because it does not come into contact with other children.

The main advantage of a joint stay is that mom learns to look after the baby from the first minutes of his life, which adds to her greater confidence in the future.

best maternity hospital moscow reviews

Separate finding of mother and newborn is practiced in several clinics. And it has only one incomparable advantage - the newly minted mother can take a break from the baby and recover after the birth shock, because the baby is brought to the ward only for feeding.

When to go to the clinic?

The best maternity hospitals in Moscow do not always live up to expectations if they are located away from home. After all, to get there, you need to spend a lot of time, during which the contractions can significantly increase.

You should go to the hospital if:

  • the waters have departed;
  • intense contractions appeared.

In these cases, it is better not to use public transport, but to call the delivery service, which works in Moscow around the clock.

The expectant mother should prepare the necessary things for the hospital. It is better to do this in advance (1 month before delivery). A woman in labor should not forget about the exchange card and other necessary documents.

List of the best maternity hospitals in Moscow

Maternity clinics are evaluated according to three main criteria:

  • professionalism of doctors;
  • the possibility of the presence of the father of the child during childbirth;
  • the presence of a joint stay of mother and baby.

Moscow's best maternity hospital

This list allows you to analyze what is the best maternity hospital in Moscow to choose a future mother.

List of maternity hospitals that occupy high places in the ranking:

  • No. 4 of the South-Western Administrative Okrug (Moscow);
  • No. 6 TsAO (Moscow);
  • No. 17 CAO (Moscow);
  • No. 25, South-Western Administrative Okrug (Moscow);
  • Moscow Perinatal Center ;
  • Sechenov Clinic.

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