Travel agency "Eclecticism". Contribution to the culture and development of the city of St. Petersburg

travel agency eclecticism
Travel agency "Eclectic" has been successfully operating in the tourism industry market for more than twenty years. Created in the early nineties of the last century, at such a turbulent time for the country, the company managed to conquer its segment of the tourist services market. Such an impressive experience speaks about the professionalism of employees and the uniqueness of the services provided. Travel agency "Eclectic" is located in the city of St. Petersburg and is mainly engaged in the organization of copyright bus tours in St. Petersburg, cities of Russia and Europe. Demand for her services is extremely high.

Author routes

"Eclecticism" is a travel agency, the tours of which are deservedly popular among Petersburgers and visitors. Experienced professional guides provide a group of tourists with a lot of useful and interesting information, acquaint with historical facts. In addition, it should be noted the presence on the basis of the company of comfortable buses and professional drivers. It is best to get acquainted with the sights of St. Petersburg, turning to the guides from "Eclecticism". All multifaceted work begins with the selection of the tour and the organization of the trip, the formation of the group and the selection of the author's excursion program. All these questions are put in a company at a high professional level.

eclectic travel agency tours


"Eclecticism" - a travel agency is not quite ordinary. A wide range of its activities includes the publication at its own expense of a children's historical magazine called "Bus". This unique print publication publishes materials about culture, music, history, architecture, interesting and informative facts, interviews with outstanding cultural figures of our time. This expresses concern for the younger generation, its cultural and moral education. In addition, the Eclectic travel agency publishes a series of books about St. Petersburg, guidebooks on the cultural capital, and photo albums. Among other things, the company finances literary contests.

Teach beginners

Travel agency "Eclectic" successfully conducts courses of guides. The best graduates are invited to work in "Eclecticism", and subsequently become the authors of unique excursion programs on famous architectural and historical monuments.


eclectic travel agency

The travel agency was entrusted with conducting excursions as part of significant cultural events in St. Petersburg. Also in the track record of "Eclecticism" is the organization of excursions around St. Petersburg for senior and famous guests of the city.

The head of the company for a long time is Igor Voevodsky. He is known as a cultural figure in St. Petersburg. He maintains his blog, speaks to the media, and conducts research.

Thus, the Eclectic travel agency is unique in its kind, because, in addition to its main activity, it makes a huge contribution to the cultural life of St. Petersburg. This is expressed in close cooperation with museums, as well as in charity and educational activities. So we wish Eclectic further success, good luck and prosperity!

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