"Euroclinic" on Krasnaya Presnya, 21: reviews, list of services

The Euroclinic Center on Krasnaya Presnya 21 is positioned as a beauty salon with some medical services. Clients are offered cosmetic procedures for the face and body, as well as preventive and recovery measures for the spine, joints and veins.


Beauty salon "Euroclinic" is located on the street. Krasnaya Presnya, 21. Visitors are provided with a wide range of cosmetic and therapeutic procedures according to international quality standards. The modern equipment of the center allows you to cope with many problems such as cellulite, a second chin, withering skin and much more in a short time.

The staff of the clinic consists of professionals in the field of cosmetology, physiotherapy, osteopathy and other specialties. In addition to services in the field of the beauty industry, visitors to the center can receive preventive and rehabilitation treatment of the spine, joints, blood vessels. The salon offers one of the leading services - professional massage according to indications or general health.

euroclinic on red presny 21 reviews


The Euroclinic company (Moscow) offers the following procedures and services:

  • Phlebology (varicose veins, lymphedema, thrombophlebitis, etc.).
  • Dietology (individual consultations, selection of a program, etc.).
  • Trichology (chromology, molecular treatment, injection treatment, peeling, acupressure, etc.).
  • Joint treatment with plasmolifting (arthrosis, osteochondrosis, ligament damage, bone atrophy, etc.).
  • Massage (visceral, anti-cellulite, certain zone, therapeutic, etc.).
  • Cosmetology (plasmolifting, carboxytherapy, mesotherapy, phonophoresis, biorevitalization, etc.).
  • Treatment of the spine (kinesiology, osteopathy, massage, etc.).
  • Correction of a figure (hardware, injection, massage methods).
  • Contour plastic surgery according to the author’s technique.
  • Laboratory tests.

Gift certificates

General impressions

Euroclinic on Krasnaya Presnya, 21 received positive reviews from visitors for the cleanliness, courtesy of the staff, and attention to each client. It is noted that specialists are very careful in diagnosing the disease and skin condition. Based on research and laboratory analysis, doctors issue a verdict and build a therapy strategy. Most of the clients are women and appeals correspond to the main profile of the institution. Cosmetology, trichology, therapeutic massages are areas where visitors get the best results in a fairly short time.

The Euroclinic on Krasnaya Presnya received 21 reviews with negative reviews for its high prices, the difficulty of getting a valid price in hand, and also for persistent persuasion by the administration and doctors to pay for software services.

beauty salon euroclinic


Euroclinic (LLC - a limited liability company) offers customers procedures with modern equipment. Center equipment includes:

  • Vacuum-roller massage of the face and body using the Perfect-1000 apparatus. The procedure reduces the appearance of cellulite, models the contours of the body, provides face lifting, improves blood circulation in the deeper layers of the skin, stimulates cell regeneration, promotes relaxation, reduces striae and scars, relieves swelling, etc.
  • Equipment for peeling PowerPeel ES-921A. The device allows you to successfully fight wrinkles, conduct lymphatic drainage sessions, cleanse the skin, increase the tone of the muscles of the face, lightens age spots and freckles. Also, its use is indicated in the treatment of diseases of the scalp and hair.
  • The pressotherapy device GT-9102 helps to cope with such problems as local fat deposits, edema, impaired lymph circulation, sagging skin, venous insufficiency of a chronic course. Another area of ​​use is the prevention of thrombosis and varicose veins.
  • The es-t4 laser lipolysis apparatus is used for procedures to reduce and eliminate local type of fat deposits - on the buttocks, abdomen, hips, etc. Its use is indicated for the complex treatment of obesity, cellulite and as a combination laser therapy in combination with other methods.
  • Radio-frequency lifting on the ES-R7 device (elimination of acne scars, improvement of complexion, increase in skin turgor, anti-aging therapy, etc.).
  • Cosmetic multifunctional combine ES-E6A. With its help, cryotherapy, microdermabrasion, ultrasonic peeling, bio-lifting, etc.

Euroclinic Moscow

Gifts for loved ones

Euroclinic provides a wide range of services and most of them, according to visitors, bring undoubted benefits. For those customers who want to bring a little care to the life of their near and dear ones, the administration of the center offers to purchase gift certificates of two denominations with a list of available services, namely:

  • A certificate worth 5 thousand rubles includes gas-liquid peeling of the scalp, pressotherapy and ultrasonic facial cleansing.
  • A certificate for 10 thousand rubles will provide the owner with a chromotherapy procedure for the scalp, lipolaser, diamond peeling combined with mass care and general body massage.

The services stated in the certificates are much more expensive if purchased separately. The administration guarantees the excellent performance of all procedures within the next 3 months from the moment of their acquisition, with a later appeal gift certificates are canceled.

Euroclinic Moscow

Positive service reviews

Women, in the desire to maintain health and beauty, are ready to apply the most innovative methods, and often they justify themselves. “Euroclinic” on Krasnaya Presnya, 21 received positive reviews for full consultations at the initial appointment with a specialist, a wide range of services offered. Some patients claim that they have significantly improved complexion due to injection procedures, peels and massages.

There are also reviews from those who take courses of rehabilitation procedures for the back. They believe that the masseurs of the center work wonders, thanks to their professional work, many women felt much better - the stiffness of movements disappeared, the excess weight went away, and the swelling disappeared.

Many patients underwent thread lifting and 3D mesothreading in the clinic. Reviews about the effectiveness were divided - some believe that a metamorphosis occurred on the face, wrinkles disappeared, and the face oval became clearer. And part of the patients felt that they gave the clinic money - they did not see any result.

euroclinic ooo

Negative reviews

Many women considered themselves to be victims of the Euroclinic company on Krasnaya Presnya, 21. Reviews talk about unpleasant practices that the institution’s management does not disdain. In the reviews it is written that women are invited by phone to a free procedure, an important condition for the visit is a passport and age over 29 years. Some ladies after much persuasion agree to pleasant speeches and the opportunity to test previously unknown services.

Once in the clinic, most ladies allowed secretaries to make copies of their passports and signed an agreement on supposedly free procedures. In fact, it turned out that the services consist only in an interview with the doctor, during which it turned out that the skin and health of the client are in poor condition. In this connection, the specialist offered a set of procedures lasting at least six months with payment this second.

Of course, most visitors did not have such amounts available, and therefore they were asked to get a loan directly at the clinic, since the representatives of these organizations are in the next room and are ready to sign all the necessary papers. Some women agreed, but subsequently very regretted that they succumbed to the entreaties of the managers of the Euroclinic company. The prices for services in the center are high, and most patients have not been able to get most of the procedures, because either the clinic stopped working or the quality dropped sharply after 3-5 sessions. And loans had to be paid long after the disappearance of the center.

euroclinics prices

Merciless marketing

To attract customers, there is another way that the management of LLC Euroclinic on Krasnaya Presnya, 21. The reviews say that potential visitors are invited to become a “mystery shopper” in order to check the quality of the center’s services, calls are received from an outside organization, but the development of further events leads to the signing of credit securities.

Also, the center uses a trick inviting for secret testing in order to later get on television as a guest of the Health program, sometimes mentioning the name of Malysheva, but in the end, the result should be a loan to pay for clinic services. Another way to attract customers to the center is to provide services after writing a positive review on the Internet sites, most often leaving a review, the patient is offered a comprehensive service with a credit line from the bank.

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